Trump is laughed at worldwide, refute this Sup Forums! I dare you
Trump is laughed at worldwide, refute this Sup Forums! I dare you
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literally nobody cares what some nobody has to say
Shut up drumpfie, everyone hates trump
sure kid
stay mad
so mad
>when the first post is also the best post
>when that post also has digits
Wow, Norway doesn't have niggers
t. Sven Fridadaughter
Germans hate trump
I knew none of you can refute, Sup Forums has been stumped! Blue wave 2018
Look who's talking, it's more likely to die in a grenade attack in Sweden than in some 3rd world shithole
Paul (((Thomas))) probably
I'm German and most folks here are retarded. And Spiegel is just more propaganda
Germans can’t be stupid, you have merkel and right wing parties have no chance in Germany
sage sage sage sage
Reminder to sage, hide and ignore shareblue faggot.
Yeah well norway had some right wing lunatic shoot up a bunch of kids on an island.
Least you cant say that about america
For one I’m not from shareblue, I’m from white nonsense roundup and two “faggot” is very offensive
>Of course people from Norway
>literally, literally beg on hand and knee
>to live in a country where people are far more likely to be shot
>live in poverty
>get only Medicaid if poor
>get no parental leave
>or subsidized daycare
>or women in power
Why is this the case, Norway? Are you a desperate shithole people beg America to escape?
>also known as "having less taxes" and "being responsible for yourself".
>White man complains about white people while living in a much more predominantly white country
Who the fuck cares about women in power? What??
They're scared.
>Be american
>Living in sweden
>Answer on behalf of norway
Yeah.... about that...
Also nobody here even heard of this shit of theirs there btw. Trump is in fact very popular here. Just a couple of days ago they rented spectrum again, a big hall in oslo used for concerts and so, to watch and analyze american politics, where ofc trump is of the most importance.
Gas that nigger, he doesn't speak for us
(((Carl Bildt))) tried him self on this one too, he too as a (((swede))), saw it his duty to answer on the behalf of norway in this exactly same setting.
fucking cuck ass swedes each fucking time. It's because Erna Fleskeberg and Trump got along very well, while the swedes have done nothing than to shit on him. So now they screetch and pull shit like this
>be from any country but America
>Claim America's the worst at everything
>Insist your country is better
>Can't stop talking about America
>Have something to say about each and every piece of American news
>Know as much about America as the average American
>Be American
>Hear shrieking from other countries
>Don't care
There is no way Norway has any trump supporters, only stupid and misinformed people like trump
European here.
Women in political power,no thx. This guy is a cuck. Far more likely to be shot - cause of the niggers ofc. The first and second amendment are pretty valuable things though. Once again, this guy is a cuck.
They key factors are
>very political incorrect (as is our humor)
>do what he says he is going to do
>not a lying kike
they get shot because of niggers though
I guarantee I am smarter than you, dipshit. How many papers do you publish a year?
So powerful.
>mfw liberals subconsciously understand that white countries are superior, hence why they wanted to move to Canada and not Mexico.
pure virtue signaling. Obviously revels in his perceived moral high ground
OP is a faggot
There are more Norwegians in USA than there are in Norway
I need to see some proof, no way trump has real European supporters
>“faggot” is very offensive
Does it sound like we give a fuck, sissy nigger?
I think the news are land locked, and you wouldn't understand it anyways
>Occupy Democrats
Is there any greater waste of life than the faggots who follow this shit?
Also, they can almost never find examples of nice places to live that aren't European countries
>Not lügenpresse
Pick one you nigger
Japan is nice
Our followers are not waste of space, they are informed and rational humans. Unlike the people on Sup Forums
If you are looking at puppet idiots for guidance....
What? Does trump have actual supporters in Europe? I don’t think so
POD Save 'murica
People showing up to watch american politics and discuss. It was in a hall called sentrum scene. Trump is ofc very popular with this crowd
It's the very opposite of sweden here in very many ways
We love him actually, a big portion of us does. He's funny, rocketman was an instant hit, he saying Africa is shit didn't raise eyebrows. People were more: "yeah, Africa is pretty shitty, even the libtards have reported on this for years." He's just a funny guy, dunno. He seems better than that lying jew, Sanders, and Hillary which seems crooked as fuck. Bush was a boring pussy, that surgeon black dude was a nobody, Marc was a shitkid. Trump was the best choice.
>Every single insult is against the black welfare lifestyle
Working whites are fine. I can't believe these Norwegians are so racist.
>Why doe people come and watch hamburger politics?
It's because america is such an important and big country. And because Trump is so entertaining
Refute what? That Trump's being laughed at by cucks?
