The Frankfurt School & the USSR

People on Sup Forums should be aware of Yuri Bezmenov. He was an ex-KGB agent who defected from the USSR in the 70s and started doing lectures and exposes the Marxist subversion of the West that had become the norm since at least the 1960s.

People here should also be aware of the Frankfurt School, At the end of WW1, Marxists were wondering why the "revolution" failed to materialise beyond the Soviet Union, so they tried to explain why. Their answer was that culture, religion, nationalism, etc. blunted the "proletariat"’s desire to revolt, and the solution was that Marxists should carry out a “long march through the institutions” – universities and schools, government bureaucracies, churches and the media – so that cultural values could be progressively changed from above.

Everyone who's aware of two things should be able to connect the dots since what Yuri talks about fits exactly with the efforts & goals of the Frankfurt School (and just like the Soviet government which was mostly controlled by Jews, every single member of the Frankfurt School was a Marxist Jew).

However, what's usually missing is actual documented examples of the link between the two. Here's a few:

>the Venona Papers confirmed one of the Frankfurt School members, Franz L. Neumann, was a Soviet spy regularly in contact with Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and another confirmed spy Hede Massing
>Herbert Marcuse was part of the Spartacus uprising/German communist revolution that was supported by the USSR
>Friedrich Pollock celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
>Yuri Bezmenov himself mentioned books by Herbert Marcuse & Erich Fromm as being Marxist propaganda pushed in every American college, and that he even helped edit them & print them when he was working for the KGB
>skip to 37:20

Post more, and let's have a thread about cultural marxism instead of 100 threads about "x not being white"/Trump/race-mixing/e-celebs, etc.

Other urls found in this thread: Folder/kell24.htm bezmenov

Bezmenov is a subhuman slav.

Didn't Yuri mention the elder Trudeau was a communist, you know Dude Weed Lmaos father?

People I have shared this interview with who weren't retarded liberals were blown away. Bump. Everybody should watch this interview. It is chilling how relevant it is to today.

All this subversion was also documented by FBI officials like Edgar Hoover and Cleon Skousen in his book "The Naked Communist", and scholars like Kevin MacDonald in his book "The Culture of Critique".
>World Council of Churches: The KGB Connection
>In his book The KGB and Soviet Disinformation: An Insider's View Ladislav Bittman, a former Státní bezpečnost[29] agent who worked in misinformation operations, claimed that the IPS was part of the Soviet intelligence network.[30][31] Bittman argued that IPS was one of the several liberal think tanks that acted as pro-Soviet propaganda agencies.[32]
>Soviet influence on the peace movement

Full Lecture by Yuri Bezmenov -

G. Edward Griffin's Interview -
>Cultural Marxism - The Corruption of America
>Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85 %

Yeah he says it right in this speech, and shows pictures of him smiling next to Fidel Castro.
>At the age of 32, Pierre Trudeau accepted an invitation from the Soviet government to attend a 1952 propaganda conference with an “economic agenda.” The other five members of the Canadian delegation included prominent members of the Communist Party of Canada. It was there that he remarked to the wife of U.S. chargé d’affaires that he was a communist and a Catholic and was in Moscow to criticize the U.S. and praise the Soviet Union. The U.S. State Department assessed Trudeau’s allegiances, noting that he evinced “an infantile desire to shock.” Canadian diplomats assured the Americans that Trudeau did not possess much common sense.

He was a huge fan of Castro, Mao, the USSR, he was a member of the Bilderberg group, and he actually fired Yuri Bezmenov from the CBC because he was exposing what communists were doing. He also stamped down on Quebec independence/nationalism, blew up our national debt, started the first official "multicultural" policy in the world and opened our borders.

The guy fit the exact caricature of the "useful idiots" Bezmenov talked about.

Who could be behind this post?

Sup Forums these days...
Sup Forums-tier shit reaches bump limits while this gets ignored.

It's to be expected at this point.

