Hopefully the shota won't be fucking ugly this time
No thanks
Buy it where?
Is there any way to see how much it sold?
Ruined by the disgusting looking kid.
Even an old fat faceless man is more attractive than that kid
Fuck no, you're retarded. The nerdy kid is fine, kinda amusing really. I share his passion if I'd be given same situation and sensei.
It's really relatable. Wouldn't mind beautiful blonde short blue haired kid fucking the sensei but the nerd does his job second best.
Fat faceless gooks would've been the worst.
get fucked OP
If Japan wanted me to buy porn, maybe they shouldn't censor it.
Looks like shit.
Not going to buy it.
Except the sequel will almost certainly be NTR/rape shit given the stuff they hinted at. Japanese people are truly garbage on the inside, they feel the need to ruin all nice things.
Easily the best animated hentai of the year, with Victorian Maid Maria being last year's.
Stop shit taste. It has the same designer from Ladies versus Butlers, Upotte, Triage X anime shows, making it practically Xebec animated hentai.
This. It looks really good, but shota ruins it.
NTR? How? If you mean that one guy fucking sensei, then that happened in her high school years, that's not fucking ntr in any way. It's in the past, but it might have rape nuances to it with the one hint she gave during the bunny act, you're right about that. But in no way is NTR hinted in any way for sequel.
She freaks out when he does her from behind and starts crying and asking him to stop and do something else, and then it shows her as a kid getting nailed by a faceless guy in that position. If she's with the shota now, and then she gets raped in episode 2, then it's also NTR.
if it gets licensed here it will get a uncensored version like cow sisters
Best shit
Victorian Maid Maria was way better.
>shota with bowlcut
I don't have shit tastes and I'm more annoyed that this is the guy that made butlers and wolf girl anime
God, this. I want to fap but the sight of that ugly kid just kills my boner.
I did mention the hint during bunny act yes about it being possible rape.
What has happened in the past does not make it NTR you fucking retard though. That would make nearly all of the men on this planet cucks if your reasoning was the logic basis.
If sequel is still in the present time and she gets fucked by some dude, then it could be seen as NTR but the relationship with the nerd shota seems primarily sexual and nothing more to begin with.
Give me old fat men or gtfo
What is it with you fags that makes you incapable of relating and feeling empathetic to a nerdy shota who really loves his sensei so much he just asks outright if she would fuck him out of lust? Is it really that much better if it's faceless fat guy so then you can fully self-insert? Self-inserting is the worst meme ever.
They are antimasculinity. They can't relate to male feelings. This is the ultimate result of feminism.
Whenever I see an old ugly man getting laid in hentai, I can't help but to feel happy for him.
We all know the struggle and the thirst, then how come ugly dudes aren't allowed to be happy?
I liked the theme, and the content but there were huge animation errors. The oral scene really stood out as just jarringly bad.
Don't care. Shota is shit no matter what the kid looks like. I would take an old faceless fat guy over shota any day.
Thank you user, I hadn't thought about it that way. I feel like I learned something tonight.
I don't like rape and forced things all that much though so I don't feel happy for the old ugly fat gooks in such cases, but if it's a nice fat old man then I'm all in. Even better if he has a actual face. So far the only hentai I remember doing that and was really great was with the bitchy highschool sluts with one of them being cute brown blonde.
Shit taste, stop posting forever.
It's not a matter of faceless fat guy or self-insert, but a matter of the kid being really fucking ugly. If they didn't show his face so damn much and focus more on the female, I wouldn't be complaining so much.
But he's not really even fucking ugly? He's not fat, he has silly bowlcut hair because his mother is probably strictfag who forces that on her kid, the old fashioned round glasses come with that too. Just imagine being in his shoes.
I had a mother who was very strict about my hair so I can relate well to the kiddo. I relate to his tenacity right off to want to bang his hot teacher and make love to her, so I'd high five him given the chance. I didn't feel that they focused on his face that much, Misaki definitely got more focused time. Hell at one point the kid turned invisible for the groping scene. Just feel happy for the horny shota, I bet you weren't a child star in your youth either with the looks.
You can't actually read English, can you?
I thought /ss/ was for self inserting? If you don't self insert in /ss/ then you're a literal faggot.
You thought wrong. You're the literal faggot for thinking everything is some self-insert shit.
Then that means you're looking up porn where the appeal is a little boy for you to look at and fap to. That makes you gay.
Read the works by Nora Higuma. If that don't change your opinions of shota then I don't know what would
You're literally retarded if you think that's the only way to look at hentai if it doesn't go through by your limited self insert faggotry view.
For me the appeal is in the hot sensei getting fucked by a shota, nothing more, nothing less. I enjoy the sight of it as is, and sensei being into it together with the shota.
What's the difference between /ss/ and regular vanilla between adults? Oh that's right, /ss/ explicitly has a little boy which you purposefully look up and fap to. You're like a trapshitter who thinks he's not gay. Stay in denial.
>focusing on the boy
>not focusing on the fact that it's an older woman preying on young boys
>not finding this morally questionable and incredibly taboo activity exciting
It's the best shit ever when the /ss/ happens because it's some slutty gyaru, a MILF who's cheating on her husband with the kid, or so on.
Almost all of porn have some self-insert protagonist that make the experience more stimulating. That's why many people don't like NTR, whether they want to or not they're subconsciously self-inserting themselves to the MC, though for everyone that don't have cuckoldry fetish one of its strengths is the art and the idea of someone being fucked mercilessly that you won't find normally in vanilla
Nah, tender loving aneshota is the best.
That's funny way to put it since that makes you just a gay someone who's into adult men instead. Age play is a fetish in case you didn't know retard. You can relate to things without self-inserting and enjoy them, try it sometimes, it won't hurt your gay ass pride.
