Why are commies such fucking Chads all the time?

I hate the ideology, but I don't understand why commies are such fucking studs most of the time? There's a commie kid at my college who looks just like Stalin except with thick rimmed glasses. He gets more pussy in a week than I get in my entire life. What's the fucking deal with this shit? Anyone got an explanation?

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haha what a DORK

>I hate the ideology
Then why are you using commie-meme flag?

is this really wat cummiepol has resorted to?

Most "leaders" are "attractive" in some way because followers are weak retards

Untrue for right-wingers

I've noticed that 'politically active' people in general are sort of weird looking


>commie flag says commies get all the pussy

shill elsewhere

Because they know they'll be the ones in power and won't have to be subject to the disastrous system they make. Lots of sociopaths are good-looking, dude. People, especially women, love the idea of egalitarianism, because they're idiots, so if you have the power to make it happen people will love you.

Tell me you don't want to be in his ethnostate.
Oh that's right, you're not allowed.

what do you mean´

pick one

I just got back from the first day of the new semester and I am THE ONLY MALE in any of my classes that doesn't speak with an upward inflection or sit cross legged, and this is true without one single exception whatsoever. I am totally blown away. It was like I Blues Clues'd my way into a Sup Forums comic and was living some soyboy meme firsthand. Even the guys who didn't seem like homosexuals otherwise were acting this way.

I saw a few people with communist buttons on their gay fabric shoulder bags and they were EASILY the most feminine with limp wrists and colored hair and disgusting infected facial piercings. I seriously considered for a moment that somebody was playing a prank on me because it was all so unanimous and blatant.

I've seen so many communists in my university and not one of them even seemed traditionally masculine, let alone Chad-tier.

really, what do you mean?

Damn, Che looks so fucking much like that ugly, toothless mutt from Stranger Things.

It's not just me, is it? Y'all see it, too?

Hello gomrades! Whi are gommies sush chads?!? XD

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism aggording to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

>Sdage four
Nod real gommunism. Move on to nexd goundry :DDDDDDD

that's not Stalin but a fake propaganda picture

>I seriously considered for a moment that somebody was playing a prank on me because it was all so unanimous and blatant.
This is just every day now



Jag skall knulla era fruar såsom jag knullar mitt land.

Its Che

That's not Shitstalin.

>And suddenly Sup Forums becomes communist.

Fuck I love this pasta.

OP just got his shit BOGGED in

I genuinely laugh every time it's posted

Talking about chads.

the first pic is usually used as like it was of Stalin

helicobter rides are too merciful for the gommunist sgum

*teleports to your flank*
*unsheathes 17 pounder*
nothing personnel, Jerry


it's like sending a toddler to fight a sumo wrestler
>you know its sort of cruel against the Sherman

Pretty sure the stalin one is edited because he had bad acne and che looks like a faggot


>If only peace were an option.

*blocks your path

Jugashvili looks like a queer

Case in point

unfortunately that is what happened to Wittman, his tiger was shot in the side by a firefly and it detonated the ammo rack

very few people speak arabic around here.

I know, so keep speaking English, moor

They do well with women (especially campus women) because of their socialist politics, which aligns well with most women.

They can easily make friends with women due to this and there are also a disproportionate amount of women in such groups. From there it's just a matter of fucking them.

No one would follow a commie leader to the grave unless they were manly men.
You gonna trust someone like bernie sanders when he says to go fight and die for the motherland? There's a reason he's just a socialist and not a full blown communist.

Sherman Firefly was an American Sherman with an attached 17 pounder Anti-Tank weapon, it was one of the few tanks that could pierce most German Armour.

This is how real chads look like

Why do you lie user?

Che was more of a national socialist

stalin was a wimpy little man that looked like a roach


>so chad the only way they can convince people to follow them is offering a single alternative, death
yeah no fuck off soyboy

is the tank that shot it survived or was it some anti-tank device?
they both look like they just come out of a gay bar
>he doesn't know that all the chads fought for the axis and only virgins and fagots forth for the allies so their women stop having instant orgasms as the think of the axis soldiers

100% tatar

>Che was more of a national socialist
no, just no.


>meme flag
>most commies were kikes
>thinks commies are chad
t. kike

They aren't. There's only ever been like four chad commies but those are the ones who are always pushed.

Pinochet was the ultimate chad



kek well done swede

>*lenin looks at you and autistically screeches
>Moooooooooooooom the evil roach used the nono word

Chads destroy society manlets and uggos are the ones that build it. Only a permma virgin can truly see whats wrong in the world. From my knowledge the tallest person to build a nation was george Washington at 5'9, Hitler was 5'8 Napolean... Well you get the idea.

