Can we get a 90's anime thread started? There are some hidden gems I'm sure I haven't discovered yet.
Can we get a 90's anime thread started? There are some hidden gems I'm sure I haven't discovered yet
Orphen had potential but the side cast was so bad that it ruined the entire show for me.
I liked the protag though.
can we agree anime was at it's best in the 90's and has been declining ever since
Why haven't their been more 90s anime made recently?
The nineties are over, all hope is gone.
that is true in many ways
check out Irresponsible Captain Tylor
And Great Teacher Onizuka
Platabor was late 80 / early 90 comfy /m/ show.
Noa was a good tomboy.
No, nostalgiafag. We can't.
I REALLY fucking loved the Chun Li vs Vega duel in Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie.
Watch Tenamoya Voyagers.
Is Escaflowne any good ?
Escaflowne is god tier. Be patient with the first episode the last 5 mins and then everything after is awesome
I prefer the artstyle of the 80s more but the 90s had some good shows.
There's already a pre-2000 anime thread up
It looks nice and the music's good but the plot turns into a complete mess around the halfway piunt
Is anime as a medium beginning to stagnate? It seems most creators are banking on moe artstyles in order to sell it to audiences these days, no risk takers
but then again, catering to the right audience brings in $$$ so I can't really complain about the lack of noticeable innovation
Late 90s - Early 2000s
>spoonfeed me recs
Try MAL or AniDB.
I like to rewatch Ruin Explorers every now and again. Just a fun easy to digest fantasy adventure
where would you date it then
It has good and even great MOMENTS, but those are interspersed amongst a great deal of shoujo relationship bullshit and the series treating you like a retard with a will-she-won't-she style "love" triangle.
Overall, it was pretty meh.
2013 or 2014 probably
That's because Japan was at its best in the 90s and has been declining ever since. Maybe they really should just get China to make anime now.
This is the same poster. I'm retarded and don't know anything. Kill me now.
It's been that way since the 90s. Studios make most of the money through merchandising, so really it serves more as advertisement than anything else.
I really liked the first episode, but then Lyle shows up and the show immediately faceplants into the dull adventures of the world's most generic DnD protagonist.
El Hazard was pretty decent.
Escaflowne is phenomenal, a classic, and anyone who says any less is a fucking retard who's opinions on everything are irrelevant and total trash.
It's mediocre at best and if you're too autistic to accept people having a differing opinion, then you're irrelevant and your opinion, like you're waifu, is total trash.
If you can ignore its retarded plot points and the fujoshit, it's fine.
mid 80s-2000 is the golden age.
probably something to do with the bubble economy, aslo cel > digital.
anyone else love grain? and the bits of dust and hair that get picked up occasionally?
it's like the anime equivalent of vinyl
yes, it's only flavor of the month moeshit that's good now.
you're only focusing on the good.
80s and earlier 90s had some good stuff, but there was also way less being made. Late 90s-early 2000s was wonderful- a lot more series coming out, and a lot of experimenting with different themes and styles (especially by studios like Gonzo around that time). It started to die off in the late 2000s and genuinely enjoyable series that weren't full of hollow characters and rehashed premises started becoming rare.
It seems like a lot more shows back then had much older casts, leading to more developed characters and overall engaging stories. Or maybe I'm just old so I can't really give a shit about all these shows revolving around High School kids.
"Pretty decent" is an insult to how great El-Hazard is.
Just refer to the Grumpy Jii-san approved watch list.