Can we keep this guy in a room somewhere and never let him speak in public? He's fucking creepy as hell and turns people off completely
Can we keep this guy in a room somewhere and never let him speak in public...
>Brown eyes
>no chin
Why did this shitskin get this tatoo
Kill yourself unironic racist.
Who even is this?
Idk, looks like some basic nerdy guy to me. Nothing seems out of the ordinary.
t. shitskin
w e e v
Simon, is that you?
He is not a National Socialist because he has conceded to playing by the Jew's game.
this to be honest with you senpai
I thought Jews only drew this shit on their synagogues.
Newfags must die
(((weev))) the literal CIA nigger who got let out of prison for no reason and magically ended up in (((ukraine))) for no reason
Creampie Surprise!
Jew has hairy upper arms! Forearm hair like monkey! Hairy knuckles! I creampie you, your mom, your entire family! All creampie surprise! I rub my cum into your glasses so u blind like dirty jamaican!
Phone Jacker
>t. Brown eyed amerimutt
he bugs me with all the women hate. he's even joked about letting in more refugees so they can rape more women. I would not at all be surprised if he's an informant like suggests
the US has sponsored neo nazis in ukraine just because they hate russia.
Dunno, senpai. The reasons he "ended up in Ukraine" are pretty clear. In any case, he's not in Ukraine right now. Most recently he moved to Transnistria after he saw some shady people following him. That's what he said at least. If I were him I would probably have moved again and not publicised it. Opsec is important if you don't want to get a Mossad visit.
You mean to tell me that most of what I've been told about Hitler is propaganda?
>Face to Body size...Whaaaa?!
This is why you should GO TO THE GYM or hit the deck and start crunching and pushing. You don't mind after a couple of weeks, then it's addictive believe it or not.
If you include his beard and gigs (the whole Aryan Rabi look) his face is larger than his torso.
Taking this big of an idiot seriously would be the first mistake.
Who gives a fuck what this hateful asshole has to say?
Pretty cool.
Woman "hate", as you call it, seems to have been a naturally occurring phenomenon for most of human history in most human societies throughout the globe. I prefer to call it respect.
I know it's hard to believe, and it might take some time for you to swallow this "redpill," but yes, a large portion of what we've been taught about Adolf Hitler was propaganda, exaggeration, and lies. You might want to stay off Sup Forums for a while to let this "redpill" "sink in."
He's literally a kike, and he's working as a federal informant.
I don't know why people listen to what he has to say.
He's an agent provocateur whose job it is to say incendiary things in order to make us look bad by association.
>muh feefees are more important than free speech
weev is the only reason the daily stormer is still up and running. fuck the shills.
He dated that sjw chick. It gives me a hearty chuckle.
What does Sup Forums think of Monero? Weev said to buy it.
weak tattoo..
The daily stoner is shit. That blog helped get his ass locked in the slammer for a few years. That blog is connected to Dylan roof and that one chick getting killed. Some other things.
Monero is useful for privacy, but you probably won't make big gains if you invest now. It's a bit too late for that (still not a bad investment tho). There are other cryptocurrencies that have greater potential to grow a lot, however, like BAT (just got a massive endorsement from Philip de Franco).
Weev, sent to prison for exposing shit tier web development by changing some numbers on the address bar. Media portrayed him as some kind of master hacker trying to bring down a corporation.
A Jew who larps as a Nazi and probably shouldn't be listened to about anything.
how the hell is daily stormer connected with dylan roof or heather hyer? other than in the fantasies of leftists
weev is jewish, right?
>That blog is connected to Dylan roof and that one chick getting killed
you mean andrew anglin made fun of a bowlcut shooter and a fat bitch who died of a heart attack? oh no. how awful. better pack it up and go home.
>creepy and turns people off
Why do you think that's a bad thing?
unironically yes
what a straight up tool
>There are other cryptocurrencies that have greater potential to grow a lot, however, like BAT
Any other cryptocurrencies that you suggest? Also what do you think of Ripple and Litecoin?
I had to look it up.
Zoe Quinn
weev would love this thread. He is probably printing it up and laughing his ass off right now.
The printer scandal. lol
>Phone Jacker
I've done that a couple times. Not proud of it though.
AH mein furer, i want his schnitzel inside me
He has a chin you literal kike
Everyone should be able to be a natinalistic county: in their own nations.
i don't even care that he's a jew
he's fucking hilarious. he got the FBI to investigate sam hyde (with sam's blessing) by printing this hilarious shit on network connected uni printers all over the country
and for that and the GNAA (you niggers probably dont know about the GNAA if you're not old oldfags) i'll always respect him. i wish he had a podcast or something
I've been here through every iteration of this board and I'm not up to speed on e-celeb shit, because it's fucking gay.
