I fucked your waifu user... and she liked it heh

>I fucked your waifu user... and she liked it heh.

how do you respond?

literally who

>tell me your secret, how do you intercourse with 2d ?

Well, most people tend to enjoy masturbating, so that's not a surprise.

how does her power work?

Fuck her to get back at her. Then fuck my waifu.

they just do


She baits you into talking shit. Then you get hit.

Someone has to respond to her lie with something that can be construed as a falsehood.

it's a weird translation, it's more "a lie on top of a lie"

my dick

So she didn't fuck your waifu, and your waifu was displeased by that?

Is this an NTR trick queston?

How the hell do you fuck yourself?

You didn't fuck me.

"Good stuff. But your choice of image is more off-putting than infuriating or smug. It just makes the bait kind of strange and confusing, and makes me feel like this is just an excuse to talk about an anime i'm not familiar with. But if you work on it a little more, i'm sure you'll have something really amazing to work with. I'm proud of you."

Waifu her.
Say she didn't.

All of a sudden she feels a compelling need to fuck herself and dislikes that she hasn't done it yet.
Starts masturbating in front of you.

>thighs pinched by the stockings

You will swear fealty to my cock.

It's not cheating if it's with a girl, so who cares.


Typically. Skinny characters like this doesn't do much for me.
But I suppose it's her overwhelming confidence that makes her so charismatic. I feel like it compensates for how she is almost bones on legs.

>no name in subject or filename
Kill yourself.

I highly doubt that- my waifu is faithful

It's honestly not that complicated.

Heh. Somebody post the /fit/ lesbian cuckoldry image.

Fuck off generalfag, this isn't a Re:Creators™ thread, this is a Sharkteeth thread.


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Literally the way to beat her power

Then why post this:

>believing that garbage


>Kch chchch

Why does she laugh like that?

Man, that game looks like shit.

Literally worse character...
>read her source
>know her power
>is now literally just a schoolgirl
Yes I know the characters won't read her stuff and spend eat too much effort and sacrifices before they discover what she can do

I don't know who did that or why, but regardless of the OPs intention, there's no reason why we can't have a thread just about her. Man, this board really is going to shit if people can't comprehend not talking about a show in it's general.

Has a dream a couple of hours ago she was a trap. Puffy man nips and all.


For what purpose?

>there's no reason why we can't have a thread just about her
While I agree with you. This thread being linked from the other thread first, this close to when the episode aired. Just means this thread is doomed to just be the next talkback thread.

THATS A LIE! wait a second


Calm downs guts, if you'll look closer you'll see this is actually just a highschool girl.

is that girl an apostle ?

>that waist

to fuck your waifu

Is perfect?

explain her power


">" isn't only for quoting

It just works.

>haha I'm so retarded
>fuck off retard
>jokes on you I was only pretending, now get eaten by a demon

>how do you respond?

>You filmed it, right? Because if not, your honor-bound to let be join in next time.

I'm not sure what happens next, but I'm fairly sure she doesn't have an easy out.

She turns a previous statement of yours into a lie if you lie to her. (An absolute statement on something you are not 100% sure on is a lie)

so she turns a lie into a lie?

>how do you respond?
Did you find out about the syphilis before or after you fucked her?

>Says Alice will stab herself
>Alice says she wouldn't do that because it's retarded
>It's not a certainty

so she stretches the definition of lie to anything that can be doubted?

I'm not entirely sure, that's how I gathered it works so far

>Says she wrote something in the book
>Store owner says she's making shit up
>Something is actually written in there

>Scribbles say he will be attacked by a thing
>Store owner is like wtf is this shit
>Gets attacked by thing

What a mysterious power

well thats fucking bullshit

you can only respond with the cogito

So her weakness is just to ignore her?

What's this from?

No, she gets her enemy to say an absolute statement.
An absolute statement has no grey area, so if it isn't 100% right, it's wrong
If a character knowingly says an absolute statement they can't absolutely know, they lie


Seems that way, if you just stay silent and start beating the shit out of her, you win.


You better have recorded that. I'll be expecting the video in my mailbox tomorrow.

what if you say something vague

You'd think Lancer would be perfect for that role with only needing "muh justice" but even she got baited into responding.
No one ever shuts up so sharkteeth may as well be the strongest character.

pretty concise assessment right here


Why does this show try to take itself seriously, it's just really really corny and tone deaf.
The action scenes are absolutely horrible as well

I want to steal a kiss from the smile, she is so cute.