My god a measuring tape?
Take a mans head right off with one of them.
Why do you even need assault bread knives? Ever heard of sliced bread?
People cut bread?
I could use that bread knife to violently attack a loaf.
>knife surrender bin
>tape measure
knife crime may not be a joke but bongland is
How are you supposed to eat it otherwise?
Like a normal american?
That's the definition of cucked.
Think about it.
Not even having knives.
How cucked you are, as a human being to not have access to this tool, a knife.
I dont get this knife meme bs. If i want to kill a person, i dont need a knife for it, there are way better tools for it, like a hammer. Also less messy.
We all know how retarded the UK is. But the thing is, what use does a relaxed weapon law have, if the population itself is cucked beyond redemption.
Germany has a bit more relaxed knife laws, you can carry one and it would be good enough to defend yourself with(the law is easy on some fixed blades). But nobody actually carries in germany or is training to defend oneself with a knife.
So spare us the memes. We all know how fucked we all are if we dond do sth.
They put it there so you could know how big are the knives you fucking retard
>knife surrender bin
So they weren't forcibly confiscated, the owner of the knives voluntarily gave them up. Sounds like the civilians are doing this to themselves.
>sliced bread
This. I buy my bread pre-slice at my halal grocer. It's pre-cut and I don't have to worry about some white supremacist stabbing me or my wife's Asian son.
I remember when Enfield was a predominantly working class white area.
How its changed.
Why does bongland use american measurements?
We use both
Yeah, because it's knife crime and not refugee crime that you should be trying to prevent. Fucking cucks
you're the retard for angrily responding to a joke
>american intellect
People are turning in forks now? How long before stabbing forks are outlawed and the Brits have to use sporks?
>not have access to this tool
The problem is the niggers carrying it around in public. You can have any knife you want as long as you dnot go for a stroll in the city with it.
In germany you can have one hand opening knives that have a liner lock, if you use it for a hobby. One dude i know goes fishing and carries such a knife on him, all the times. If he wasnt a fisher, then this knife would be illegal on him.
Not arguing about the cucking tho. We need to fucking have super specific reasons to carry some types of blades on us. Just telling you that you can have knives in general.
Its true probably one of the very first tools to ever come about and these liberals want to take it away lol
delet this
A while back there was a rash of knife attacks causing them to pass legislation to make it harder to get knives. Insanity.
Law is the same here, if you have a reasonable purpose for the knife, work/hobby related you will be ok.
If you are wandering round with a 7 inch blade stuffed down your shirt at 2am, why are you ding this?
Err, you don’t need a knife to cut bed, most stores already do that for you, and why you needs a knife to butter bread? Just turn the teaspoon upside down, it’s safer as long as you wait for it to cook down from the tea cup.
Just wait until they start their restaurant raids. Those radical rightwing terrorists are hording arsonals of high power, overly sharp, knives. No one needs a knife that sharp.
i don't fucking get it though, it just doesn't add up
>have knife and want to stab someone: a box with fancy words isn't going to change my mind
>have knife for cooking etc.: why the fuck would i throw it away
my theory is that cops themselves are putting knives in the bins, to make it look like they're making the area safer
Operation Sceptre lel, they try to make confiscating butter knifes sound so cool.
>gang members decide to turn their lives around due to successful community action and voluntarily surrender their weapons
>"AHAHAHAHAHA UK is cucked!!!! Can't even cut bread!!!!! Make sure you don't get stabbed with a spoon!!!!"
My God. I'd go to prison for my backyard bbq set my 12 year old purchased for me at Home Depot.
That just seems so surreal. In the US, you can carry a fixed blade nearly anywhere as long as you carry it openly. Nearly everyone carries a pocket knife all the time.
But then again, they aren't the main tool used for someone looking to fuck someone up.
>Believing America invented feet and inches
The state of the American education system
I can't imagine being without my pocket knife. It's just so damn handy and somehow I've managed to never threaten or stab anyone with it because I'm not a nigger.
knife crime is up in england STOP STABBING PEOPLE YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE
>Implying that the road they're headed down even has food to cut
>your response to the retarded toothpaste ruined an even greater joke
A fucking leaf
I am baffled by this. Why would you put these knives in the surrender bin? Why not just put them back in the kitchen drawer? I don't know what to think about the forks. And what is that below the forks? It looks like one of those things you use to spread icing. My country is a laughing stock. We conquered much of the world, and now look. Feels bad man.
Kitchens BTFO.
How will local restaurants ever recover?
Stfu and go back to your eu masters.
>can't buy bread knives because im under 18
You must kill yourself, you know how pathetic this is. These are kitchen implements, not weapons.
british people should just start dumping random kitchen equipment in those bins.
spatulas, cheese graters, frying pans, aprons, etc
Bread/bagel knife
>there are people who are intent on causing injury
sounds like a people problem
And then the sandniggers started acid attacks. The more the state regulates with bs laws, the more the people will wake up.