Maybe I should tie it to Jordan Peterson's speeches about post-modernists and neo-Marxists next time since bitching about online personalities is what gets the most traction these days.

Any good videos of him besides OP?

He basically has only 2 long-ish ones on YT far as I know. Both are good and really all you need desu.

Evan Sayett is also good, and yes he is of the tribe but even so. Kindergarden of Eden and "How modern liberals think" are both good.

>Yuri Bezmenov

Kek somebody post the pic of him dressed as a hippie and saying I love black people

I linked the two other ones here: This interview with Edward Griffin is a must-watch for anyone since it's by far the most accessible summary that anyone can understand, and it comes with pictures for proof of everything he's saying:
>G. Edward Griffin's Interview

This is another one where he goes into detail and explains the whole subversion process tin a lecture to university students:

He also wrote a couple books before disappearing, let me see if I can find them.

Are you implying that makes his words on communism untrue? He was dead right on communism, though I do disagree with his stance on racemixing. You will have to do better kike.

Yuri is required viewing.

That was his actual job, he was working in I think India with subverting via New Age propaganda and activities.

Did you think the 60s was a natural revolution? A good healthy thing for us people? Drugs sex and rock and roll amirite aye.

There's now a third one recorded in 1983. It's the one I posted in the OP which was recently uploaded. He mentions a lot of shit that he didn't address in the other two like the UN logo being very similar to the USSR emblem, and the man who wrote the UN charter being in touch with Soviet officials, how communists used homosexuals, feminists, labor unions, etc.

Also, here's some of the books he wrote for anyone interested:

Schuman, Tomas (1984). Love Letter to America

(1985). No "Novosti" is Good News.

(1985). Black is Beautiful, Communism is Not.

(1986). World Thought Police.


>In a report by Ecumenical News International (ENI), a WCC official tried to minimize the revelations without explicitly denying them. "These allegations are not new," insisted Martin Robra, a WCC program director. "Even during the years of the Cold War, it was known that church representatives coming from communist countries had the obligation to report about their activities abroad to their country's authorities." Of course, during the Cold War, the WCC never acknowledged this situation and preferred to pretend that East Bloc churches were free agents no more manipulated by their governments than were Western churches. "WCC proceedings and policies were, as they are today, public. There were no real 'secrets' to be disclosed," Robra claimed to ENI. "It was far more important to nurture relationships between the churches across the 'Iron Curtain' that divided the nations and to support them as much as possible.”

This will be there reaction when the LGBT,media,holywood, and DC are exposed as the satanic and kaballah cretins they are.


Every major revolution we can think of modern history were top-down revolutions, orchestrated by the wealthy & powerful

The myth nowadays is that the people rose up to throw off their chains, but it's revisionism. They rose up because they were induced to. We saw the same thing during the Arab Spring. Foreign agents provocateurs and good propaganda foment revolutions. never .

This is part of why everyone is doubtful about the Iranian protests. We've all seen this before

>WORLD FAMOUS MEN of the past accused the Jews of founding Communism. This charge is well founded. The Communist philosopy was drawn up by Karl Marx who descended from a long line of Rabbis. His ideology of anti-Christian and Socialist thought is outlined in the Jewish “TALMUD” which is the “bible” of the Jews. Of the four political groups which overthrew the Christan Czar of Russia two were 100% Jewish. They were the Mensheviks and The Jewish Bund. The other two were the Socialist Revolutionary Party and the Bolsheviks. Both were headed by Jews but had some Gentile members. Today we now know that Lenin was Jewish and all of the leaders of his first government were Jews. They were Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Sverdlow. The wealthiest Jewish banker in the world at that time, Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb investment bank of New York City, gave Trotsky and Lenin $20 million to overthrow the Czar and establish the Soviet tyranny (according to the “NEW YORK JOURNAL-AMERICAN” of February 3, 1949.)

