How do we bring back the bancho genre?

How do we bring back the bancho genre?

How do we make a good anime about badass bancho babes?

Would an anime about a bancho chick and guy getting into a relationship work out, with them struggling between being strong and coming to grips with passionate feelings for one another?

Why didn't we get more Shounan Junai Gumi?

There is a banchou anime this season.

I want a yuri delinquent game.

I wish oresama teacher got adpated


They're so...retro

Delinquents feel like something my host family's father would reminisce about

The world is truly in a dark place right now if Delinquents are considered retro.

Thanks OP. Now I want to bingewatch Gokusen again.

The long skirt design fits them the best.


What happened?

>How do we make a good anime about badass bancho babes?
The only way we know how

Fucking this.

New chapter when?

so more ikki tousen

That Akagi is really cute.

It went out of fashion in real life. That's why it's going out of fashion in fiction too.

At the very least it grew prominent enough to be remembered and to some extent, still copied.

Sauce? Google gives nothing.

yes it does you piece of shit

Fuck, you are right. Good for you on not spoonfeeding my stupid ass user.

It's "Teisou Gyakuten Sekai zoku hen". The author is Amahara Teikoku.
Stay mad, faggot.

just read oresama teacher, it's been going on for a decade and it's great

I actually found it by not being retarded, this user is more helpful than you, you spoonfeeding piece of shit.

Google works like shit. He should have told you to use saucenao or just give you author's name. It's not that hard.
It's called "decency".

No, because he took the time to check if google gave sauce, and it did, i didn't notice and that was my fault.
If it didn't then maybe, but by spoonfeeding you just encourage retards to stay retarded, remember, for every post you make there are 100 lurkers scared to post, you should always try to be a good role model for the future of the board.

It's cool, i can understand you. I just consider this problem insignificant.
>for the future of the board
Look around. There is no "future" for this board.

I say it again. It's good that you, by your personal reasons, hate giving people sauce or something like that. Just don't try to force the others to play by your self-proclaimed rules. Please.

I'd think that enough people on Sup Forums agree with me that it can be forced on others.
I'm not unreasonable either, if it's hard to find or googel truly gives nothing i am fine giving sauce as long as the user says he did try looking for himself
Not even asking he use saucenao, but at least google.