Daily reminder Trumptards
Daily reminder Trumptards
Ask yourself a question, OP.
Would you?
one made jobs for mexicans and the other hired 2 million ICE agents
I thought it was Obama’s economy though, you shill
fake and gay
or were you going to post your sources from shartblew?
You could have taken 30 seconds to google "Bureau of Labor statistics" instead you decided to be a retard.
Without all that shit on her face, I bet she'd be smokin'
Wait, i thought 2017 was supposed to be Obama's economy.
Which is it libtards?
now post jobs destroyed
There's only so many jobs to create
So it's Obama's fault we had bad numbers last year? Thanks Democrats!
You are so stupid....
That's a dude user
Jobs eliminated?
Part time vs full time?
Private vs government?
The White House has been fudging the numbers on the workforce participation rate for about a decade now. It doesn't even factor able-bodied men and women who are no longer looking for work. Besides, most of the jobs created under Obama were service jobs. Just what we need more waitresses and Wal-Mart employees.
It's the net change in Jobs you dipshit it's on the
Bureau of Labor statistics website.
With that being said, the quality of Jobs being created have been garbage, during Obama and Trump.
Fuck. That one was difficult to tell.
Hi Share Blue! So this was decided at your meeting this morning?
You know its fake! Thanks for lying!
wow, obamas record looks like THAT?
>m-muh part time
Turn off Hannity
Do you have an info graphic of Obamas first three years?
Why is FDR always in the top 5 of every measure? wasn't he a commie?
war bucks
except it wasnt...
1. 2012 is the year obama totally lost any chance of reclaiming congress and became a lame duck
2. trump is creating that many jobs with record low unemployment, which is insanely good.
republicans gained the house in 2010, hilariously the economy than began to recover.
hurr durr the only relevant factor in a good economy is jobs created