That's the point of the song "Welcome to the Machine" by Pink Floyd. That everything from rebelling against your parents, rebelling against your national traditions, "dreaming of a big star" (an obvious reference to communism) is exactly what was expected of you by the system, and part of the "machine" Marxists think they're fighting against.

>Foreign agents provocateurs and good propaganda foment revolutions. never .

never "the people" *

Bezmenov redpilled me on leftards, Brother Nathanael on kikes, I own my Sup Forumsiticks on those two niggers.

If you can spare 1 hour on Yuri, don't regret those 16.5 minutes on Bro Nat :

>subverting via New Age propaganda and activities.

I wonder if theres a link between Medjugorje and the soviets. That place is a new age cult.

Bump for Yuri

Frankfurt School worked for the OSS/CIA since WWII, feminism and modern art are promoted by the CIA and not the Soviet Union or China.

Transgender non-sense is the American Leftism that is not a threat to the rich.

Consider Paris 68, when Marxists realised the West wasn't going to fall for full-blown communism and they changed tactics, morphing roughly into the genderless subhuman army the left is today. Who was behind it? Take a look at the Wikipedia page.

Four names are mentioned on the leftist side.

>Lead figures
>(((Non-centralized leadership)))
>François Mitterrand
>(((Pierre Mendès France)))

>The students (((Daniel Cohn-Bendit))) and (((Alain Krivine))) had emerged as prominent figures at that time.

Three out of four are Jews behind a native frontman (this is how Jews always operate, like with Stalin, Mandela, Blair, Bush, etc, etc, etc).

Now take a look behind the curtain at the intellectuals behind all this. Who is the most famous? Who came up with critical theory, the idea of social constructs, and the relativisation of literally everything as taken from the Kaballah as found and used it exclusively to attack Western civilisation? (((Derrida))) and the Frankfurters whose major influence was (((Marx))).

>Deconstruction is philosopher Jacques Derrida's critique of the relationship between text and meaning. Derrida's approach consists in conducting readings of texts with an ear to what runs counter to the structural unity or intended sense of a particular text. The purpose is to expose that the object of language, and that which any text is founded upon, is irreducibly complex, unstable, or impossible.

>Derrida was born on July 15, 1930, in a summer home in El Biar (Algiers), Algeria,[1] into a Sephardic Jewish family.
>Derrida refers to his procedure for uncovering and unsettling these dichotomies as deconstruction of Western culture.



The Frankfurt School were NOT JEWS. They were Sabbatean-Frankists, AKA satanists.

You should all also be aware that "Yuri" was possibly a disinformation junkie/double agent. He sort of disappeared after spreading all that conveniently useful information. Whether it's true or not is to be determined.

god you pol turds are idiots.
yeah, cultural/social engineering exists but it isn't "muh marxism"
its a constant battle and you faggotrons just sit in your basements crying about it.
the real question is , what is your plan?(other than authoritarianism)
you don't have one.

You're implying they're not both branches of the similar shadow govt. controlled by international finance.

Even in this video, Yuri Bezmenov says the CIA refused to believe what he was saying, as if they were actually sympathetic to the subversion efforts done by the KGB, and just didn't want it to be exposed. They smeared him as McCarthyist like most of the American media. Ever notice how anyone who exposes communist subversion gets pejorative labels like that put on them: "Red Scare", "McCarthyist", "conspiracy theorist", "reactionary", "Nazi", etc.

The super-rich also likes American leftism that gives them more power over the people through the state since they control the money and the laws. Communism/socialism = state-capitalism. Even Yuri says it. See Obamacare or the USSR.

People who get too close to the truth, get traction or rebel against their masters usually end up disappearing. Whether it's for their safety or because they get taken out. See: JFK, Kubrick, Patton, Michael Jackson, GLR, Aaron Russo, Bill Cooper, etc.

>He sort of disappeared after spreading all that conveniently useful information. Whether it's true or not is to be determined.

Almost everything hes said has happened.

