>tfw living in the whitest nation on earth
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You're the reason we have daily Poland hate threads
Italians are better than other humans.
>whiter than you, LeBron
the biggest amount of foreigners in special need schools in germany are italians. think about it.
> Poland
> White
Dude please. Im not even gonna bring up migration numbers. Do you even read the news that our gov agrees for another massive batch of Indian migrants? They already brought Bollywood here,
>thinking calling someone the best ahtlete in history is an insult
nice job toilet cleaner
albanian cockroach
>mfw achmed comes out with the bantz
You are living in America? Are you in Poland for a visit?
>what is Estonia
show flag
Poland supreme.
>tfw all the prostitutes on the streets of italy are polish
At least you admit poles are asiatics mongrels.
Please, stop, you'll make krauts jealous. You know what happens then.
If there are any young polish girls in this thread wondering if they are wanted in britain please come
T. Racist small minded little englander
Everyone loves young polish girls, its the pakis and romanians we cant stand
polish women are slaves to the italian cock
>my people thought those people are a subhuman threat to civilization
Proud to be a polska mutt. Germano-Slavic Hybrids are the true masterrace however.
I'm Indian and love white women
i request kasia
This thread was so good, we'll make it again
Polish women are slaves to all cocks except for Polish cock
Tbh it was a diplomacy fail, Poles thought England and France is going to defend them.
Hitler liked Pilsudski and probably thought that most Poles are salvagable, we should've just concede right away like France and Czechs, we would at least have our old buildings and art.
She has perfect pure skin!
Very aristocratic.
>italian cock
but italians are all gay. 100%
i don't even know how you multiply
enjoy the scum, no polish women want to go to the UK anymore because of all the shitskins you've taken in. Loads of poles are moving back. The UK meme died when Poland's economy took off and you started committing mass self-genocide
polish wife is my dream. wonna come to portugal?
Portugese Satan, your request is granted
>hail moloch
>hanged in school toilets
atleast she died in the homeland of her people
Your women look good, what are you complaining about?
>killing yourself
>not moving back to your ancestral homeland
I’m eateing chips.
She did. she hung herself near a toilet.
>what are you complaining about?
need more white genes Agneshka
come to your Joao
>average american woman
Women are emotional, don't try to apply logic. If her environmnent convinced her she's jewish rape baby who can only clean toilets and deserves to die, and bullied her over that day by day, then she just went with her emotions.
She's sitting impatiently, waiting to return to Chang's apartment to ride his golden curtain rod
Every nordcuck/slav woman wants a sovthern evropean to please her in bed.
This image excludes Poland.
Italians are manlets lol.
dude why do you watch this
My polish gf loves my italian sausage you baby face slavnigger
Who the fuck travels to Kenya for women?
Criminally underrated
its about female sex tourists, Tomasz.
>being this mad
Nice fanfiction you have there.
nigger you are gonna pay for such atrocity i swear to god you will regret this 1000-fold
It's time to build the wall.
In the huwhite ethnostate, we will have the nigger channel.
Hear me out it's not what you're thinking. Instead of BET showing welfare niggers hooting and hollering and doing degenerate shit with the gibs money, it will be filmed like a nature documentary of how they are now living in the savage lands without a white tax base supporting them. Much cannibalism and AIDS niggers will be featured. It will be paid for by the white government to be both entertainment and a reminder why we will not be letting them in.
Ah, nvm, I'm retarted...
Who the fuck travels to East Asia for men?
white women, sadly.
Reminder that it is literally actually impossible to be white if you don't live within 20 miles of the Great Lakes.
you are being rude Cinzano. stop acting like a fucking nigger
Gladly, you mean. They love it.
white men
he called italians manlets you moor.
Only Jews make comments dividing whites amongs themselves. Polish, Italians, British, Germans, Finns are ALL WHITE. Period.
>he says this while larping with a Nazi flag
>yet he doesn't realize that Estonians are Aryan enough that Hitler wanted to incorporate them into the Reich
We wuz kangz, our women are the best, battle of Viena, Berlin is Ours!
both of these posters yeesh wtf
Go kill yourself Pajeet, you unhygienic mongrel. You are a literal shit stain on the fabric of society. India is the colon cancer of the world, and is in need of dire eradication.
post feet pls
Serious question, why do some poles look like schwarty turk shitskins and then some look like fair light Europeans? I work alot in the petro industry so i see alotta poles and its something i noticed.
Pic related
>Only Jews make comments dividing whites amongs themselves. Polish, Italians, British, Germans, Finns are ALL WHITE. Period.
Jews and polaks are the best!
how old is this chart? also source? im legit curious
Jeez dude.
>tfw living in the whitest nation on earth
>Still a shithole
We've got a lot of cleaning up to do still to make it nigger free, but we'll get there user, we'll get there.
>Jews are the best
Never before have I wished a more painful method of suicide on someone. Throw yourself under a bus please
Agreed. Yet each fucking day instead of doing or discussing something constructive people keep falling for shills and argue over that stupid shit.
I'm afraid those are kike genes...
I don't know actually. I wouldn't be surprised if it's from something that got taken down for showing (((problematic))) information
Kurwa, nie wierzę, jebanych brudasow z bangladeszu I indii beda do polski sprowadzac.
Mam nadzieje ze ciapatym nie beda dawac prawa pobytu stalego tylko wizy pracownicze na 5/10 lat I kopa w dupe na pozegnanie
Plus. May be because Internet is full of retards? When I was in Holland and Belgium no one said to me that I am vodkanigger/"fucking slav(e) etc. Everyone were polite, also I made friends with some people. But when I open threads on Sup Forums I see something like: "slavs are not white", "pure mongoloid genes", "rape babies" abd so one. Unfortunately it is not a trolling.
This is true.
Why is your government becoming more authoritarian and dissolving the courts with political appointees and slow regressing back towards communism to the point that the EU is about to cut funding over that issue and it has nothing to do with immigration?
i unironically like poles ,but there are so many poles that have a deep hatred against germans so all i get from them is insults. Kurwa i just want both our nations to flourish and have no niggers
It's not trolling ,it's divide et impera, if they can make us fight over who's the whitest, we won't sit down and discuss shit that needs to be discussed. We won't gather and make a peacefull world ,full of proud nations, where whites have well fought right to exist. They're afraid of this board, a lot of people learned the truth here, so now they try to fight us. I think at this point we should try to find a way to fight it back.
much more complex than that, previous government pushed their judges to block anything current one comes up with. There's no leaning towards communism, EU doesn't like us fighting for our own interests.
>Plus. May be because Internet is full of retards? When I was in Holland and Belgium no one said to me that I am vodkanigger/"fucking slav(e) etc.
No need
>Everyone were polite, also I made friends with some people.
>But when I open threads on Sup Forums I see something like: "slavs are not white", "pure mongoloid genes", "rape babies" abd so one. Unfortunately it is not a trolling.
But that is the truth, ruskies where overrun, raped by mongols for almost 300 years, that is representative in your savage national character.
Russians are good soldiers, mafia, drunkards... Whores... Kangz in the other words.
I want to buy a qt gf from Poland. How much?
I wonder how does she sound when she moans. I'll never find out. Feelsbadman.
jakub, i love poland but I think we have beat when it comes to whitest country on earth.