Did i miss the thread? or you guys aren't talking about the 2 new chapters of takagi-san

Did i miss the thread? or you guys aren't talking about the 2 new chapters of takagi-san

yeah you missed it. suck you you dude
I dont think it got TL'd yet though

Not OP, but I just read two newly translated chapters.
It was pretty smug.

oh shit you're right















>That lewd figurine

Fuck, man. I don't even like lolis like that, du, but I want it




I know this feel all too well.

So was this a condescdending look or the "we not gonna disturb you, bro?"

does the movement in this manga always look like this?


My face when new chapter.

pff as if somene could achive this level of smugness

Where is the past thread?