Bezmenov was an informant, not an agent (officer).
Not that he supported anything bad, but most of his story is just bogus bullshit. KGB didn't have some massive infiltration program of that sort.
>says the CIA refused to believe what he was saying
Yeah because CIA isn't staffed with absolute retards.

Here, if you are interested in REAL KGB operations, not some Sup Forums conspiracy theory bullshit.

>Yeah because CIA isn't staffed with absolute retards.

No they arent.

CIA is staffed by high-IQ sociopaths, degenerates & Jews with no morals who will do whatever their finance masters tell them. They have no loyalty to the US

>"There has been since almost the earliest days of the Israeli state and the earliest days of the CIA a secret bond, basically by which Israeli intelligence did jobs for the CIA and for the rest of American intelligence. You can't understand what's been going on with American covert operations and the Israeli covert operations until you understand this secret arrangement."
>Andrew Cockburn on C-SPAN'S Booknotes, September 1, 1991.
>Coming Out as Transgender Made Me a More Effective CIA Officer
>The Act, also called the "CIA Act of 1949" or "Public Law 110" permitted the Central Intelligence Agency to use confidential fiscal and administrative procedures and exempting it from many of the usual limitations on the use of federal funds. The act (Section 6) also exempted the CIA from having to disclose its "organization, functions, officials, titles, salaries, or numbers of personnel employed." It also created a program called "PL-110" to handle defectors and other "essential aliens" outside normal immigration procedures, as well as give those persons cover stories and economic support

No surprise, Marcuse, Kirchheimer & other Frankfurters were involved with the OSS, CIA's predecessor.
>Between 1943 and 1950, Marcuse worked in U.S. Government service for the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor of the CIA)
>Kircheimer worked as a research analyst at the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA, starting in World War II and continuing to 1952.[2]

>brings up the Mitrokhin archives
>but not the Vassiliev's notebooks

related esoteric origins

Martin Jay also goes into it in his book . He's actually pro-CM, but he goes into how some Frankfurt School members took inspiration from the Kabbalah in detail.

>Erich Fromm, Judaism and the Frankfurt School Folder/kell24.htm

>Walter Benjamin, Judaism and the Frankfurt School

>Walter Benjamin and the Kabbalah

>Freud, The Frankfurt School, and the Kabbalah

Everyone should read it since it's still the best expose on the subject other than The Culture of Critique.

Canada is in the throws of a communist takeover., that is why they are pumping in so many 3rd world immigrants and spreading them out to all the small towns and cities in conservative voting blocks, the result was a NDP government in alberta and a muslim mayor of calgary and that is just the beginning. these people are from collective societies and will vote towards collective regimes that cater to special interests. I believe our government was compromised and actually serves the interests of george soros and the rothschild. It's madness.

>yuri posting

The hero America deserved, but didn't heed too.

The takeover started decades ago. They're just working on finishing it off now.

Trudeau literally said Canada is a "post-national" state. No nations, no borders, no identity, that's the essence of communism but people have been so brainwashed for the last 1/2 century that they don't see it that way.

They think if they overwhelm all Western countries with foreigners who will make up the new majority and have no ties to our homelands they will vote & revolt how they tell them, and by destabilizing the country people will accept more totalitarian measures to sort the mess and willingly throw away their rights so Big Brother takes cares of everything.

The Frankfurt School & all the Marxist subversion are the main source of the pozz in academia and media, and the insane SJWs we see today.

For example, you'll see SJWs talking about how "hate speech" =/= free speech", paradoxically claim that "they don't have to be tolerant of intolerance", and say that the state and private institutions should censor, fire and jail any conservative they disagree with but meanwhile they don't give a shit about proponents of communism (an ideology that killed over 100M people) running around with hammers and sickles, or far-left faggots calling for all white people to die. Even the most tepid and kusher conservatives like Ben Shapiro or Steven Crowder will be called "Nazis" and people will demand they're deplatformed. They will make some bullshit claim about how this is justified because conservatives/white/male/Christian/whatever have "power/privilege" so it's okay discriminate against them because they're not minorities or "structurally disadvantaged" so it's "punching up".

