Will japs start making anime to pander to foreigners ?
The future of the anime industry
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This should come with a giant note for americans that it doesn't mean them
>pandering to filthy gaijin
I said foreigners, not americans.
What happened in 06?
Better chinese propaganda than american propaganda.
Since we won the war, shouldn't it be required?
To be fair if you put all the english speaking countries together it's probably enough to rival with China.
> TV animation
> the future
But America is still winning. Go USA!
Merchandising and pachinko are the future, probably LN and manga adaptations.
more chinese pandering yes
cr/funi/amazon/etc anime needs to die
there's needs to be a smaller drm free place like gog but for anime
You can take application specific screenshots with alt+printscreen and cropped screenshots with shift+printscreen.
Stop being a mong and uploading full desktop screenshots.
>Will japs start making anime to pander to foreigners ?
is that GNOME?
more importantly, can you link the whole presentation here?
>NA has a Market
>Couldn't fucking get Koe no Katachi and Kono Sekai no Katasumi Ni
Yeah fuck you.
>is that GNOME?
If anyone wants it in pdf version you can grab it from here aja.gr.jp
At least fullscreen the fucking pdf before taking a screenshot.
Thank you user
This looks interesting. Maybe they are not as worried as we are.
>1 contract in Antarctica
Fucking what?
Well, the industry's gotten much bigger, and the charts were done by businessmen, not artists.
It's interesting that 'straya is a high as it is. Props to Madman, I guess, especially seeing how they serve such a tiny market.
I'm more surprised about the 10-29 contracts in North Korea.
This. American sales don't really count in terms of Japan's outcome with anime (in said country).
>Non japs
>Buying anime
>you'll see gommunist inspired anime in your lifetime
>gommie girls doing gommie things
Feels good
>Chart clearly shows foreigners spending money on anime
No, FUCK no. Lest we get "diversity" and feminism in anime. I like my pink and green haired moeblobs, I don't need literally tumblr-art of a stranded whale.
Why? Diversity overall improves the quality of the work. What's so bad about it?
Nonsense. The more Korean names in the credits, the worse the animation quality.
Westerners have better taste in anime, so they better find a way to make it profitable to pander to us.
Poke your own eyes out.
There's nothing wrong with diversity when it comes to art, I'd take a risky project with multiple countries working on it, rather than a dozen generic harem animes.
Imo the main problem with the industry is you get a billion low budget animes instead a few iconic works.
Now you're just baiting.
Only the Japanese can do anime right. Everyone else can fuck off.
What is chink dragon?
It has like 100mil views on their stream.
They mean Chinese and the South East Asians.
You don't know the reason why Sup Forums likes anime.
Unit 731 harem/SoL anime when?
I wouldn't even go there. I like anime because it's Japanese. Not French, not Mexican, Korean or whatever. Japanese.
Which party is in power?
Exactly. Introducing diversity will make anime into something else entirely. Fuck that.
If they want cartoons they can make their own.
It's already been done m8, most older cartoons were animated by japs and directed by europeans.
Feminist's "diversity" is actually unity
Probably strong showings in earning from the last several years, which justified a sudden market saturation of anime.
>Communist Party of China
Following that logic, the USA isn't capitalist either.
"That logic" is that the CPC is communist in name only, ever since deng xiaoping turned the country pretty much into state capitalism.
Also the capitalist-socialist spectrum is a sliding scale with no country falling into pure version of either system.
But I don't want anime get ruined by normies
What is wrong with these people. Christ.
He's made bank from these bideos
He gets 300000 view maximum when doing a video on anime. His opinion is pretty much irrelevant.
Also, anime has been mainstream for a while now.
Someone post that Sup Forums chart about how true communism has never been tried in history. I only have the /m/ Zeon version.
Glorious SEA monkey getting their own anime soon. But i hate you flips
Taiwan is the only real winner. The creators made the show not because of corporate (like those mainland chinks) or money, but simply out of real love for the craft.
They're still closer to socialism than capitalism. If the chinese government were to fund anime, it would surely be communist propaganda which is what OP was saying.
State capitalism is a myth btw, capitalism is a valid political system, not a synonym for things you don't like.
They're not worried at all about a collapse due to not being able to get enough money.
If anything the main worry is about a collapse from making just far too much anime for the amount of people they have to do the work such that its detrimentally effecting the quality of the end product and resulting in more and more work that doesn't even air when it was supposed to due to lack of staff and time.
I hope not.
They tried to do that with video games and it didn't end well.
I don't know which one is more delusional between that picture and your post.
And you get 1 (you) after 1 hour. Sucks to be you.
Enjoy your diversity.
I said the cpc is no longer communist, implying that it used to be. If you need evidence that they're no longer communist, then just read the cpc's position on the "socialist market economy". The mental gymnastics they pull to say that they still adhere to marxist thought should make it obvious that they do not.
Capitalism is an economic system where there is private ownership of the means of production. If the government has a significant ownership of enterprise in a market economy then that is state capitalism.
tell me about it.
how someone could think boulder punching was a good idea is baffling.
>implying that it used to be
It never was one. Communism or whatever, it's all just an excuse for the people in power to benefit themselves.
>post about the anime industry
>now an argument about definitions of political systesm
I thought Americans hated Japan or something.
Japan's always been xenophobic, so yeah.
Please stick to ruining society you disgusting tumlrwhale.
Anime is japanese and should remain japanese.
Anime is literally the result of the technical inability of nips who tried to imitate Disney.
>imitate disney
I'm just glad they're not doing that anymore.
Poor walter he didn't deserve what they did to his legacy,
Americans are weird about Japan. Sure, weebs fetishize the entire country and most don't give a fuck either way, but I've literally never met anybody who had """"""forgiven"""""" Japan for Pearl Harbor.
