Mira...Mira had a hard life.
Be sure to hug your mom. You never know how much you will miss someone until they're gone.
Mira...Mira had a hard life.
Be sure to hug your mom. You never know how much you will miss someone until they're gone.
I want to be balls deep inside of her!
>mothers day
Great, just the one thing Mabu Rabu is in short supply of.
So how many mommy issues does Yuuya have anyways?
I know that Theo has major sister issues. He calls Iris and Pham sister while fucking them, not to mention what he has going on with Lise.
Well big sisters are nothing more than mothers ready to go, no?
I can see why. It's good.
>nothing to discuss
>circlejerkers keep bumping the thread anyway
Every time
But we did, and do.
I honestly don't know why I rise to shitty bait like this.
I want to punch her.
For those who don't know, new character going to be debuted, an American named Caroline, nickname Carrie. There was beginning of an infodump last thread, but it disappeared.
Sharon > Lilia > Carrie > Daryl
Why can't we already call these threads just Schwarzesmarken? Basically no one except /m/ retards care about trilogy anymore. Why not just go there if someone wants to "discuss" your ancient vn?
That would be nice, but Trilogyfags would throw a fit. If I recall correctly (since I'm on and off), I was hanging around when the thread subject was constantly in flux. Not sure, really though, the real reason why. I mean Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse could work.
I sure do wish the mods or jannies wouldn't be stupid pieces of shit and deleting the threads now and then. We never had problems until the last janny drive. Sucks trying to catch up in a thread to leave it for a day and come back to find it disappeared.
It'll feel nice when we add Arcadia Lost up there.
Who /NVA/ here?
Very cute. Supple breasts. She will be a fine addition to generic MC's harem.
Lillia is not actually American. Isn't she some Scandinavian? Swedish maybe?
Stella-Lillia double fun when
>i actually share this board with these retards
And what makes you such a great guy with all the answers, genius?
You know no one ever is, friend.
She's American in Mel Mani
If it's female it deserves to be beaten.
Not a good idea. She might even be a BIG GUY. Supposedly her mother does something important for the government.
You're at it early, BR. May a gang fight call your shanty to fall upon you and your solar panels.
Pump and dump Carrie.
You know, I always wondered about Yuuya, and her, and why it struck a chord. Then I realized, it was my mother I'd been looking at. I'd seen that same sad, forlorn look that Mira gave Yuuya. It's the look of a sick mother begging God to let her live long enough just to see her son's next birthday. I was more fortunate than Yuuya, since while it was later, he lost even that.
I think I'll give my mother a hug now.
She is?
Well I guess it makes sense. She's a descendant of refugees, so not quite a refugee herself.
KimiMuv Youtube Translation Part 2:
Irisdina, Beatrix and Lise are worst girls.
Gas all Lisefags
Lise can stay
I am going to marry Gretel!
Would anyone here do his boipucci?
Good joke
Have you hugged your Katia today?
I want to fuck Beatrix's boipucci
I like her
Vampire Sharon wants to drink your blood. What do you do?
Do I get to become and vampire and spend eternity with her too, or does she just want a meal?
Pump and dump Sharon
No blood, but she can suck something else if she wants. Succubi > Vampires
so this is the true power of shitsmarken
Punch Gretel, then punch Suzy
Yeah and she smugged at me
I hate her so much and I don't even know her.
I want to cum inside Sharon!
Is this accurate?
For what purpose?
I was thinking about getting my dog to read Muv-Luv.
Are you the guy who named your dog Gretel?
Where can I get all these naughty CGs? Is there a collection somewhere?
Are you talking of SF?
I'm talking about the HCGs. Don't really know which game they're from.
You mean stuff like pic related?
Oh yes.
Any news about the new Lise's SF scene?
Cryska is pure love. And I would make her a mother and wife.
Pump and dump Cryska
pump and dump circlejerk posts in circlejerk threads
I want to wake up to this.
More please.
I want to wake up next to Meiya and Yuuhi.
Since when was Sharon ever a vamp?
>theos thighs are thicker
as a thigh man this is a travesty
It all makes perfect sense.
Probably around the same time the fine detectives at the Agency found out Stella was a succubus.
>man much larger than the girl has bigger body parts
Proportionally speaking, Lise's thighs are thicker.
is this from the anime? i don't remember it
You can't take the Slav out of the Slav, can you?
For some reason, even though we've had worse, they censored it. Wasn't very long in any case.
>If...if it's with Yuuya...then I don't mind
Is there a way to increase font size in MLA? The text doesn't stand out against bright backgrounds very well.
Wew lad, she's actually showing some emotions beyond being a moeblob. Is there hope for Katia yet?
The only thing Katia should hope for is swinging by her neck.
you can hope that her firing squad doesn't have any blanks
I love moral degeneration
Lise: ふっ.... くぅ, ん... お, 兄ちゃっ....
>Fuu… nnm, nn… ah, Onii-cha ….
耳元で, 小烏のように愛らしい声をあげるリィズ.
>I whisper softly in her ear
Lise: ふぁっ... く, くすぐったいよぅ....
>Fuuah… t, that tickles…
Theo: そんな可愛らしい声を聞かされたら, もっとしたくなる....