This is usually taken from Marcuse's "Repressive Tolerance".
>Marcuse believes [...] that a new kind of tolerance is therefore needed: tolerance of the Left, subversion, and revolutionary violence, combined with intolerance of the Right, of existing institutions of civil society, and of any opposition to socialism.[1] Freedom of speech is not a good in itself because it allows for the propagation of error; Marcuse believes that "The telos of tolerance is truth". Revolutionary minorities hold the truth and the majority has to be liberated from error by being re-educated in the truth by this minority. The revolutionary minority are entitled, Marcuse claims, to suppress rival and harmful opinions.[2]

Chinese too:


Yes, image, if they didn't install these cultural disruptors into the family, and into the nation by way of immigration- they've co-opted socialism as a failed model to instil economic fault-lines, a mockery of religion all the while, nevertheless inspiring "revolt". Someone should research ATP expenditure over "labor value" next, and work that into their Postcolonial theory, and help the realization that they are in total contradiction, and then the Jews only have their media left, which is in decline.

China is not a threat compared to the bolchevik



This guy is a larper you moron

And none of you faggots have even read the Frankfurt school otherwise you'd know the Frankfurt school subversion meme is just a meme. Adorno, one of the top thinkers associated with the school, was concerned with his capitalism was destroying western civilization, particularly music and the arts, by lowering everything to the lowest common denominator for the sake of profit. Frankfurt school are mostly /our guys/.

Shut your mouth, punk

t. literal non-white

lol nice try Moshe. I've actually read a lot of their books and the ones I didn't I read summaries.
>>However, while the critique from the right emphasized moral degeneracy ascribed to sexual and racial influences within popular culture, Adorno located the problem not with the content, but with the objective realities of the production of mass culture and its effects

Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheimer, etc. weren't actually concerned at all about the content of the media they were criticizing, they were talking about the production ("seize the means of production" says Marx) and its effects, and how Marxism would somehow fix it.

This is identical to what Marx did in the Communist Manifesto. Point out all the flaws in capitalism and current economics (which is ironically created by Jewish control of the banks and media), then give them the wrong solution and use it to justify a Marxist takeover, which is even worse than "capitalism". They didn't want to stop the media from causing degeneracy, they were only interested in criticizing it (hence "critical theory") to justify implementing Marxism, with more emphasis on culture than economics. This is what Marxists do, tap into the resentment or problems people have with current society, then use it to justify a revolution and create a totalitarian regime under their control, then the useful idiots who helped them get shot.

This makes me wonder if he had anything to do with literally every boomer cuckold that ever existed being a poo-LARPing faggot (spiritually speaking).

>Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheimer, etc. weren't actually concerned at all about the content of the media they were criticizing, they were talking about the production ("seize the means of production" says Marx) and its effects, and how Marxism would somehow fix it.
They are not wrong dummy. Capitalists who produce things for profit shape the culture with their products.

>This is what Marxists do, tap into the resentment or problems people have with current society, then use it to justify a revolution and create a totalitarian regime under their control
Isn't this how all revolutions work? This is also how Hitler came into power isn't it?

>by lowering everything to the lowest common denominator for the sake of profit
So was he lowering his music just for the sake of beating the capitalists to the punch?

Listen to this fucking garbage.

Keep in mind that this is the juden who considered patriotism to be a form of psychosis, and that it was the goal of the Frankfurt school to root "crypto-fascists" out of society, and that the meme about the pozz the Frankfurt School created in this country is entirely true. Postmodernist shill faggot, your meme flag deceives no one.




>People on Sup Forums should be aware of Yuri Bezmenov.
yeah we know leaf



So, Zionism only won by default it seems.



