I can't believe Meteora is dead!
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Altair soon.
Oh, if only.
Just another thing that Mamika fucking ruined.
Has she saved this boring show? Best character bar none
Maybe she'll finally shut the FUCK up.
Come on
She's only good because of Maaya Sakamoto.
This show isn't self aware at all, it's just corny how serious they try to pretend this is, fuck this blows ass
>Yaa gomengomen
Why haven't you forgive her Sup Forums?
ya gomen gomen meme
Remember when they perfectly nailed her introduction and then fucking wasted it by having her explicitly state her personality and worldview for the sake of the slowest members of the audience?
In fact, I'm going to make a bold statement and say that the best character this episode barely even appeared in it. Just a quick shot that says "hey look, I'm doing stuff, I'm not just telling you about shit I did offscreen".
>the best part of the entire show so far is when WalkingEncyclopedia-chan got BTFO
Reminder that Souta did literally nothing.
>kill Meteora
>with her dying breaths, she reels off exposition for three whole episodes before finally collapsing dead
How thirsty is Selesia for some dick right now? She probably instantly cums from thinking about Charon.
so wooden katana guy is like a classic punch-ghost guy, and sharkteeth is on that king crimson poorly-explained-but-overpowered shit?
Sharktale's power is clearly about making lies real. That "thanks for falling for my trick" thing was pretty obvious, as well as asking both the guy and Alice whether they thought she was lying. If you think she's lying, she can make it real.
Really fucking bad considering the cute boys keep turning her down.
I think the game he's from must be some fusion of Persona and Pokemon, since he seems like a "rival" archetype
God I wish she was
Her power is either gimmicky and can be beaten with extreme ease if you know how it works or that's just a game she does and she's actually capable of just altering reality a few meters away from her at will.
I never expected Sharkteeth to have a power that violent though because based on the OP, it seemed like she came from a mystery detective novel with maybe a hint of supernatural elements because the other characters we saw on the poster she stepped on don't give off the vibe they could summon shadowy creatures as well.
It seems just like it's a gimmick. Potentially very powerful but easily countered if you know who she is.
Mamika has already realized that her world was actually pretty good, and moved on to trying to protect everyone else instead, hasn't she?
>mfw I'm a gril
>I appreciated when she nonchalantly mentioned her period
I know it's fucking weird but I had that reaction
She looked like someone from Roanapur, of course she would be violent.
>because based on the OP, it seemed like she came from a mystery detective novel with maybe a hint of supernatural elements
She does
But mecha pilot according to his creator doesn't like listening to people at all so isn't mecha pilot, Sharkteeth's greatest weakness since he rather just summon his mecha and start punching you without listening to you?
But the other characters from her world look like boring old men.
send me bottles of your period blood
She reminds me this character.
I guess time will tell just how accurate or not that'd be.
Sharkteeth's doujin potential is off the fucking charts.
There's too many scenarios to list, holy fuck.
How I see it is it's a double negative thing. She makes a lie, then the subject of her lie has to say something that would be a lie if her lie were true.
To give an example with a different setup from what we've seen so far:
>On a boat with no dogs
>"Oh fuck I stepped in dog shit" (a lie)
>"What? But there aren't any dogs around" (a lie if what she just said were true)
>Dog suddenly appears (reality is changed to suit her lie)
I want to do fun things with her if you know what I mean
so what you're saying is that it just works
If you don't respond to her, could a normal human beat her up?
Like just ignore her talking to you?
Did Sharkteeth just forget that video cameras exist?
She doesn't look like the kind of fictional character who is immune to being sniped by a Japanese SWAT team.
I am going to guess that isn't her only power.
>She doesn't look like the kind of fictional character who is immune to being sniped by a Japanese SWAT team.
Yeah but how would they know where she is? That shit takes time to set up and its not like she was hanging out in that bookstore all day. Assuming they would even have access to that bookstore's cameras, because its not like it would connect to the internet.
Her series probably takes place before video cameras were a thing.
Dude, it's totally based in logic. Trust me.
>"I'm immortal"
>"No, that's WRONG"
She could replace Toko and easily win Danganronpa
Tanya a shit.
What is this show even about? All I see people talking about are infodumps which don't seem worth picking it up for.
Well they should have rapid response teams set up throughout Tokyo. The characters aren't exactly subtle when they fight so locating them shouldn't be an issue at all.
Lets not go bringing logic into this.
I don't know. I wish they didn't make new characters and just had characters from SAO clashing with other Aniplex property characters because that would have made this anime sell better.
Tokyo is a pretty big city, with tons of buildings that would block line of site.
You would need one on pretty much every corner for it to matter.
No silly user, as in spread around Tokyo they would have half a dozen special forces teams sitting ready to bus out to wherever flying people making magical explosions appear.
With how densly populated Tokyo is and how much nips love Twitter they would almost instantly know when and where shit was going down, then ten minutes of travel time and you can shoot the bad guys while their senses are dulled from the ongoing infodump.
Altair a slut!
It was originally going to be characters from various anime and manga clashing. (Madoka would've replaced Mamika, for example.) but the author couldn't decide who he wanted to win so he just said fuck it and made it all original characters.
Red is sluttiest.
I couldn't even finish reading that desu.
Altair is pure!
user, you love cocks up your ass.
Are you offering?
>No silly user, as in spread around Tokyo they would have half a dozen special forces teams sitting ready to bus out to wherever flying people making magical explosions appear.
So far it doesn't seem like any of the characters would have problems with bullets so that's mot really going to accomplish much.
wow, this show is so bad i already dropped it 6 times
More like not even Lawful Stupid.
>a double negative makes a positive
Bravo, what a retarded ability.
You know what would be the best way for Sharkteeth to die? Someone pulling the Monty Python and the Holy Grail bridge keeper scene twist on her.
>first posted here
>then posted on twitter
>then reposted from twitter
I guess you can say that Meteora is all talk.
What happens if she says "If you stab me you'll be stabbing yourself" so you bash her in the head instead
She reminds me Joker
Yes, I do.
If I say I don't but I really do does that count?
A big portion of those are wrong.
Yes, and?
Yuya, Rui and Sharkteeth are the angels
Selesia, Mamika and Seiba are normal people who haven't done any wrong, but no good either
Meteora is the devil that is killing the show
>Character who believes every lie she makes up
>She's completely fucked
My boy Shaoron would put her in the dumpster.
I'd rather have Meteora and Red be neutral good but I had to compromise
sorting people into boxes never really works out, but it's a fun exercise.
Looks like it. The little speech by Blitz probably convinced her to defect, since he name dropped Altair as an unreasonable individual.
Somebody stop hime, she keeps getting all the fanart
>Character born from fanart gets more fanart.
was this her master plan?
There is no stopping it.
>tfw she reveals the our reality give her powers
Yes, it ends with her breaking through into our world.
Yes, crashing the world with no survivors.
>maaya sakamoto
Best character right there
wait a minute
>love lying and riddling
so wait a fuckin minute if she claim herself as girl, doesn't it mean she actually a he?????
What if I counter her statement with a statement unrelated to hers?
I would eat Mamika's curry.
I want to protect this smile!
There's no way a honest character get short close up in the mouth while talking. This kind of emphasis means she really hiding something.
Yes I do. And I know you don't like getting impregnated.