>if it gets licensed here
Which western country would allow that?
You've been bitching about me self inserting this whole time but now you conveniently drop it to accuse me of fapping to men? Typical idiocy from a faggot. This will be your last reply from me.
Seriously? You willingly missing out like 50% of hentai out there?
What porn are we talking about? It's all about where to look really, quite a lot of hentai released has guys with faces and then there's the ones with faceless mooks. And doujins drawn by girls have majorly actual male characters whereas on the male author side of things you have wide variety of styles. This ''almost all of the porn have some self-insert protagonist'' shit feels just towards to the run of the mill doujins with one faceless guy fucking a boatslut, touhou, etc. so you couldn't be more wrong in that regard.
>50% of hentai
You fucking wot?
Good hentai is dead. Bible Black puts a lot of the newer releases to shame and came out over a decade ago.
I'd rather not fap to Detective Conan in Doraemon's artstyle. Really takes me out of it. And I can't suspend my disbelief enough to digest shota shit. No I don't like fat ugly old men either.
If 50% was shota, I'd still be masturbating
>Bible Black
>Not Taimanin Asagi 1 (fuck 2/3), Kangoku Senkan, Imouto Paradise, etc
Get that shit taste out of here.
Says the faggot. Go fap to your faceless fat old men fucking your girl while you self-insert as some ntr'd cuck.
I don't mind Shota, but when are we going to get a husbando fucking a waifu?
But user taimanin asagi came out later and so did kangoku senkan. Also I see you enjoy your bullshit drunk camera angles.
When someone in the industry lets a woman author design the characters and story.
The shaking camera is fucking obnoxious, but Mein Gott those blowjob scenes where the girl is gulping down gallons of cum, only to end up with a sticky mouth full of it (and she has to chew/etc to get it down) is the most glorious shit ever. So far the only stuff that satisfies my very specific urge is by the one guy who was the lead animator for all of the aforementioned hentai. Sadly he also loves drunken cameras.
So how long did everyone last? I lost it when the tits came out. Speaking as someone that needs 15 minutes to warm up, this was a surprise for me. They were some nice jiggly tits.
yeah buy it goyjin
I would be okay with that. It'd be a welcome departure from the norm.
This, Victorian Maid and the one with the mother and daughter oppai play all get me as soon as the jigglin commences.
I lasted till the bikini climax, but only because I stopped fapping at times to last longer. Would've probably at same point as you otherwise. The way they popped out and she showed her curves was really something else.
Are there any subs yet?
Well, just porn in general. Of course if the appeal is in the concept of the fetish itself (tentacles, NTR, rape, etc.) the idea of self-insert protags will be close to impossible, but if it's just vanilla happy sex then the male MC should be at least presentable and suited for self-inserting. Being faceless also don't harm in that regard, at least in case of Mankitsu and Baku Ane.
You know someone made a damn good job at making the male MC self-insert if you don't find anyone talking about the MC
The shota in author's previous animated works at least looked cute.
This shota looked more like an ugly midget on the other hand.
>Author said if it seels beyond expectation, it will get a sequel
Where does it say that?
The shota sucked in that and ruined it for me. He looks exactly like the hana hook mother rapist.
I rather the creator's hentai doujins he releases at Comiket get animated.
You guys know what I am talking about like his recent Konosuba doujins that don't require any translations at all.
why do we have so many fags here? I didn't look at shota once.
See and and tell me why are you such a feminist?
>ITT people jealous of a little boy, me included
>Spider monkey sex.
No thanks.
Give me a good looking guy without glasses and im happy, i don't need to self insert. Its all just fantasy.
Amagi doujins
>The shota sucked in that and ruined it for me. He looks exactly like the hana hook mother rapist
For fuck's sake, you fucking wuss
can someone link the shota everyone is talking about? what is the name of the artist btw
Looked up Higuma's work, and his art is definitely top notch. Still can't get into shota stuff even with that artwork. It's just a huge turnoff in general.
I'm sure every user has something they hate. It just happens to be mine.
Are you autistic?
bud wy
Akio Takami is the main guy behind it
He worked for XebecI been praying for years and the mad man actually does it
There was a shota in the other two he's done?
>Wonder why that style looks familiar
That artist already draws large women with manlets, though
Ew, I'll pass.
Yeah, but his manlets are pretty ripped and attractive so I'd place them in the husbando sub genre.
>That one where the boxing champ still can't beat his tall thicc wife at sex
>all these complains about the shota
You actually focus on him? WAT?
>"Yeah there's shit on your plate, but there's also that nice piece of prime rib on it too. Just eat around it."
Although I prefer shota to fat old men, I'm not really crazy about it either
Where's the "Teacher promises they can fuck once the highschooler graduates and he empties four years of semen into her cake" hentai?
>People actually dislike /ss/
When did we get so many homos here?
What's the title?
Food logic doesn't apply here, you can't use ir for a comparation.
Boku no Pico sensei
Oh its just porn?
Why bother then
>people are seriously complaining about /ss/
What the flying fuck?
Am I even on Sup Forums anymore?
Well, it's quite clear that this doesn't really exist. Can't find it, and looking up Akio Takami gives nothing.
I love /ss/ but the shota looks too goofy in this one
I think he's too much of a young little shit even for Sup Forums
Female design was great. The kid's design was horrible.
/SS/ is fine but not when the kid is like pre-school. I actually have some standards and the kid ruined it.
This is what I fear in a possible 2nd episode of Oyakodon Oppai. Especially since there's like two anthologies with some chapters featuring this.
>Gajin fan who bought the BD here. I have a question.
>In the last scene with high school age Misaki, what is the meaning of this? Is chapter 2 going to feature NTR?