What emotion is this face trying to convey?

What emotion is this face trying to convey?

disgust and resignation.

homoerotic frustration

Urge to spin.

disgust, resentment, disappointment, betrayal. among other things.

A face who did everything worng.

One animated by Hurai




What about the face Lelouch made back at him?

>When you're looking for Levi's but all you can find is Campbell's.

the pleasure of being cummed inside

The displeasure of being cummed inside.

i know literally nothing about this show except for the fact that in school the girls i hung out with thought suzaku and lelouch were really gay. is this the case?

They are really gay, but Suzaku at the very least is all but confirmed heterosexual.

Everyone in this series is pretty fucking gay, now that I think about it.

How about this one?

Lelouch losing his patience with Suzaku for bringing up the fact that he killed his bitch for the nth time even though it happened over a year ago.

That actually is pretty fucking petty.


Speaking of her....
What did lelouch mean when he called her his first love?

>in school the girls i hung out with

get the fuck out

He had a crush on her when they were kids

Watch the picture dramas, I think the 5th one shows him, Nunally and Euphie hanging out together

I honestly think part of the reason he killed Euphie was out of jealousy of Suzaku, specifically how happy Suzaku had become

>the reason he killed Euphie

It was a complete fuckup by Lelouch. He let his guard down and let the geass command slip out.

He spins it as part of his keikaku because he has to, but he knows it was a tragic mistake.

It's more "And what are you going to do about it?" No more bullshitting for those two.

It's also Lelouch echoing his father by using his favorite retort.

jesus man. and they're siblings. yikes.

they're european. and I think cornerlia was pretty lesbian for her sister too.

He certainly fucks up alot of stuff to get to that situation but what I am referring to is the heat of the moment when he decides to pull the trigger on her. This is almost baseless, but in all of his anger towards Suzaku for opposing him, combined with his comment about her being his first love, maybe Lelouch was airing jelousy of Suzaku and Suzaku's life-- despite working within the system while oppressed, opposing his philosophy, and otherwise being a complete foil to Lelouch, Suzaku starts to beat Lelouch at his own game.

It's like Lelouch wants a trainwreck to happen, to tear everything down because he himself didn't create the solution. To the very last moment, he wanted Euphie to stage some attack on his person to rally the Black Knights, hence why he brought the ceramic gun, and after giving up, I think he joked about her killing the Japanese because he half-heartedly wanted it

Even if this is untrue and unsupportable, to me it feels like it justifies his wack-out actions during the whole thing, at least until he brings it back into his keikaku
Half siblings, and royalty. Could be worse-- especially if you consider how close Lelouch is to Nunally.

Charging of rotary power.

Will they fix the Euphinator scene in the movies?

>what I am referring to is the heat of the moment when he decides to pull the trigger on her

okay, that makes a lot more sense

>It's like Lelouch wants a trainwreck to happen, to tear everything down because he himself didn't create the solution.

this is an interesting interpretation. I'll definitely consider it the next time I rewatch

While I do respect your interpretation of that scene, I believe that it wouldn't really be in caracter for Lelouch. Killing out of anger or hate? Sure, but Lelouch has far too much control of himself to kill someone out of petty jealously. However, on this particular scene where he kills Euphie? That was almost certainly a mercy kill. At the time, given Lelouch's knowledge of geass, as well as the lack of it, he believed that there was no way to cancel or otherwise stop following the order. And, seeing as it was making her do something she wouldn't ever willingly do, he killed her in order to free her.


>kill someone out of petty jealously

if it was this, it would be really subtle, I guess.

I'm not sure that the killing was strictly "mercy"-- certainly it was Lelouch trying to put a cap on a bad situation, but I think he was too emotional to plan it properly into the fold of things or to really think of Euphemia's welfare until C.C picks him up in a Knightmare-- we have this excellent scene of him thinking about what happened aloud with C.C, telling her that Euphie was resisting the command, understanding what went wrong with his Geass, and spinning it to the Black Knights

an aside, whatever the reason Lelouch killed Euphie it hits me extraordinarily hard every time I watch CG-- no matter how limited the build up in her and Suzaku's relationship might seem, it brings me to tears every time

Doubt, anger, disgust, confusion.
Hundreds of things are racing through Suzaku's mind in this scene so it's hard to pin down.

>It's like Lelouch wants a trainwreck to happen, to tear everything down because he himself didn't create the solution.
it's definitely an interesting interpretation, but would the audience have liked a character like that? and what about the goal? even if everything played exactly the same but with this new added point from Lelouch inner thoughts and no one knew about it? would we still like the character? he would be exactly what Suzaku thought of him and lelouche would have no ground to stand on.