You should probably go back
Do you actually believe this jew? Monero is garbage and you'll lose all of your money. Since we're all pals here I'll let you in on a little secret. BitConnect (BCC) is an next-level platform to invest your money . It's already realized amazing gains and by joining the referral program you can increase your profits exponentially.
People like Vinay Gupta have been dumping all of their shitcoins such as ETC and BTC and are going all in BCC. It's set to moon in 2018 but you need to get in before the normie rush.
Trust me and we'll all be in lambo land before trump's 2nd term!!!
fuck i typoed badly
I was being sarcastic. I have mein kampf and the protocols on my coffee table
Weev is not a fucking e-celeb, and you absolutely must go back
I was too senpai
weev is a jew
>implying that's not some bullshit he said just so he could look more important
the authorities literally don't give a FUCK about him
absolutely haram and disgusting
It's not. It was Shanley. Look it up.
I heard a bunch of the old Rustle League/GNAA folks (but not weev) on a blogradio show this week doing kind of a memorial to Jaime (asshurtmacfags) who killed herself just after Christmas. Sometimes, five years can feel like a lifetime.
he does have a podcast. race ghost coast to coast. they're on youtube
How many times must Sam Hydes local police department have had to deal with bullshit
"Local PD this is INTERPOL. We need.."
"Are you calling about Sam?"
"Yes Sam Al-Hyde..."
The cuck hangs out on Sup Forums too, reading and replying to our posts
Fuck off guy. Race Ghost Roast to Roast is the best show.
This is now a Giga Nigga thread.
he's an ebin troll
Weev is jew who didn't do anything original in his life always taking credit for shit that Timecop and Jmax did. He invoked himself president of GNAA after Timecop ended it.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
WRONG. The Andrew Anglin is hilarious and his analysis is top notch. I rad the Daily Stormer every day and I’m not even a racist.
Never seen these ones before. Moar pls
O fugg
wow. thanks for that shit m8
got tired of listening to cumtown and needed some new material
>I've been here through every iteration of this board
>I'm not up to speed on e-celeb shit
You are an absolutely massive faggot and you need to shut the fuck up and go the fuck away.
t. actual relatively newfag who knows who the fuck weev is.
>everyone who sticks up for whites is CIA/jewish/a shill
typical commie tricks. fuck off.
>100%chan is somehow not an iteration of this board
If you were even close to being an oldfag you would know weev. If you weren't a shill, you would also know he's probably one of the most based dudes around.
actually its race ghost roast to roast i think, but yeah its a good podcast. wish it was a bit longer though
icx my dude. One of the only coins that has a use case for the real world. Let me learn you something big my man, crypto is the bubble to end all bubbles, but were still in the very beginning of it, there's metric fucktons of money to be made, but eventually that shit will pop and it will be great depression on roids. Now, just like the dotcom bubble, the vast majority of these coins will simply dissapear once their value drops to zero. There will however be a few titans left standing after the bloodbath, and they will be the amazons and paypals of the new economy.
also Ripple is good, dont bet against (((them))), Stellar is good (IBM partnerships, already a working product) and a few others.
>muh feefees are more important than free speech
They are in Leafland. We have to tread lightly on our side of the border.
Can you list some more podcasts? Massive fan of race ghost, I like hatebus and the last episode of midgard rising was sweet even though it started out a little clunky. I need more 'casts on my phone for the DOTR.
Newfriends. Even if the claim is dubious, he's 1/32 Jewish and passes under Nuremberg laws which requires 1/8 of you to be Jewish.
Why did he go to the Ukraine?
Oink oink, pink nipped pigskin
The white man's never undergone evolution
Fur covered beasts
Stay away from me
Lel neckbeard faggot with back hair!
You know that Richard (asshurtmacfags) was a tranny right? Does it even surprise you it killed itself?
weev tests and pushes the boundaries of free speech
he's a saint
be glad he has the balls to do the work you furktards will never have the courage to do
that sucks. howd she do it? seemed like a pretty funny dood
>haha I'm only racist on the internet for the giggles
You are so fucking cringey
wtf? He got cute af family!
>tfw am I gay?
faggot reddit pussy
What it? An eceleb of some sorts?
Weev is autistic as fuck, like most brilliant engineers and hackers. He is horrible on camera on or the mic. He's a great writer and obviously he speaks best through owning network exploits
Not sure how she did it. And yes, I know "what" Jaime was. She never denied it or tried to. For all any of us know it was some sort of elaborate troll, even on herself. She was funny as shit and as miserable as death and spent a large amount of time just trying to cheer up other people.
hi guies im enumerating this url and pwning at&t!!!!!!!!
Nuremburg laws were pretty relaxed tho. Read hitlers jews, about 150000 half jews and a decent amount of full jews fought for the third reich.
This makes sense when you realize that the holocaust narrative only really came during the 60s in hollywood, and evolved into a sort of jewish folklore.