>bunch of dudes get together
>change in front of eachother
>get dominated by other men (drill sergeant)
>take showers together
>tough macho culture since everyones insecure about their sexuality
>"dont ask don't tell" policy since everyone is a closet homosexual
Is the Military Designed for Closet Homosexuals?
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Yeah the showers meme is real, processing before boot camp the barracks had a single room filled with shower heads that 20+ guys were using at once, gayest shit I've ever done.
It got better at basic, actual walls between the shower heads. Worst part was he had a few known faggots in our platoon, one of them was even bragging about his husband, absolutely disgusting.
Shut up faggot. You're so gay I bet you don't even shave your chest.
Navy-fag. As the branch the most notorious for fag shit I can say I have an interesting perspective. The gay shit started from back before women were in, now its easy to sneak away to a fan room who joined up to get knocked up, marry the poor sailor, and live out her life as a dependa. Their are still tons of fags though. No need to be closeted about it anymore most fags are super vocal about their fag shit but would never try anything about it in mixed company because the huge nig population in our branch. That being said the dykes are who you have to worry about, they'll completely shirk their responsibilities to go play grab ass. Female berthing is like a woman's prison from what I hear.
>*...to a fan room with A THOT who joined up...
>be in platoon are
>Cpl sees a Lclp laying down looking at his phone
>screams "not in my house"
>Cpl jumps on top of the Lcpl
>they wrestle for about 5 min before the Cpl gets complete control
>Cpl then proceeds to stick finger up Lcpl's poop chute
>Everyone just watched as a man was practically raped
>Compny just had a class on sexual assault in the Marine Corps
>Wonder if that counts as sexual assault
>chock it up to playful banter and bonding
Ya the military is pretty gay
Do the niggers make the whole ship smell like nigger, or does the military do something to ban that or vaccinate them against it or whatever?
i was in army bootcamp. nobody intentionally looked at eachothers dicks and i definitely never saw a boner in the showers
A new study published late this summer in PLOS ONE finally provides a reliable estimate of past participation in the U.S. army among men. The data came from the National Survey of Family Growth, a household-based nationally representative survey of 18-44 year-olds, including a total of 17,452 men interviewed during three separate waves of data collection (2002, 2006-2010 and 2011-2013).
Past army participation was assessed by asking men if they have ever “been on active duty in the Armed Forces for a period of 6 months or more.” A total of 2.3 million men (4.2% of the male population) was estimated to be nonheterosexual, including 2.0% identifying as gay, 1.7% identifying as bisexual, and 0.5% classified as “other MSM" (men who have sex with men) because they didn’t identify as either gay or bisexual, but reported having had sex with at least one man in the past 12 months.
As the graph below illustrates, there was no difference in the total percentage of nonheterosexual men among those who served and didn’t serve in the military: 4.2% v. 4.1%, respectively. However, when broken down by nonheterosexual category, only 0.8% of those who served compared to 2.1% of those who had not served identified as gay. The opposite pattern was found for men who identified as bisexual and other MSM: Both groups were somewhat overrepresented among men who had served compared to men who had not served in the military (bisexual: 2.2% vs 1.6%; other MSM: 1.3% compared to 0.4%), although neither difference reached statistical significance (likely due to small sample sizes).
Hmm. My understanding is that the navy is 99% homos. The af is 99% bronies and pedos and furries. And the army learned to just fuck mules from the ragheads since Obama appointed them to leadership positions.
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>Cpl then proceeds to stick finger up Lcpl's poop chute
Who started the finger up the ass thing?
I love you.
Yeah. I have serious doubts about that.
You mean like cheap aftershave? Yes, but berthing can have a whole myriad of stank worse than that depending on who your bunked up with. Black women reek though. Another reason I feel bad for the females.
Believe me or don't there is no real way for me to prove it to you. All ik is that i saw what i saw
the Cpl did. He just decided to take it there
That's mad fucking gay. I thought that was some kind of established and sanctioned ironic homo banter but if he's the only one sticking fingers up asses that's something else entirely.
straight and gay are fake. everybody is AT LEAST bi. youre simply parroting fake jew memes from only 100 years ago from freud. these older definitions than that, even applied to the bible. lots of based gays in armies and in history and in society. shun them and lose or face the black death. contrarianism FTW. satan rules the air after all
you sound like the serpent in the garden. a real tranny. stop obsessing about tit bags known as women. you fucking towel cuck. would it have been better to discuss women with them to get boners. they wouldnt get em. only when YOU shower. and keep it MASCULINE. fuck