Why does every gender bent MC want to fuck all his friends?

Why does every gender bent MC want to fuck all his friends?

>bounded breasts

She's beautiful

>not helping your bros lose their V cards

But why does she turn into a dick machine the moment she switches?

The only gender bending porn I remember where the switched MC doesn't end up taking cock from everyone around them is X-Change and that came out like 20 years ago.

Because its porn...?

Yeah, but I'm wondering about the implications.

Does everyone who wanks to TSF want to be the little girl?

>doesn't end up taking cock from everyone around them

That's a good joke.

I have to remember that one.

Nearly every piece of X-change content is about a guy bended into a girl and either impregnated, enslaved, or permanantly changed into a submissive fucktoy for their dickbag friends/genderbent former gf.

>MC doesn't end up taking cock from everyone
Did you like only play one route?

That's what friends are for

Because your best bro is also ideally your ideal girl if he were a she.

You share interests and views, you do all your favorite activities together, you trust him... why not go all the way and give him (her) your heart? She'll probably understand more than anyone else.

I will grant it's been a long time and I spent more time jerking off to Three Sisters Story.

I only played a lesbian route I guess?

Girl seriesdoes a good transition, the new work by the artist is similar

Why else would you want to see genderbender stuff besides seeing them succumb to their sexual interests as the opposite gender?
Don't mind me, just dropping off this BEST ROUTE AND BEST GIRL here.

isnt it another way around?
all his friends want to fuck him?

because bromance is one step closer to homo

Because yuri is the purest form of love.

I think you meant one step closer to hetero.

Because that's how guys are.

Idea behind gender bender is a sex drive of a man without modesty of a woman.

Why would you even hang out with your friends if you didn't like them?

I'll have you know that if I was genderbent, I would absolutely SLAY my friends' pussies.

Because I'm lonely, user.

>sex drive of a man without modesty of a woman.
Women are just as much sex crazed monkeys as men.

Because wanting to fuck your friends is the natural consequence of turning into a girl.
You'd know if you had friends.

>Not putting out for your bros

What if my friends also turned into girls? Do we all have to become turbo dykes?


I'd avoid cocks if I was bent cause das gay since I'm still male mentally

It's ironic how senpai over here described an x-change alternative best bud route

I've always wanted to know what it was like to be cummed inside.
Would be weird having only had sex as a genderbent man instead of as an actual man.

Surprisingly fulfilling.

Would recommend.

What happened to the Boku Girl translations? I can only find up to 103 done by someone who seems less than professional and uses shitty quality raws.

Scratch that, I'm retarded. For some reason the goddess moved the last few chapters out of chronological order.

Cause he knows how hurting is stay in friendzone

Mai does't want to fuck her friends.

I love Bullet.

If you were magically genderbent into a cute girl, would you rather be a loli or that other thing that isn't a loli?

I would want to be a titty monster.

>implying Mai wouldn't jump on Noel's dick for a chance to eat her food everyday for the rest of her life