A new wave of African Americans is escaping the incessant racism and prejudice in the United States.
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Can I pay for a ticket?
which meme war are we entering now ? third or fourth ? i cant remember.
They gonna get fuckin kizzilled
>I can't say what's happening in America today is any worse than what's been happening at any other time.
Ahahaha ok? Let them go back, they'll be begging to come back in a week
Mein nigger.jpg
How do I donate to this?
Fun Fact: People from Africa really fucking hate African Americans, they think they're lazy and entitled.
Holy fuck you were serious
I hear Monrovia is beautiful this time of year
Oh no! What will USA do with all the uemployed cops and prison guard resulting from this?
They are. Just like everyone else who lives in the west.
Is it possible for us to set up a gofundme or some shit like that to pay for one-way plane tickets? I'd donate every god damn week.
please don't leave us blaccpipo
Grow and sell weed
But without black people in America, we wouldn’t have...hmm...wait I’m sure there’s something good that we’d be missing...
Come back to me, i have to think
the white devil will not be able to hold the proud melanted nubian kangz down any longer
Are we saying this is anything other than a good thing?
Even set it up as payment as an apology for slavery.
"Sorry jiggaboos, here let the whites help ya return to muddah africa." In a non refundable ticket of course.
I'm willing to Jew up an apology to get this streamlined
Most niggers in the US dont know Africa exists?
Yeah, if I had a 90 IQ I would move to Africa and become and fucking doctor or lord. Shit.
>Yeah, if I had a 90 IQ
Soo, you're mentally retarded?
Africans are.
Well that joke went over your head so you definitely are.
this isn't how blacks work
blacks are pests, they will take what they can
they don't mind incessant racism and prejudice
provide statistics if you want us to believe blacks are actually leaving america
it isn't happening, OP is full of shit
This is just a fraction of a fraction. Show me some stats on niggers getting abortions to really get the blood pumping to my dick.
Not at all, user. I only seek to inform.
Never underestimate the bubble that niggers in America live in.
or a KANG
Honestly if white people were to oppose it, you'd get exponentially more black people going to Africa
Finishing what Abe started... God bless that saint!
I don't know why this doesn't happen more. They could be elite intellectuals in Africa. I would like to see more niggers practicing critical theory in Africa like they do in the US
>Canada is also a racist white supremacist construct (or so I’m told) any Canadian blacks feel free to escape with your African American brethern
This... they will get there and oppress the pure blacks. Then blame it on white dna.
please make the same meme for european niggers.
Is this woman /ournigger/ ?
Pack your bag boys, our job is done.
I feel bad for the native Ghanaians
Literally no one likes them, except for white faggots
You are absolutely door on user. Most real Africans are pretty cool people. They just motor along day to day wanting the basics from life and they fucking despise black Americans.
Then where would the democrat party get their votes?
We need to stop using the name, (((G*ogle))) is going to catch on.
Do that instead
Also, since April is three months away, can we meme #NoTaxForBl*cks into existence?
best idea since i visit this channel.
We need a way to convert and funnel gibs me dats into a overseas account.if we could do this while skimming a little off the top to run it we could probably get rid of tens of thousands.
Whitey wants to keep us in America to do low wage jobs they don't want by claiming Africa is a shithole but we know better.
Blacks who moved from US to Africa created the great nation of Liberia.
Wasn't Blaxit a Sup Forums creation?
you guys
you don't think
that with the whole Trump/shithole thing...
and shitholes (in africa) reacting by showing footage of how beautiful it is over there...
and now with black moving back to africa...
You're not gonna tell me this was his plan all along right?
Not sure if created here but we sure did push this
Police departments would have to lay off 3/4 of their force
Based black man. He can stay.
Please God up high let this trend continue. Let every nigger channel Marcus Garvey!
Can i donate from abroad?
"You might not have electricity but you won't get killed by police either"
the social dynamics of American Africans living in Africa would be fucking fascinating.
They should make a reality t.v. show, something like wifeswap.
Knowing how to use herbs and spices and soul food you honky tonk
Please, by all means move back to the land of your ancestors
I would move, if I was black.
They can build one of those futuristic civilizations they keep telling us about.
Im dying to see one.
Economy throughout Africa is doing rather well right now. Cite that in your memes.
Is Africa the new face of rising wealth and opulence?
Black science man will build flying pyramids in africa.
Screen cap this.
Same. It must be so nice to have a homeland like Africans have. I am jealous of blacks that move back to Africa honestly!
Fuck this guy looks baked to the moon
I wish they all would "escape".
Don't ask, don't tell.
Based kang
This is what self-delusion looks like.
that's how you get scammed, you idiot
MODS --Fuck you who keeps deleting all these threads. PRICK
holy shit those video comments are some good shit. africans vs african american
its because they kicked out most white people. try to do their own thing. failed. now trying chinese. they are about to get royally fucked.