That's the ultimate compliment.
id sacrifice the rest just for that
>Christian Christiansen
Remember that one nigger who shot that old man nigger on kikebook live? Stephen Stephens wasn’t it?
They seemed to have made this into some failed campaign btw. As mentioned nobody here even knows about this shit. Beside this american that is writing for some american paper, they found a single random womyn here on twitter.... And that was all, they probably paid her or something.
Then you have this american, which is either of norse or danish heritage. You know he has the right sounding name....
And on top of it, this cuck lives in sweden and with the absolutely worst sort of cancer of swedes there is to find. And he is supposed to speak on behalf of this country....
They are getting fucking desperate. Had actually never heard of him before this, I doubt others here have either
Then fucking swedish politicians pops in and tells what we are supposed to mean about something, fucking priceless
More Norwegians currently reside in the US than live in Norway
I can't say I do, but I pretty much found out fast that he was a die hard liberal who hates trump.
He lives in sweden after all.... Nobody in their right mind moves to that shithole. It's not the 80ies anymore
Makes me like him more just like any other American.
Pissing you faggots off is what we like to do. If you bed wetting sissy faggots don't like something it means we are doing the correct thing.
This article says trump is unpopular
Fuck off back to shareblue kike
>let it die retards
These fags bitch and moan but trump and his shaky commitment to nato is why Russia doesn’t deep dick them every time they speak up
Woah, you mean people from shitty countries want to move out of their country while people from nice countries don't?
I'm shocked
>they are informed and rational humans'
heheheheheh, oh wait, you're serious, let me laugh even harder, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I’m from occupy democrats, not affiliated with shareblue
Between moving to Norway and the USA I would much rather move to the USA. Progressive, faggoty prancing Norwegians won't admit that the reason the USA is tanking in terms of quality of life is specifically because it's becoming a niggerized hell. However, St. Breivik seems to have changed Norway's course for the time being so they're not as far ahead in the poz department as for example Germany, France, Sweden or us.
Let me guess, you watch Fox News
The media are putting a spin on it. If you speak to the average Joe, and explain USA under Trump is booming economically, no one gives a damn. The world media are laughing because they are jealous of America's achievements over the last 70 years. They are trying to even the score by looking down on you. What they fail to respect is this is the will of the American people, because they evil demon running against him was so corrupt they are still unable to program it
Sage and report off topic and shill threads.
Old meme
so liberally gay
There is ONE Norwegian that might want to emigrate to USA....Anders Breivik....
OP has responded 12 times. You need to reply
That's the whole reason he wants people from norway and not from shitholes you retard
There are more Norwegian-Americans than Norwegians.
>norwegian flag supporting trump
>hurr durr show proofs
>Trump is laughed at worldwide, refute this Sup Forums! I dare you
I notice the guy from Sweden didnt say Sweden...
Old meme =/= false meme
He got a point, you know.
Refute what? Some nobodys personal opinion? Righhhhtt run along kid. You have to be 18+ to post here. Sage.
Lets suppose it is a shill. This shill is responding, so how do we approach said shill?
Well, seen as he is responding, if it is a shill, it is trying to take up our time by getting us to make shitty reposes. So respond back. In this instance its ok, because, it is responding. Type out either quick questions that will take a long response hence tying them up responding..... Or type out a long story that doesnt go anywhere like grandpa Simpson while you browse other threads. Either way, its a defeat for the shill if their time responding to threads is shortened
more women in politics? wtf is wrong with europeans and their infernal obession with
worshipping women and their dumbass ideals?
gigacuck norway queer
>actually believing cnn and nbc
We really dont care
>probably watches Fox News
Are all Europeans a bunch of destitute faggots who need the government to take care of them? No wonder it is getting invaded by Muslims.
>be swedish
>get grenaded
Why do i care again?
>all fields
There's no arguing with them. When we had Obama and other countries took us seriously they were convinced we were a joke, and now that we're a joke they can't hear us over playing "America Fuck Yeah!" on repeat.
The alt-right is literally ignoring reality to live in their snowflake-ass delusions. THe challenge for the rest of us is figuring out how to trick them into getting out of the way of the adults in the room
Is that shit bait? There was no Berlin wall under Hitler, the wall was part of the post war division of Germany
I’ll admit I cried, but you trump supporters will cry in November when the democrats take the House of Representatives
No they probably believe Hitler segregated his own country after trying to unite the rest of Europe
are there burgers that seriously think this isn't the case? I find this very hard to believe
>watching American media period
Do you want to know how I know you're an idiot?
Lol eat a nigger dick faggot.
>nigger, dick-faggot
>Oh shit better pretend he's crying
It's cute watching you guys try to pretend away all the big meanie-weenie differing views. Who were the snowflakes again?