Shingeki no Kyojin

Why didn't she try stabbing the fleshy parts instead?

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LM soon

Because just stabbing the fleshy parts does absolutely nothing. She needs the joints and the neck to do any meaningful damage.

Mikasa is very dumb

Think of her mental state after what just happened

After the reiner and bertholdt moment I decided to read all of the manga

Jesus fucking christ, this was one of the biggest disappointments of my life
Everything up until the actual realization of where titans come from was really great, the moment the mystery was solved it became absolute trash

Are they actually going to follow the manga in the anime?
Can they just stop at like, chapter 70? or rewrite it like original FMA

>Uprising arc

Endgame right here, brothers.

It's fine

when you compare uprising arc to nazi arc it's day and fucking night

Hongo OUT

Why does pic related remind me of Eren?

>Those comments



Because both are voiced by Kaji?

holy shit

when was the last time the same guy voiced both the main character in the same season?

how can you say that when there wasn't an attempt?

if i wasnt lazy i would photoshop erens face on their instead of levi


i want to close that mouth with my mouth

Why won't Isayama confirm that she's a girl?

>it's a manga about jews and ebil nazi's

Wow so original guys

No wonder tumblr fucks love this show

You've been doing that for 8 years, manlet.

I wish anime shows took more liberty from the source material, I really do not understand purityfags when it comes to manga (and books on western media) and anything ever spawning from them having some kind of sacred and unbreakable obligation to 100% follow the source down to every detail otherwise it's shit.
It makes no sense at all, a work needs to be judged on its own merits. Imagine if for example Mamoru Oshii followed the manga faithfully when making the GITS movie, it would have been a forgettable film lost in time, compared to what it became after he took liberty from the source and injected his own vision into it.

Oshii didn't really adapt GitS in every sense of the word really, he used the franchise as a means of delivering his vision of a sci-fi world, and it paid off. I want more of this kind of creative spirit in anime, but with fags thinking a TV show and a manga can be interchangeable with no thought whatsoever put into the target format simply for some dogmatic "faithfulness to the source material" then it can't be helped.

*blocks yours Island*

he basically did when it was confirmed she had a crush on Keith.

It comes down to the producer

Everyone with any brain can see that the original FMA is better and that brotherhood is inferior but it's become such a norm at this point that any deviation becomes akin to heresy

Blame the retarded fans

is that CGI Titan Armin?

2003 was worse than brotherhood though.

>Everyone with any brain can see that the original FMA is better and that brotherhood is inferior

It makes me so angry how MALfags and other retards started throwing the original series under the bus as soon as Brotherhood came out for not being "faithful to the manga" like that means anything, despite the ridiculously inferior visual directing, pacing, and character development, the latter especially on the Homunculus.
I mean FMA had to rewrite shit because they ran out of material, but even before then and I think especially before then they still had a lot more care and thought put into every episode. I pity people who watch Brotherhood first and don't get to experience the full impact of early arcs like Nina's, as they are rushed to completion in Brotherhood in its panel to panel adaptation style.

I still enjoy SnK regardless and I think it improves on the manga considerably in terms of storytelling, especially the first half of season 1, but more liberty would be nice when it comes to adapting the later volumes.

>muh friendship is better then 2003

Eat a dick kiddo

anime will confirm in the year 2021 of are lord and savior jesus christ

Agreed, I have no qualms about anything Isayama did before the final reveal


Triggers me to no end

>All these faggots wanting an anime original
Why? was it Bert, Erwin or Ymir?

Will she win the Erenbowl?

Because everything about the actual reveal of the titan origin is so fucking lame and boring it looked like it belonged right in a shitty marvel comic book

It's the biggest wasted potential i've ever seen in my life

It looked really stupid when the scouts flying forward suddenly dodged sideways in air to avoid Bert's giant punch

Then their physics must not be identical to reality. In other words, the wires don't actually ignore anything.

How to construct your contrarian arguments on Sup Forums:

>1. Pick a strawman: MAL, Normies, Tumblr, Reddit, etc.
>2. Pick something common to whine about: Bad CG, "muh X", popular with strawman, DEEPfag, Cute girls doing X
>3. Associate your opponent with either the same strawman, or another strawman.
>4. ???
>5. Profit

why be a stickler for physics in a show where people turn into 50 feet tall monsters? Is it just autism?

because armin hasn't told them to stab the meaty parts

Endgame right here, brothers.

>unironically liking the direction that the manga is leading in

Do you enjoy the taste of shit?

At least the titans forming is still shrouded in mystery and can be attrtibuted to "magic"

If they said the wires were fucking magic i wouldnt have an issue with it

>cherrypicking the positive results of adaptions deviating from the source material while ignoring the vast majority of unfaithful adaptions are shit and/or worse than the source

I like how Reiner just completely ignores her.

The more I read the more I realize this is just an uninteresting mech manga

What was wrong with the reveal, in your opinion? I happened to really enjoy it. You can only take "mysterious giant monsters appearing suddenly and eating everyone and also some people can transform into those monsters" in so many directions. How would you have done it?

Because nobody has a fucking concept of moving around with armor. For some reason they need Hanji of all people to explain that metal-like plates can't surround your entire body without stopping you in your tracks.

