< Death >

My wife died 3 months ago.

- I know a lot of you can't help it generally, but please don't all be utter cunts on me today.

- I have been absorbed with the notion that consciousness survives the passing of the human body . That the brain is a receiver of it rather than a generator of it - strong evidence supports this.

opinions rather than cruelty, please.

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Congrats buddy.

Sounds Cartesian to me.

Not politics-related

My heart goes out to you and I am sorry for your loss. Sincerely, user

You should sign up for cryonics if you want to increase the chance that your consciousness will survive past death.


nor is a flat earth

>- I have been absorbed with the notion that consciousness survives the passing of the human body . That the brain is a receiver of it rather than a generator of it - strong evidence supports this.

I believe this too.

If it makes you feel better, the smartest man currently in America believes in a similar thing as well, in the sense that consciousness is like airwaves. The universe itself is conscious (but not aware), and all it needs it a receiver to pick up the airwaves, and the "stations" are just about endless.

Did she accept Jesus as her lord and savior?

death is a myth.
only the living believe in it.

Death is DEFINITELY not the end.
Stay strong, user.

Consider yourself a fucking lottery winnar

Why would you want to exist as a consciousness without a body to be able to perceive and experience things?

Be happy that it happened. Death comes for all in their time.

I am 100% sure that we all continue living after the end of our physical body. I myself have had many "paranormal" experiences. These experiences do not serve as scientific proof to other people, but if Neil deGrasse Tyson had tried them, he would also have absolute certainty.



death isnt real, its an illusion, its only a "choice" that people make, so technically, you can live forever, but you have to make all the right "choices"

damn bro that sucks. just do your best by your kids as she lives on in them.

quantum microtubules
google that op you're welcome

>That the brain is a receiver of it rather than a generator of it - strong evidence supports this.
post it.

My thoughts before sleep are with you, brother. Death is not the end and you will meet your love again, one day. Stay strong. Your pain in the proof of your love.

Sorry for your loss, OP.

That being said, the only true answer in this thread is that no one knows what happens to consciousnesses after death.

JJ, I’ve been thinking about you alot lately.
I hope you’re doing all right and if you need to you can always come to Norway and drink :)


Consider for a moment that in that state, "want" doesn't exist for you.

Believe in the Lord Christ Jesus, user
Sorry for your loss

Energy and matter seem pretty infinite, or at least cyclical. There's no real reason to assume life or consciousness isn't the same way.

>- I have been absorbed with the notion that consciousness survives the passing of the human body . That the brain is a receiver of it rather than a generator of it

I'm inclined to agree. Sorry about your wife user

Take it to /x/ you retard. Or better yet, just keep you drooling delusions to yourself, whatever you do, don't fucking post this shit on Sup Forums

For example, I felt the presence of a spirit once, I could "see" how it looked, he did not tell me his name but gave me information that allowed me to search him on the internet. Searching on google I was able to find out his name, that he had died at the end of the second war and I found pictures of him that were exactly as I had seen, including the lack of a hand he lost in battle.

My daffy thoughts on existence are we are not the river bed, but the water flowing across it. In that sense, consciousness is the current. A nexus between the two that is never truly possessed

Sorry for your loss, man. Perhaps there's some quantum shit going on after death? Like we join some quantum collective consciousness or something.

Condolences. Now, you mentioned "strong evidence" - care to share?

sorry for your loss user.
Don't try to understand why, just accept that it is. I'm assuming you're familiar with the seven stages of grief. if not, google it. They don't happen linearly for everyone, but at some point in time, everyone goes through them.

be strong and carry on.

These trolls are just virgin teenagers. Ignore them.

Not to be "cruel", but what does this have to do with politics?

I agree with this. I genuinely believe it. Consciousness is way more than gray matter.

Imagine you woke up one day with completely different memories. Would you know that this has happened? No, because you'd need to know those memories weren't there before - but as they are, there's no telling which ones were there before, and which ones were installed into you overnight. A memory is a memory, after all. Imagine the same thing that changed your memories also changed every aspect of your personality - how you think, how you act, etc. Would you know that this has happened? Again, without memories to compare against, you can't really tell which part of you was changed overnight, and which part was there before.

Now what if, when you went to sleep, you vanished, completely, into nothingness. But your memories and behavioral patterns were kept, and someone else was put in your place, and their memories and behavior replaced with yours. Would they realize it? No, because to do so they would have to have kept part of themselves, which by definition, they didn't. Every part of them is 'you'. So which one of you two is the real you?

Now, how can you be sure that this hasn't already happened? What if every time you fall asleep, your consciousness just ends. And in the morning, a new consciousness is created. Are you the same 'you' you were 10 years ago? 10 months? 10 days? 10 hours?

Once you see the illusion of the Self, you understand that death is already happening to you, every time your stream of consciousness ends.

You're no longer the same person you were when you started reading this wall of text, by the way.


I'm sorry for your loss user. I suppose it may help you to consider a few things
>human beings have an unhealthy obsession with the body and physical existence. "Jesus" said, let the dead bury the dead. What do you think he meant by that?
>To seek outside of yourself for knowledge is the definition of fear. Most people here are spiritually lost or confused so why would you trust them when you can't be certain who's got it right? This includes my advice.
>What you define as dead and alive are based solely off of a lack of human understanding about reality beyond the 3rd dimension. Let me put it this way, your wife no longer lacks this understanding.
I hope this helps a little. It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not, you just have to realize you already know the answers and you always have.

this unironically

immediate translation to eternal orgasm touching god.

I've completely stopped writing here, and barely visit this site anymore. Just to get some news(sadly Sup Forums is better to get real news than the MSM..).. Anyways, I am sorry for you. It is very sad to hear.

But I want to give some words, that maybe will make you feel better(I hope). Nature, is everything. Even though humans often try to raise above it, we will always be under it. Every particle, tree, life is connected. God if we use words like this, is everything. Not a bearded man in the skies. She lives on, as a energy in the structured "chaos" of nature. The more you read into nature, the more you see all energy is connected in some way or another. And no, this doesnt mean races doesnt exist. It proves races exist, anyways that is another debate.

Anyways, her energy lives on. But as humans we will probably never understand why nature works as it does, or even uncover all her secrets.. All I can say is use your knowledge to expand on your respect for Mother Nature, live by her laws that are set in stone, become the best you can become for yourself and your race and know Nature is all.

It is understandible that you dwell on this, again, I am sorry for your loss. I hope things will move on for you one day, and you use this knowledge for something positive

What is consciousness?
Why are we here?
What are we living for?

The answer is, it doesn’t matter, or rather it depends on the person. We are trapped in this world, here whether we like it or not. What you do with your life is your choice. We all have dreams, desires, loved ones. What you believe is your truth, but you are here regardless, so why not make the most of it?

I’m sorry for your loss, I would hazard a guess that she and all your loved ones would want you to keep on going and living as best you can. Live your life for them and try to find happiness again. It’s the least you can do to honor them. If you want an answer to your question of consciousness, it’s pointless to dwell on because you are right here, here and now. You can dwell on it, wish things are different, but for their sake, don’t give in. Why rush to your end, when you can live beautifully until the end. They are always behind you, pushing you on, even if you don’t quite see it.

Are you one of those retards who thinks a simulation of you is the same thing as you?

apologies - i have just seen such discussions in respect of consciousness here before - your correct i think - should not have asked the question here


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