Moral of the story is don't visit the American south.
Looks more like they were imitating Max Fleischer. Especially Astro Boy.
Earlier still. Toei. Panda and the Magic Serpent . 1950s first animated feature film in full colour from Japan. The entire concept of the venture was trying to imitate Disney. If you watch the film you will see they are trying to animate on 1s and all sorts but the technical proficiency in the animation just isn't there at all, the characters bounce around the screen feeling utterly weightless. They failed to compete internationally too.
China likes the same otaku bullshit
>got Kizu and In This Corner Of The World pretty pretty instantly
>no Your Name
>likes the same otaku bullshit
Everyone likes the same otaku bullshit.
Only delusional toonamitards want anime to change.
Not him, but 1950 anime has nothing to do with modern anime, the branching off through the years is massive.
Anime i'd say is what it is BECAUSE it's made ina a very niche way, globalization will only fuck with it and my very specific fetishes, so no thanks.
Thankfully nips are hilariously xenophobic and automatically lash out against the industry trying to pander to filthy gaijins, nevermind chinese or korean apes. It's hilarious how tumblrwhales do mental gymnastics to avoid discussing the sexism and racism in anime because they know it's a lost cause.
Which also led to the WMT series.
Japanese adaptation of western youth novels.
What are you even talking about? All those things are interrelated histories you can trace through right to today. People from studios leave to form other studios and the styles of people of the past influence and inform those of the future. The fact that those early experiments in imitating Disney failed led to Japanese animation taking a "limited animation" approach which in turn led to the development of the plethora of stylistic differences in animation in Japan we find today.
Nice pic :^)
>mfw toonami is doing so badly it's just a matter of time before it gets cancelled
I still remember when the fuckers tried to make a general on Sup Forums.
I mean that nowadays there is a common starting point but the influence of that era is so long ago that it's irrelevant, the styles and cultural tropes are so divergent comparing them is silly. Using that as an excuse for mixing with the cancerous industry of the west is even worse.
So? That was something from a long time ago. Current anime is very different, just like how current America was very different. For one thing, the Disney that anime tried to imitate no longer exist. Current Disney just makes more cookie cutter CGs while amassing more live action franchise properties.
Overseas = Chinks, Gooks, Flips, etc.
Definitely not fat Americans SJWs.
W-we all make mistakes once in a while user.
i forgive them
it's what any good christian would do
Fuck off.
t. gook
Yeah, overseas is more like every other damn place except the US. Serious question: what made the US so averse to animation? The 'it's just for kids' thing doesn't make sense since people had no problem saying they like dreamworks/pixar movies. From Asia to Europe, animations doesn't seem to have the stigmata or disdain that I keep hearing from the US.
This seems like a decent compromise.
Murrikans are a very autistic kind of retarded, like every dominant nation in history. They just kinda decided cartoons were for kids.
what western industry? if you're talking CGI animation it's already happening anyway because there's not enough artists to meet demand and the population can't sustain itself so there will be less artists in the coming years
Anime getting into limited animation at the time that there was a minimalism movement in the animation scenen around the world should prove him wrong.
That's silly, many Japanese animators today still are huge fans of western animation and take influence from it. Sure there are many unique things about Japanese animation but its roots are in attempts to imitate the west and they have both western and Japanese animation take inspirate and influence from each other to this day.
So its kind of stupid to behave as if Japanese animation is something that exists in a vacuum devoid of "evil" western influence when the whole enterprise was inspired by it and established by people attempting to imitate it.
That second sentence in the first reply is terrible but I think you can get the point still.
>So its kind of stupid to behave as if Japanese animation is something that exists in a vacuum devoid of "evil" western influence
You're still missing the point. Nobody's behaving like it existed in a vacuum.
People are talking about current influences. Nobody had any issue with the old influences. People even on Sup Forums still praise old Disney cartoons. People are worried because of the current trends in America, particularly in the likes of comic books where creators awkwardly shoehorn their pet causes or political views into their works. That's what people mean when they don't want western influences. They're talking about the current situation. So again, you talking about old influences is irrelevant to the discussion.
Pandering usually happens when you gain new followers.
They've already lost interest in overseas markets.
Limited animation in Japan really took off as a thing with stuff like Astro Boy and Tezuka looking for a way to make it viable to make TV animation a thing in Japan by keeping things as cheap as possible.
But both cultures already do influence each other today, many Japanese animators are big fans of western animation and the reverse is true too. What people are actually worrying about is "muh SJWs" ruining their lolis and all of that. That isn't really going to happen. The real money is coming from the Chinese not the west and the companies in the west that are funding anime like Crunchyroll are well aware of what their customers want to see. They advertised the shit out of that "rape fantasy" anime thats airing despite the fact it caused outrage among SJWs.
>What people are actually worrying about is "muh SJWs" ruining their lolis and all of that. That isn't really going to happen
Yes, exactly, because of
>The real money is coming from the Chinese not the west and the companies in the west
It's amazing how you can get it and still miss the point of the conversation flow at the same time. Again, nobody said anything about it existing in a vacuum.
>The atomic bomb that fell on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 detonated in Urakami only 500 m (1640 ft) from the cathedral, completely destroying it. As the Feast of the Assumption of Mary (August 15) was near, Mass was held on the day and was well attended. The resultant collapse and heat-wave cindered and buried all those present in the Cathedral.[5] The destruction of the cathedral hit the religious community of Nagasaki the hardest, as they viewed it as a loss of spirituality. It had such an impact, that noted playwright Tanaka Chikao wrote his most successful play, Head of Mary, about the efforts of Christians in Nagasaki to reconstitute their faith by rebuilding the Virgin Mary.
Really makes you think.