>it's another Gohan jobs episode
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
>Gohanfags think beating Tiencuckhan is a feat
He didn't job, he was only using base form.
Nah, Goku just has the biggest ass pull move in his arsenal. A multiplier that you can throw on top of another multiplier.
>it's another shitposting episode
1. Goku
2. Vegeta
3. Freezer
4. #17
5. Gohan
6. Piccolo
7. #18
8. Krillin
9. Roshi
10. Ten Shin Han
Dod Gohan just Smash his third eye?
>implying Mystic columbine isn't the biggest asspull in the entire series
Gohan confirmed Roshi-tier
>Look me in the eye you son of a bitch
How can Cuckuchi even compete?
Is all that unhealthy jobbin the cause for all this pent up aggression?
Also RIP Tien Shithan
Unironically accurate list
>Oh you know how we hype up and make the characters look strong as fuck in their recruitment episode, yeah well we're not doing with with Tenshinhan
>in fact we're going to have him get fucked over by Roshi
>but don't worry we'll hype him up in the next episode by saying he'll fight with a peculiar technique
>and by peculiar technique we mean he gets punched drunk and doesn't do shit
Why, just why are they doing this to Tien-san?
Tien was being a dick, and Gohan got fed up
Reminder that based 17 is now the strongest android and there's nothing cellfags can do about it.
Chadhan is truly /ourguy/
>only four and a half hours until the tournament
>everyone was wondering why they couldn't just put Buu in the RoST for four hours
Based Toei plugging the plotholes. By the time the teams gets together and realizes Buu isn't there, it'll be too late for that shit.
Looks like Goku doesn't give a single fuck that he's just been punched in the gut
Are subs out yet?
Because he broke Lunch's heart
>another tenshin jobs episode
How exactly did you expect a guy that is Namek Saga: Final Frieza (at the very best) to hold up against someone who is Perfect Cell level at BASE FORM? But then I remembered, it's Dragon Ball Super...
This show is fucking garbage
Gohan fought a good fight, the jobbing title goes to Tien.
>Gets beat up by roshi
>Doesn't even land a hit on anyone this episode
>Even when Piccolo is fucking standing there powering up the whole time
>Aims his kikoho as if he's been through a bottle of straight vodka
He's getting ready to take his dad down in the future.
She's obviously U11.
who is this
This is a murder Angel Loli
God, tenjobhan is the new designated jobber, what the fuck was that
Get fucked Gohanfags. Vegeta has never jobbed to fucking GOKU.
Just as big an ass pull as SSG.
SSG as a matter of fact is a bigger asspull.
Tien is the only true great fighter.
No fusions(Kami-Piccolo)
No latent power uncovering(Krillin/Gohan Twice/Vegeta)
No god ki through holding hands BS(Goku)
and no multiplier on multiplier bs. (Goku)
Tien is the only true warrior.
Official power level list:
1.Goku SSBKK
4.Gohan (after this zenkai)
everyone else
I can't believe they fucked over TIEN THIS MUCH
real question is, has anyone done porn of her yet?
Back off Cellfag, we don't have time and animation budget for your ass!
>Frieza gets fully resurrected after the tournament
>Lunch becomes his earth waifu because she's the only girl that hasn't been paired with someone yet
Leave the other universes to me.
1. Goku
2. Gohan
3. Vegeta
4. Frieza
5. #17
6. Piccolo
7. #18
8. Krillin
9. Roshi
10. Ten Shin Han
>"is the green-haired girl from U6 or U11" again
He jobben to a naked toddler gohan instead.
dont start this argument again you u11 fags lost before with wanting Kale for u11
Gohan being able to take on Super Saiyan Blue crosses from fun fanservice to actual fucking plothole territory.
Someone at SSJ3 level at best spnding a couple years training with Piccolo doesn't bring you up to a god level. Every questionable piece of powerscaling up to this point could easily be pointed to Goku's ability to hold back, but this is straight up retarded.
Will she have art or will be forgotten?
Tien didn't do shit. He was hitting that senzu kush and was just too nice too even land one blow in 90 episodes.
He's honorable in my books.
here the real list
>17 higher than Gohan
Did you not just watch the episode?
Oh god it's starting again
>gohan higher than frieza
>gohan higher than 17
>PICCOLO higher than frieza
Jesus what the FUCK are you doing?
I knew she looked familiar!
>streams being taken down
>Gohan above Vegeta
your gohanfag is showing
Gohan in the buu saga was far above SSJ3 tier.
SSJ Gotenks was SSJ3 tier.
did YOU not watch the episode? Fucking gohanfag blind as fuck.
Who's Freezer? new character?
>power up from receiving the power of five saiyans is somehow more of an asspull than literally sitting on your ass for hours and """""awakening"""""" super speshul autism powers
Raditz never EVER
>Gohanfags are now fighting with 17fags for the 4/5th spot
>Some delusional/shitposters still put hi in 2nd place
This is hilarious.
>vegeta and Frieza over 17
nice meme
17 was holding back, Gohan wasn't.
>yrw gohan is team leader
>throws grass in the air
What did he mean by this?
1.) Goku
2.) Vegeta
3.) Frieza
4.) Gohan
5.) #17
6.) Piccolo
7.) #18
8.) Roshi
9.) Krillin
10.) Tien
Why did I bother posting
Why does he look so feminine?
Going from Buu saga tier to SS4 Gogeta tier in 5 minutes is an asspull m80.
They would match up so well together.
So wait
Krillin beat Gohan
Gohan beat Tien
Krillin conformed for strongest human!
>Goku resorts to going KK against Gohan
>Never bothers to against 17
And Goku was holding back against 17, retard.
Based Bald God strongest pure human is canon.
So will we, user
17 was holding up against SSB Goku.
Gohan wasn't.
1. SSBKK Goku
2. SSB Vegeta
SSB Goku
3. Ultimate Gohan
4. 17
5. Freeza
The only thing Gohan can lead is his bull to Videls room
i don't know who's stronger than who now
someone HELP
Accurate due to the abomination that is Toei.
>krillcuck upset Uub fucks his wife
>17 higher than Gohan
Goku was holding back against 17 while Goku was going full power SSB against Gohan
Projecting much?
What a shit argument. Here let me try.
Gohan made Goku go SSB Kaioken x10. #17 didn't.
Gohan is stronger.
Move Krillin above Roshi and you're golden.
Mods, can you please make a board for the battle-shonen normalfags? Thanks.
You honestly think there is someone stronger than Golden Frieza besides the two blue monkeys?
Can't wait for geekdom's in depth analysis so i can understand what the fuck is going on.
>all these Gohanfags deluding themselves into thinking he's stronger than 17 and Frieza
>b-but he got a single punch in on SSB Goku!
We're too late in the game to start complaining about fucking plotholes.
This is Dragon Ball Super, gentlemen. You take what you like from this pile of shit, and that's all you're going to get. There's not much good to be found here.
17fags BTFO