ITT: Anime women will never understand
ITT: Anime women will never understand
>ITT: Anime men will never understand
>ITT: Anime straight men will never understand
>bring gf in to watch jojo because she kept hearing how good it is
>she hates it because manly men and not cute fuccbois
>bring gf in to watch jojo because she kept hearing how good it is
>she thinks I'm trying to come out of the closet and break up with her
Tell us how she reacts to Vento Aureo
Post anime Sup Forums can't understand
>tfw this girl asked me for some recommendations
>gives jojo
>she watched everything and liked it
>she doesn't ship jotaro and kakyoin and while she liked joseph and caesar she isn't nosy or annoying about it
i don't know if she read the manga after that or not, but her favorite Jojo is Jonathan and that's enough for me.
Jonathan is my favorite too. I like to think that he busted a nut, infused with his and Baron Zeppeli's combined Hamon, inside Irina. That Hamon nut became Joseph's father, but even though he wasn't a Hamon user, he passed it on to Joseph. Caesar and Joseph may as well be related from all the Zeppeli Hamon in his blood.
>tfw gf hates all Jojo and I'm afraid she might realize I made this thread
Idk my best friend really wants to ride the Jonathan express and she's a woman
Tfw you know gay people who wouldn't touch JoJo because it looks to unappealing to them
>Anime women will never understand
>Manga is made by a woman
You're shitposting, right?
Not true, I like a lot JoJo
Not true, but I'm not a big fan of Eva
Not true, Ricchan is my waifu
1a. LoGH
1b. Kaiji
2. K-ON!
3. Ichigo Mashimaro
4. The rest
9001. Strike Witches
Bullshit, you don't have a gf
Boku no Pico
Not true, FMA Brotherhood is one of the best anime ever
>Implying kaiji and logh aren't top fujoshit
Really JoJo's, berserk and the like are premium fujoshit content. Hell all of those shows where introduced to me by them.
Dating a fujo, can confirm JoJo is her favorite anime.
this is hilarious because jojos has a massive female fanbase
anime was a mistake
Isn't JoJo one of the most popular fujo titles?
Are you from London?
then again, men don't understand it either
This doesn't make any sense, K-On was the first anime series completely made by women
if you are so smart then you tell us, instead of shitposting
Milky Holmes was made by a woman too.
the secret is that there aren't any anime exclusively understood by a single gender.
Literally no one asked
There are 0 females in existence that understand Zeta Gundam
This one right here. They can't comprehend manly honor and surviving in a wasteland.
Women can understand every anime, but that's only because anime doesn't require intelligence in order to be understood.