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Huh, my eyes seem to have gotten a bit blurry when I opened the image. What sort of magic is that?
gentle gena.mp3
Thank you. ;_;
You know that it's coming. It's so predictable. You can mentally prepare yourself. But it still doesn't help. This was the first show in a very long time that made me shed tears over someone dying. Usually that doesn't happen.
Yeah, saw it coming more than a mile away, but it didn't help, it didn't help one fucking bit.
It was enjoyable. Still it managed to pull me in better during the VN.
Over designed busted toaster.
You shut your mouth!
Robots are humanity's true friend.
Whats wrong with her? Had a few screws loose?
Best roboto ever
I just watched the first three episodes, they will forever be on an adventure to get customer-san back to his car. AND YOU CANT TELL ME OTHERWISE
Yes, she walked customer-san to his car and then went home together and lived happy forever.
Has the movie been subbed yet? I think the bluray for it came out already.
It was for a short while and the file was pretty big, 9 gigs I believe. A release with like half the size was released later, but then Nyaa died. It should be up on pantsu. Use magnet.
Only tangentially related, but I liked how Harmonia was about the apocalypse being caused by too much of the population becoming enlightened and embracing the one true robot waifu way.
Why do robots "dying"make me cry?
How is the source material compared to the anime?
Compared to the average VN-anime adaptation the difference it's not incredible but it's still way better.
>no sequel where he puts her memory core into a tank and he travels the wasteland with spidertank daughteru teaching people about astronomy
Does he ever get her a new body?
Ruined her death with shitty music in the anime.
Yes, "Perfectly Human" in the game - it was chilling.
So if the anime made me cry does that mean the LN would absolutely devastate me?
So is the movie or the audio drama of the same sequence better?
I watched the movie and I really loved it.
She comes back later, r-right?
I can't bear to watch the movie to go through it again. Good anons, please tell me of the change between the movie and the anime.
The movie contains a shortened version of the anime plus continuation of the story. If you haven't consumed the audio drama then the movie is probably a must-watch. If you just watched the anime beforehand, you can just skip the scenes with them, but IIRC there are some new scenes spliced in between so scrub through to make sure you don't miss anything.
Just watch the movie. It's worth it.
Just watch the movie, it's worth it.
Alright thank you user.
I'm not dissatisfied with where they went but this would have been a happier alternative. Or maybe it would great to see MC and robowaifu having a fun life in heaven.
It would be nice if we could develop AI to be so great, but unfortunately real humanity's probably going to fuck up and create some unloving skynet.
Those aren't flowers, and you're not going to paradise cause you're a computer with no soul
I respect her. She shares my waifu's voice.
You shut your mouth!
Nice, will watch the movie. will need to free up some space. Don't even have the 4 gigs for the smaller release left.
It's ok right? I mean she went to heaven right?
I alternated between laughing and feeling in her death scene. Parts of it were really well done; other parts were so overblown that it crossed the line into hilarity.
the impact is waaaay better
and less stupid
It's not ok.