Soon everything will be regulated to hell. You will need a special sock wearers permit when you buy socks and a bar of soap together.
Seems okayish to me. Our laws are complicated. If i got them correctly one basically can wear a fixed blade on him here, not sure about the size, but i think it was bigger than expected. The bigger issue was with folding knives.
Save a loife
Bin that knoife
I also carry a pocket knife, the rule here is it has to be less than a three-inch blade and non-locking, otherwise you need "good reason".
>hands over the entire fucking cutlery
fuck you you absolute joke of a country get raped and ground up into kebob bought by a based civnat cuck you fucking faggots
>Gang Members
>only have standard kitchen knives
You're fucking retarded aren't you.
>what is a joke
It's bait lad, it's like saying "English was good enough for Jesus Christ"
>brits nowadays
Because the kind of people carrying these assumedly don't have their own kitchens.
It's easier to put a knife in one of these bins than explain to your mum why there's suddenly a new knife in the drawer.
Jesus fucking christ, The tape measure is in feet (they have 100 feet of non metric measuring unit available!) These crudely sharpened kitchen instruments will surely bring down society.
As an American I can buy most of these shit knives and serving utensils at dollar tree.
no more staby games the brits are infamous for stabbing NO MORE STABBING
Blade locks are a safety feature though.
>knife surrender bin
oh wow
so these are not confiscated knives, people are actually giving them up willfully
fucking meat forks too lmao
Bread is for free men. Ask Jesus.
>Import in Africans
>Knife crime sky rockets
Well done Bongs.
Or you could throw it down the grid. I think people do this to take the piss, especially the forks.
Maybe we just view knives as a tool more than a weapon here. I carry a .45 for that reason.
I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
Lol, literally for a fucking dollar. Brits are so gay. How would they live with guns.
What?! You let people under 21 buy bread knives in Denmark?!
>tfw family has land on that island
Fuck I can't wait to sell it all
fixed blades are not legal here now to carry about, I used to have a balisong that I took to biker shows in the 90's as it was really useful for cooking sausages and general purpose uses on the road.
Caught with it now I don't know what would happen!
there is a strange agenda in places like the UK and australia to ban or strictly limit harmless youth activities and hobbies.
its almost like they want to push youth towards drugs, crime, and degeneracy.
in this case they want to discourage youths from learning to cook, or training to become a chef.
other cases include the SEVERE restrictions against young car enthusiasts in australia (you need to be well into your 20s before you can even consider driving a car with more than 6 cylinders).
meanwhile a learner driver can legally drive a bugatti veyron.
When your nation is overrun by violent subhumans, rules like this suddenly pretty goddamned essential. I don't mock the Britons. I pity them.
>100 feet
Those are pretty big not gonna lie
>As an American I can buy most of these shit knives and serving utensils at dollar tree
You can here as long as you're over 18, this is why the knife hysteria is so stupid, people will always need knives
they don't need knives, acid works just as well
Tell me about it, our laws are retarded, somebody went to jail for having a Leatherman Wave
Right, thanks for clearing that up for me.
Harishian is making gun gestures, he's clearly a future terrorist.
Nigga you need to show ID to buy spoons in the UK ffs
Yeah, i wish we could just have guns here and open carry or have CCL.
>pocket knives
We can have them, not allowed are liner locks and one hand opening knives in combo.
You can have a one hand opener, but dont have a liner lock on it. Or you can have a liner locking one, but dont dare to have a thumb opener.
Classic pocket knives that have a nail nick and a back lock are allowed.
What a retarded country. Holy shit.
I just conducted a weapons of my mom's kitchen. Recovered many dangerous implements. Sad!
Don't throw a fit, bin that mitt!
Bing bing bong
Uk is a nightmare.
Ban assault brooms!
Nobody needs a weaponized broom.
>my theory is that cops themselves are putting knives in the bins, to make it look like they're making the area safer
thinking the same, this is all a show its all theater they have their dumb arse diversity hires thinking up this bullshit only a leftist could come up with the idea of knife bins
Balisong is illegal pure and simple, no "good reason" defence allowed. You can carry a fixed blade if you have "good reason", like being a chef, but even they are expected to carry them in a wrap, which is in turn in a bag.
>be britain
>get called out for being cucked by a fucking leaf
True, but I can stab someone with a spoon too.
The Brits are going to lose to monkeys, monkeys have reached the Bronze Age
why the hell do you own that oven glove?
that is a lethal weapon in the wrong hands..
Our police still have guns, at the very least
>be british
>want to cut sandwich
>police did a weapons sweep on your kitchen earlier and confiscated all your knives
>pop over to the neighbors house and borrow his sharia execution sword
>just so you know.
Holy shit; the rage and I’m not even a bong.
>Import niggers
>find spears
It's like pottery
> execution sword still has blood from dead faggots
> blood gets on bread