Because stabbing it will do nothing. They need the momentum of the 3DMG to slash deep enough to cause damage and potentially sever a muscle weakening Reiner

I dislike that they are simply because of man made principals and then turned into a weapon as opposed to a force of nature

If I were to choose a direction for it, I would have made the titans be a predator created from an evolutionary standpoints as a counter response to humanity and it's activities
Eren transforming would be the act of splicing DNA with these monsters
And as the series progressed they would continue to change forms on the fly to combat humanity's activities making them more of a threat each chapter

It would make Eren's plight more dramatic, as if fighting God for the sake of humanity as opposed to petty war

>titans coming about naturally
Not him, but that's retarded.

How is that any worse then simply
>fucking magic

Ah, I see. You just wanted epic titan battles for the rest of the series. Not that I don't understand where you're coming from but I'm kinda glad that didn't happen.

Man vs Nature is always more interesting as a concept then Man v Man
It's why space horror has such a huge following

No, even she knows that she must not mess with Mikasa's property


The story would be leagues better if Armin were deleted from existence and his traits were divided amongst Jean (wits), Connie (wanting to see the ocean, becoming the CT) and Sasha (cosplaying Historia and being abused by that perv).

Kindly prove me wrong.

Do people also think Mikasa is a male as well? Considering from the manga she at times looks hard to tell.

It's already happening

Did it ever occur to you that there's fuckall reasons the rifles wouldn't just assrape these oversized mongaloids? of course the ways people attack these things are inefficient, if it was realistic they would all be dead as fuck.

Annie would never beat this body in a fist fight.

I think The Devil was a force of nature. We don't know if they have a concept of a benevolent god, or even Hell itself. They may use the term "this is hell", but it might not be the same one we know.

If it exists in the physical world, it's not exactly magic. If we ever got an explanation of what The Devil is (it could just be a very big or very powerful titan), I'd be glad as long as it didn't bring up further questions.

Magic can explain the lack of reproductive organs and digestive system, the similar appearance to humans, their size/weight situation, and their extremely unnatural behavior -- the consumption/exterimination of humans while not needing food whatsoever.

I don't know how you could have ever thought the titans were natural beings.

>I wish anime shows took more liberty from the source material

stopped reading there.

If he continues on that concept then fine

but from the direction it seems to be taking in it appears instead to be fighting weird nazi's

Is the bottom panel Eren's endgame harem?

Only as a joke. It's clear that she is a girl.

For Hanji, the problem is that Isayama has decided to keep this meme going for far too long even though Ymir and Nanaba are almost as much manly looking.

No, Armin is fine. Give him a chance.

He can actually voice a character and not sound like a whiny bitch? I hate him even more now.

It's missing Armin and Reiner.

>give him a chance 93 chapters into the story!

>He can actually voice a character and not sound like a whiny bitch?
Todoroki is a pathetic child who acts like a retard because he has daddy issues.


Mikabooty is MikaQT

Crystallized girl isn't there, so no.

Mikasa looks so much better when she isn't "stylish". Eren confirmed shit taste.

So is Eren, so he belongs there.

Well, as a force of nature some plants have no need to reproduce with sexual organs, they instead use Vegetative reproduction which also has no need for the digestive system

Some advanced predators take the appearance of their prey to trick the prey into thinking it's safe, sort of like venus fly traps that produce honey

Size/weight goes back to my plant theory idea

The unnatrual behavior I assumed to be them trying to emulate the prey but not really understanding how or why, which is why there continued to be more abnormal titans as the series continued

The consumption is how they continue to grow as plants/monsters, each human eaten is more Cellular differentiation to prevent inbreeding problems

Well, he is not a boy anymore. He is a completely new Armin now.

Speaking of physics, was there ever a consensus on whether or not these shifters weigh an appropriate amount after titanizing?
Hanji once commented on how light the appendages were of titans, so if they don't weigh tons and tons and tons, it's somewhat more palatable from a thermodynamics perspective, but the earth shaking sound effects when they take steps or move around in the show would imply that they actually do.

Eren doesn't like stylish Mikasa

She's a cutie with a big booty.

Endgame here

How many children?

It would still make more sense then going for the what clearly puts the "armor" in Armored Titan"

Most other characters already have wits. It's just that they turn temporarily retarded when Armong is around so he doesn't appear useless.

All those other titans she has fought in the past not good enough or something? It's basic titan knowledge 101, either you go for the back of the neck, or the tendons/joints. Otherwise, they'll either just regenerate or it has zero effect on them. Hell, remember Sasha and how she hacked away with that axe and it was utterly useless? Same thing here. She needs neck or joints. Anything else would be a waste of time.

Armin wants to cry.

Nothing new here

There must have been countless attempts. How do you think they know the nape is the only weak spot?

Came here to post and or find this.

She left a wet spot on Eren's shoulder after this shot.

Except for the rageturd. He is already born retarded.

They use wires AND gas my dude. Wires if for the bulk of the pulling with gas being for rapid directional changes. It burns a lot to corkscrew like they did but it wasn't like they needed to be conservative.

Yeah I love AoT but it steadily lost its atmosphere and Titans became far less menacing. Especially when I saw those pages with titans in a war. It just felt so different. The atmosphere is what hooked me onto this series.

I don't know, his plan to kill Mikasa's kidnappers was pretty clever. His idiocy could be due to prolonged exposure to Armong's aura of retardation.

He's absolutely not fine but yes, maybe he and Mikasa changed in the timeskip.

Not holding my breath, though.

>pairing the MC with a choice of any female with a Literally Who?
Mein fucking sides desu