Can be applied to Trump too
Years of anti-government propaganda prepping a mentality pushed on all the people who would be his supporters.. then bam, Trump the savior comes along. Playing right into their hands.

Why would you believe a concern-shilling defector soviet spy? Give me a break

Meme flag. Suck an uncircumcised nigger dick, schlomo.

Wasn't this debunked? I think Trotsky wasn't the one who actually invented the word "racist", but he might've been the first to use it to demonize someone who is looking out for himself and his own people/culture/way of life.

I know, right? What use is there in being aware of the enemies tactics?

Let's not question the information we take in to see if it's corrupted or not.


>implying a circumcised dick would be better

>schlomo on schlomo bantz

The relevant like is the pernicious influence of jews. Bezemov is a distraction to excuse the jews.

Antonio gramsci was one of the original theorists of cultural Marxism. Cultural Marxism is a poison we must seek out the antidote

USSR bashing is a cover for Fabian Socialists from England that were actually the major benefactors of the New School for Social Research, etc.

I like the juxtaposition this post has going
First talk about bezmenov exposing russian tactics, then immediately follow up with linking straight russian propaganda on jews.

The bible warns of false jews infiltrating the real jews. If you hate an entire group of people, you're falling for the bait trap that they want.

Here's a vid talking about the false jew empire, which specializes in media warfare/false information

ashkenazi/khazarian..the latter pretending to be the former

That's exactly why. They didn't have the internet like we do so they were completely brainwashed by colleges and the MSM. People complain about the biased media now but back then it was even worse, and even harder to find alternatives. It's why it's almost pointless to argue with them. Like Yuri said: the "demoralization process is now complete and irreversible"

In those days there were only 3 networks in the US and the major newspapers were even more completely Jewish-owned and controlled than today.

In the 1960s, Marcuse became the chief “guru” of the New Left, and he injected the cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School into the baby boom generation, to the point where it's now America’s state ideology. But there are still a lot of good boomers out there since it was the last generation that was actually brought up by parents who were born before the 60s subversion really kicked in, so the ones who had good parents and didn't fall for indoctrination and popular culture are still good

>Capitalists who produce things for profit shape the culture with their products

And the answer isn't communism, which is just giving total control of everything in your country to a group that doesn't have your best interests in mind so they can shape the culture even more effectively. Communism is a scam by Jews to get non-Jews to overthrow their own elite who at least cares about them somewhat & replace it with Jewish dictatorship & international finance interests, while destroying their traditions and nation. Why do you think every attempt at communism has failed? Why every communist movement was financed and/or populated by Jews? Why do you think it killed over 100M people? Why do you think Marx dedicates an entire chapter to establishing a (Rothschild-controlled) central bank? Capitalism having problems won't be solved by destroying supply & demand & every sound economic principle so your new hostile elite can decide every facet of your life for you

Nobody explains the pamphlet he put out to blacks explaining how the Soviet Union was racist and was against race mixing. How is this so if the Frankfurt School and communism is ideally against racism?

The difference is that ironically since we're taught the exact opposite, most of the issues brought up by communism were either imaginary or could never be fixed by communism. Like the family unit somehow being oppressive and a product of "capitalism"? Nationalism being bad and a product of "capitalism", so need to remove borders & nations? Chrisitianity being something we need to eradicate? It's a fake solution to problems. Communism is just a trick to fool the goyim to destroy their country and give everything they have to the "state" (which is controlle by the central bank and the shadow government) whereas almost every issue Hitler brought up was legitimate as proven in this thread.

Exactly. Adorno created the F-Scale and wrote the book the Authoritarian Personality, which is a book about how anyone who is right-wing, nationalist or traditionalist (like caring about family values, nationalism, gender roles, religion, etc.) makes you closer to "fascist" and needs to be eradicated.

He's one of the reasons why every mildly right-wing person now gets called a "fascist" or a "Nazi" even if they're not anywhere close to that. The idea that he was a traditionalist in any way is hilarious.