*blocks your path*

"I heard you were talking shit about Communism."

What do you do Sup Forums?

>"Science Confirms: Conservatives Are Better Looking"

What is the one on the right doing. I can feel energy in my mind and channelling through my third eye when I look at him.

5'7" isnt manlet status when the average height of the time is 5'2"


so youre saying you need a rundown?

the problem with German tanks is that they couldn't make enough of them. Russian tanks were shitty mass produced pieces of junk that won just because they had the numbers and British and american tanks we good all around with Americans being really easy to fix take the M 10 for example you could fix the entire transmission in a couple of hours while germans were complicated and very hard to fix.

Watching this manlet fight anyone over 6 feet was fucking hilarious back in the day

>average height of the time is 5'2"
No it wasnt not in France at least. Napoleon was by all accounts much shorter in stature than his peers.

>fucked his way into nobility
>killed some Commie in broad daylight
>women refused to prosecute him because he was too handsome
>went out scotch-free

>5'5" manlet
>looks like a chinese man mixed with a pitbull
>5'6" manlet
>looked like a walrus and only counter-evidence is a fake picture
>Greasy looking and can't grow a proper beard
>Red-pilled on blacks
That last point is the only one I can give him

>Kim family
>Short, ugly, and not very intelligent

>Mao Zedong
>fat chink

Sorry, but no.

These were the soyboys of their time, most men held themselves together much better. The real question is... why the fuck have men become increasingly less masculine over the century?

Fucking same. I feel something like an electric buzz in the middle of my forehead.

Just for telekinesis. I'm bog pilled on panspermia and the Obelisk.

Chink-looking baby face and a half-receded hairline at 25. Must have been a nightmare being him at that age.

>meme flag
>one post by this id


that's a damn good head of hair he had.

They never identified the tank that destroyed Wittman's. Wittman was engaged in a battle with several Shermans (which he was winning), when a shell fired from a concealed position off to his flank hit the ammo rack and caused a large explosion which killed everyone inside and even blew the turret clean off. The shell likely came in from 500-1500 meters away, and the damage was consistent with the 17 pounder gun mounted in a British Sherman Firefly. The allies didn't even know they had killed Wittman until several days later when the wreckage was investigated and they saw Wittman's tank number on the dislodged turret. Whichever British tank crew did it probably never even realized it.

So they can seize the means of reproduction, of course.

Any other anons feel this weird as fuck sensation in the middle of their forehead when they look at the guy on the right, or is it just the two of us?

The old school communists were more manly because they came from dirt poor countries where peasants were exploited by an ultra rich/corrupt aristocracy (not that I have anything against aristocracy mind you). It's the old saying, hard times create strong men. That's why the communists of today are so weak compared to their predecessors. They aren't really revolutionaries, they're whining rotters who have nothing better to do than bitch about being "oppressed" by white men while larping as revolutionaries.
This speech by Mosley puts it pretty well as to why some people get pulled in by communism:

>Kim family
nigga whaaat?

>Pre 1968 citizens
That´s why. Doesn´t matter if leftists or not.

His ideas fucked an entire empire and half of europe 20 years later...


Stalin had a scary movie 2 arm and a bum leg what are you talking about retard

Wow, you sure proved me wrong. Un is obviously a hyper-Chad.
Must be those superior Kim genes.

>Comparing nu-communist cuckboys to communists of the old

Every single one of you western communists will be purged because of your bourgeois revisionism of Marx's works, not to mention the fact that destructive gender and racial relations were a much bigger fault of yours than that of ruling capitalist elite. You make me sick to the core.

Man, why are fash so good at public speaking?

Literally cuckiest post I've seen. Why don't you let him fuck your girlfriend. Or better yet, your mom.

Because communism is all about domination of the population. Those who want communism are control freaks and want to use an iron fist to make people do their bidding.

Fucking pisses me off that we haven't had a public speaker even 10% as good as Mosley or Hitler.

What's going on big guy?

>but I don't understand why commies are such fucking studs most of the time?
Because powerful Communists are authoritarians who can speak the language of the masses. You think the people connect with ugly spokesmen?


Like this fine specimen, who has evolved a triple jointed neck in order to suck cock at previously unheard of levels of efficacy.

bump for a bump?

fuuuucking check'd

But seriously, I think it pisses us all off, user. We can't have a proper movement or wave without the right charismatic characters.
