Why don't White nationalists care about the real white genocide?!
The REAL white genocide redpill
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fuck off jew
Communists aren't people
Not caring about the real genocide seems really anti-white to me.
National Socialists don't really exist anymore.
White Genocide is real now.
Get this through your head.
Communists and Natsocs are both Marxist Collectivist State-worshipers.
>National socialist don't really exist anymore
Are you saying we should ignore the white Holocaust of WW2?
communist aren't white or human.
are people really this retarded? smfh
The entire USSR was nonwhite? Stop denying the white genocide anti-white.
Typical response of someone who has no arguments or facts to support his claims
we deserved Lidice tbqh
In a way you have a point, but all White nations have at one point killed many others from other White nations. French and English killing each other, Caesar killing Gauls, Stalin killing Ukrainians, etc. Just because some deaths occurred doesn't negate the merits of an ideology that supposedly facilitated said deaths.
Typo lel
>total kills : 2800.
Meanwhile, the Holodomor alone killed 10 million people.
Tell me again about how NatSoc is the "real" white genocide.
>what was the bolshevik genocide by the jews
Question is, why don't you?
why did those countries attack germany? they could have coexisted peacefully
>poland attacked germany
Why are NatSocs so anti-white?
Echo chamber mentality. They think they can't be racists without being nazis as well. They're too dogmatic.
Italy was ethnically cleansing germans in south tyrole, yet for some reason adolf dindu care about that and even allied with them