Was he a hero for challenging the state or a villain brcause he killed people? Or was he working for the CIA?
Redpill me on Mcveigh
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watch this I wouldn't take the opinions of 14 year old trump dick suckers seriously
Anyone who asks to be "red pilled" on this POS should be given an OD. WTF
Heroic villain.
Right idea, wrong execution. He killed kids
probably working for the CIA, destroyed a bunch of incriminating Clinton documents.
>McVeigh's later response to the range of casualties was: "I didn't define the rules of engagement in this conflict. The rules, if not written down, are defined by the aggressor. It was brutal, no holds barred. Women and kids were killed at Waco and Ruby Ridge. You put back in [the government's] faces exactly what they're giving out."[101]
I wonder if the FBI has murdered any kids since, in public at least.
He was pissed off about Waco, ruby ridge, and Brady bill/gun control. Seemed like an extreme reaction though. Also the gulf war probably fucked him up.
He was a product of the militia movement culture of the early nineties. His actions ultimately destroyed that movement by galvanizing public opinion and opening exposing the movement to increased law enforcement pressure. In the end he hurt his own cause.
Hmm that's a good point. Waco was fucked up.
Tim was watching the whole thing go down from a vantage point too.
So the NSA and major banks should just put daycares in their buildings? Got it, thanks.
He's the reason they didn't try any shit agaisn't Bundy.
He didn't know about the daycare. Who knows if he had help, certainly a lot of speculation
Bot is glitching out.
It was a CIA Mk Ultra satanic pedo organ trafficking thing again.
Really it was AGAIN!
He was a dumbass who used a fake drivers license but signed the hotel registry under his real name. Might have gotten away with it otherwise, at least for a while.
John Doe number two disappeared into the ether never to be heard from again. True story brah.
Even NY slimes has a report.
He was a piece of shit who murdered children and deserved what he got.
that being said, he didn't act alone. See every attempt of the feds to entrap supremacy idiots into doing whatever. He got caught doing something he shouldn't have and was "steered" in the direction they wanted him to go. Where did his support structure go? Who were the rest of his accomplices?
I've seen it. I'm just wondering if you fucks know more than I do.
He killed innocent children
his fears came true, since then the federal government has only expanded and increased its control over states and country men with overreaching laws and bloated regulation. but being a terrorist in a non full on civil war setting was stupid. we can complete the same objective by voting in people who will shrink the federal government and once again bind it to the guidelines of the constitution.
>in the end he hurt his own movement
hmmmmm. sounds like the desired outcome of the federal government, gee I wonder where he got the explosives?
we are lucky enough to have system of government where we can win back our freedoms with pen stroke before gun fire. but it takes grassroots growth and the spread of knowledge of the basics of our government, economics, constitution and federalist papers.
He bought a bunch of fertilizer from a farm supply store.
Not bought.
OP check out this thread on him:
This user makes some of the best threads you'll ever see on here. You can find the rest of them at archive.4plebs.org
He was a mis guided individual who I agree with idealistically speaking of course.
Witting FBI patsy.
Same fag.
Thanks I'll definitely be reading those. Have you guys seen the movie 'Imperium'? While studying mcveigh I randomly watched that movie and I got the eerie feeling that movie is a somewhat biography on mcveigh and his whereabouts prior to the OKC bombing. Check it out if you guys can.
To what length would you go user? McVeigh was innit to winnit. He's done more at 24 than anyone here
That happens to women athletes constantly. High school boys tend to dominate female Olympians.
neat. I wonder where he learned to make ammonium nitrate.
No thanks.
A book.
There was a creche in that damn building.
I saw that movie when some user streamed it on here actually. I thought it was funny when he shot the jew picture
it was definitely fucked up but he said after that he didn't know and that if he had he would have tried to kill the people shooting them on the road while they were driving.