And you never considered that he wasn't STILL a kgb operative on a demoralization campaign? No no, I'm sure he just grew a conscience...

All the information he gave, was already known knowledge. It's not like he Snowden'd Russia and gave US something we didnt already know about. "The Russians want to infiltrate you and use you against one another to discredit and demoralize you." Holy shit, I never thought of that! Thanks Mr KGB demoralization agent! I'm totally not going to be demoralized and turned inward against my government now thanks to your info!

While it most certainly is possible for someone to turn from their ways if they find their heart... at least the information provided gives insight into the enemies way of thinking. I mean there's obviously value there, even if he was still aligned to his old missions goal

wtf that pic.

>1 post by this id
>Self-Identifying Marxist Professors Outnumber Conservatives as College Professors
>Liberal professors outnumber conservatives nearly 12 to 1, study finds
>Among full-time faculty members at four-year colleges and universities, the percentage identifying as "far left" or liberal has increased notably in the last three years, while the percentage identifying in three other political categories has declined. The data come from the University of California at Los Angeles Higher Education Research Institute, which surveys faculty members nationwide every three years on a range of attitudes
>Star Teacher: Schools Are Subjecting Pupils to ‘Left-Wing Brainwashing’

Oy vey, how did this happen? This must mean leftists are just smarter.

Oh well, let's get this libertarian professor fired because he made microaggression by saying "best man for the job" and let's promote this communist who said "All I want for Christmas is white genocide". Liberals are just smarter. REALITY HAS A LIBERAL BIAS

There's no Marxist takeover or anything going on in your country. I feel sleepy.


Reminder that the KGB always plays both sides, liberal/conservative.. Christian/athiest.. especially racism. It doesn't matter. If it serves divide & conquer strategy, it's good for them. Just look at the topics of this board, as if it wasn't swarming with their agendas.

Whatever brings people apart.

I agree. Known knowledge.. but sadly not by enough americans or we wouldn't be where we are now. There's gotta be a big resurgence of public awareness of the level of fuckery that the enemy is willing to go through with, and if current events don't help that process then we got a problem that won't go away fast enough.

>How is this so if the Frankfurt School and communism is ideally against racism

It's the same reason why Israel has laws against intermarriage, genocides Palestinians, deports and mistreats non-Jews constantly. Yet when Jews are in Western countries they promote "anti-racism", mass immigration, open borders, "equality", "diversity", affirmative action, miscegenation, promote concepts like "white privilege" and leftism to undermine the white majority.

"Jews were, are, and will remain ideological dope dealers smart enough not to smoke their own stash. They sell equality heroin to you, but they never inject it themselves."

"Equality", whether it's economic equality, racial equality, gender equality, etc. are myths and scams to get us to undermine ourselves. Read the Protocols of Zion.

We knew they infiltrated and were among us but Yuri went further and exposed that they were brainwashing American students and those students at the time of filming were sitting in a CNN board room.


For example, there was never real "equality" in the Soviet Union. It was always just the omnipotent Bolshevik/Soviet/Jewish elite owning everything and hovering over everyone else, while the population were all poor, starving and had no legal or property rights. Which is ironically what's happening in America with the middle-class collapsing and things like the Patriot Act taking more and more rights away from citizens.

>And the answer isn't communism, which is just giving total control of everything in your country to a group that doesn't have your best interests in mind so they can shape the culture even more effectively
Didn't say it was. Nor do you have to read the Frankfurt school and think communism!!! Use your brain man. Thinkers on the left and right have intersting ideas.

As long as you realize that they're just that: ideas. Idealism that can't lead to anything good, and that has never worked in practice and only really exist in the realm of theory.

The stated purpose of the Frankfurt School was to find a way to implement Marxism by taking over institutions and changing how people think since they weren't able to mobilize the masses to start a complete revolution like they did in Russia.

If you want to use the kinds of thought process and tactics like the ones in Rules for Radicals to accomplish worthwhile goals instead of being roped into communism/Marxism, go ahead but don't fall for the brainwashing.