>If it makes you make such a lovely sound, I’ll do it more…
リィズの背中に回した腕に力を込め, 強く抱き寄せる.
もうー方の手は, リィズの両腿の間を触れるれ触れないかくらいの優しさで, なぞるように愛撫している.
>With one hand I pull Lise in and hold her firmly.
>With the other, I trace a line down and between her thighs gently caressing the place there.
Lise: お, お兄ちゃんの意地悪っ ... はぅっ, んっ!
>Oh, Onii-chan’s bullying me … ahn, hnn!
お兄ちゃんの意地悪, か....
幸せに暮らしていたあの頃... よく, リィズを適当にあしらったりして, こんな風に言われたっけな.
>Onii-chan’s bullying, huh …
>In those days when we were living happily… well, I treated Lise right, so I was told.
Theo: ふふっ...
Lise: .... なあに? お兄ちゃん
>… What? Onii-chan
Theo: いや... 昔のことを, 思い出してな
>Nothing… I’m just, remembering the old days
Lise: うん... 私, お兄ちゃんがお兄ちゃん になってくれて, 幸せだったよ...
>Yeah… I, when you had become my big brother, I was happy …
Theo: これからも, 二人で幸せになれるさ
>From now on, we can be happy together
Lise: うん
きっと天国で, 見守ってくれてる...
ああ, でも
>Mom and Dad won’t be coming home anymore.
>But in heaven, I’m sure they’re watching over…
>Oh, but
Theo: 父さんと母さんが... 俺達かこんな風に愛し合ってるってるって知ったら, どう思うんだろうな....?
>Mom and Dad… If they knew we were in love with each other like this, I wonder what would they think … ?
Lise: ふふっ... きっと, 祝福してくれるよ
>fufu… obviously, give us their blessing
Theo: ああ... そうだな. きっとそうだ
>Ah… I see. Surely so
Lise: うん
リィズを抱き寄せ, キスをする.
それから彼女の秘所に指を当てると, もう十分に濡れているようだった.
>Embracing Lise, I kiss her.
>Then touching a finger to her special place, it felt quite wet enough already.
Lise: うん.... いいよ, お兄ちゃん...
>Yes… right there, Onii-chan…
Theo: ああ... じゃあ, いくよ, リィズ...
>Ah… alright, lets do it, Lise…
リィズが膝立ちで腰を落としてくれる.俺は両手でリィズを支えて. 自分のペニスをリィズの中心に導く.
>Standing on her knees Lise lowers her waist down. I support her with both my hands, guiding my penis inside Lise.
Lise: んんっ...
と音がして俺の先端が, リィィズの中に押し込まれていく. 熱く, 飲み込まれてしまいそうに柔らかい
>With that sound, my tip is pushed into her. Its hot, as I’m softly swallowed.
Lise: はぁっ... あっ....
>hahn… hnn…
Theo: うっ... くっ
>ohh… ah
ー気に突き入れてしまいたい衝動が湧き上がるが, もっとゆっくりと感じとりたいという気持ちもある.
>The urge to pierce her deeper swells in my mind, but I feel that I want to savor this more slowly.
その葛藤を内心に抱えつつ, 俺はリィズの腰をつかんでゆっくりと引き下ろしていく...
>With that conflict in my mind, I grasp Lise by the waist and slowly pull her down…
Lise: うっ... あぁっ... お兄ちゃ, んっ ... !
>Ohh… ahhhh… Onii-cha, ann… !
その声に連動して, リィズの中の俺の部分にくにくに律動が伝わる. リィズも, 気持ちよくなってくれているのか ...
>Lise moans in a trembling voice. In conjunction with her moans, the rhythm is transmitted to that part of me inside her. Lise has, made me >feel good as well …
Lise: はぁっ... ああ, あっ .... !
>haah… ah, ahn … !
Theo: 全部, 入ったよ ... リィズ
>All of it, I’m inside… Lise
Lise: うふっ ... ふふふっ .... 嬉しい, な ...
>Uuah.. fufufu … I’m so hap, py …
Theo: ああ .... 俺もだ. 以前のときとは, 全く違う感じがするよ
>Ah… me too. Compared to last time, it feels so different …
Lise: うん, 私も ...
>Yes, for me too …
Lise: ね, お兄ちん.... 今度こそ, 私の全部をあげる. 身体も ... 心も ... だから, 思い切り ... して ... ?
>Right, Onii-chan… This time, I can give all of myself. Body… Heart… so, will you… too … ?
Theo: リィズっ
お互いの頭を引き寄せあって, もうー度キスをした. 舌でお互いのことを奪い合うような, 激しいキスを ...
>Pulling her head in, I kiss her again. A ravenous kiss as our tongues wrestle and intertwine….
End part 3. pastebin of previous translated parts pastebin.com
I want to repeatedly cum inside Lise and abort all her pregnancies.
Does Lise get two scoops of ice cream?
Pure magic.
those are some melons
Indeed, bred in a tank.
Cryska has always had a wonderful pair of melons. Almost if not just as big as Stella's.
BR pls go.
Beating Caroline up!
Making her cry!
Literally who