>US “Civil Rights” hero and darling of anti-white causes worldwide Martin Luther King was personally directed and controlled by a Jewish US Communist Party leader, and engaged in drunken sex orgies involving homosexuals, a newly-released top-secret Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) file has revealed.

>Under the heading “Strong Communist Influence,” the FBI report discussed how King’s “principal advisor” was a Jew named Stanley David Levison.

>The FBI report said:

>Another complicating factor in the picture is the degree of communist influence on King. One of King’s principal advisors is Stanley David Levison. Ostensibly only a New York City attorney and businessman, Levison is, in fact, a shrewd, dedicated communist. Levison has spent the major part of his life advancing communist interests.

>He has actively involved himself in fund-raising drives for King, served as his legal counsel in certain-matters, suggested speech material for him, discussed with King demonstrations in which King was involved, guided him in regard to acceptance or rejection of various public appearances and speaking, and helped him with mattets related to articles and books King has prepared.

>Stanley Levison has told Clarence Jones, another advisor to King, that under no circumstances should King be permitted to say anything without their approving it. Levison also informed Jones that King is such a slow thinker he is usually not prepared to make statements without help.

>The reason King enjoyed this close relationship with communists is best explained by the fact that Levison, in February, 1962, passed the word to Gus Hall, General Secretary, CPUSA, “King is a whole-hearted Marxist who has studied it (Marxism), believes in it and agrees with it, but because of hi being a minister of religion, does not dare to espouse it publicly.”

In every Hitler appreciation thread, and Trump thread, dozens of lefty Reddit faggots spread bullshit.

But this thread. This thread. Just ONE single faggot trying to NOT face the facts. The liberal, when faced with the truth. This truth being, that all his ideas were planted by Jewish, Marxist Bolsheviks, and that it was planned a half century ago, simple stuns his brain into giving him convolutions.

Here's the TRUTH: this shit is real. Hitler was right. We need action NOW if we are to destroy they're plans.

Hey thanks for pointing out the third video, I thought there where only two.
He is one of the most interesting, and I have the pdf scans of his books.
He's pretty much believable but then somewhere in the back of my mind is the doubter like the other video he's speaking to a super conservative group so he could just be saying what they wanted to hear. Have you thought about a rebuttal to address that?

you mean JEWS

Well let's see. He provides plenty of evidence of his involvement in Soviet ops with pictures.

The Soviets managed to get him fired from the CBC so it's obvious he was considered a threat by exposing them. He only managed to to talk in a few schools, and shows like Edward Griffin's who are considered fringe "conspiracy theorists", he was never featured in the MSM so it's obvious the establishment didn't want him to be heard.

If you're aware of the Frankfurt School, the New Left,, the McCarthy era, leftist bias in the media and all communist ops that were exposed in the past, Yuri is just one small piece of the puzzle. You finally hear from the horse's mouth what a lot of people at the time knew.

He died not too long after this so it's obvious he was considered a legitimate threat

He loved India & couldn't stand what Soviets would do to that culture, and everyone who's educated, not brainwashed, knows the evils of communism. It's totally believable that someone would have a change of heart, and being an informant/agent he would know how to protect his ass to defect to other countries.

He spoke to conservative groups because they're the ones who reached out to him while liberals are more than happy to dismiss everything that doesn't support their "progress" deluded religion "conspiracy theories"

The guy was virtually unknown before they finally uploaded that video of him to Youtube in 2007, so he wouldn't go through the length and effort of exposing everything he does (most of which can proven to be accurate) and bringing all those pictures just to pander to a few small conservative groups while he didn't even know the internet would exist a few years later to give mainstream exposure. That's absurd. Even Yuri Bezmenov's Wikipedia page wasn't created until 2009 bezmenov

Anyone who reads up on psyops and intelligence activities will know what he is talking about, and that it's accurate.