Congratulate my Prime Minister Sup Forums, she is pregnant.
Congratulate my Prime Minister Sup Forums, she is pregnant
>shameless self bump.
Wasn't me I swear
Isn't she a Communist?
are you white?
Yay, child neglect
Enjoy the downs baby
>inb4 black babby pops out
screencap this
Have any nudes?
I'm kind of happy for her.
Most female politicians don't have children (Especially not prime ministers, look at the cunts running Europe like May and Merkel)
Maybe now she will start to realise her Marxist ideals will effect her child. That bringing in hordes of "Refugees" and other groups to live on welfare is starting to ruin parts of Auckland and other parts of the country.
you're fucked, enjoy baby brain and instincts kicked into overdrive influencing all her decisions
Found her father
Also it means Winnie gets to run the country while she is away having the baby.
You'll see in 6 months
That's a tall order
To be fair, Merkel was highly rapeable in her prime. Hell, I'd still hatefuck her before stoning her for being an infidel.
>enjoy baby brain and instincts kicked into overdrive influencing all her decisions
so banning refugees
it'll get worse before it gets better senpai
chicks usually don't turn conservative until after the kid is born and they have to start worrying for real about schools and how it's not safe to walk to the shops or anywhere alone and how there's no jobs for teenagers because you can hire zhang or rajesh for the same money under the table, etc...
She is already a hysterical screeching bimbo cunt. Sheepfags should just kill yourselves.
after her nurturing instincts let half a million of them in and hand them extra gibs, sure
>run for PM
>fall pregnant IMMEDIATELY after
Defs not a "Muh Vagina" publicity stunt.......
>her first baby at nearly 38 years old
She'll suddenly start remembering her Mormon values
>after her nurturing instincts let half a million of them in and hand them extra gibs, sure
I think you forgot who the Deputy PM is
A lot are coming in legally.
My parents live in one of the best areas of Auckland and they just had over 30 state houses dumped on their street.
Islanders, Maoris, Arabs and Africans have 90% of them. Since then the area has gone backwards, graffiti everywhere, cant walk past their houses without them talking shit to you and giving you the evil eye, the local school has bullying from their kids, none of them work.
Bassically are driving the whites from the area and Asians and Indians dont want to live around them either.
>Islanders, Maoris, Arabs and Africans have 90%
you realise that the Islanders and Maori are already here, we only have 2000 africans since the 90s and no more plus the arabs are all rich
Plot twist: she’s pregnant with a mud baby
This erry day
at least the Maoris are of the place, I have no problem with any abbo who wants to bring themselves into civilization for example
KYS you dirty mutt
Africans are everywhere in Auckland now dude.
But yeah you are obviously aware of the backwardness of the Pacific Islanders/Maoris. They ruin everything you give them. Brand new state houses and 6 months later they look trashed.
Makes my blood boil. Can barely afford rent here and they are given cheap housing by governemnt (state house rents are like 60$ a week)
>Africans are everywhere in Auckland
>they were already here
Doesn't mean they aren't shit, kys nigger.
>Africans are everywhere in Auckland now dude.
Mt Albert and Mt Roskill don't count as "Everywhere"
How are you supposed to lead a country while pregnant? Silly business. Good thing NZ is irrelevant and their leadership probably has nothing to do anyway, or that might cause problems
I'm talking East Auckland around Remuera retard.
Panmure and Glen Innes has loads of them.
Asians arent anti social, criminal retards who will rob you because you have white skin. Asians hate Islanders more then we do.
Oh thats right. Half the kiwis on Sup Forums think islanders a "bro tier". Its as if none of you live in Auckland or have grown up around them.
>Africans are everywhere in Melbourne now dude.
>But yeah you are obviously aware of the backwardness of the abos. They ruin everything you give them. Brand new state houses and 6 months later they look trashed.
>Makes my blood boil. Can barely afford rent here and they are given cheap housing by governemnt (state house rents are like 60$ a week)
Sorted that for you m8.
I've consistently found that mothers with sons are the only female group that's more conservative than liberal.
Mostly because the concept of foreign invasion is far far worse for men than it is for women. So until the woman has some kind of emotional stake in a man she doesn't really give a fuck. But if her child is a man? She starts to care.
depends on if you're an islander as well. i'm niuean and i've never had problems with other PIs
Does she get to skip the wars like they do in the military now?
Of course I'm not a coconut. You think id be complaining about them if I was?
You animals all stick together and stick up for each other. Even when your being blatantly racist and savage towards other races of people.
The majority of Niues live in Auckland anyway. You have essentially colonised the city. Hardly anything to celebrate. The city has an exodus of whites leaving atm.
>I'm talking East Auckland around Remuera retard.
>Africans in Remuera
Kill yourself mate
>electing women
God blessed me with a gay son!
im white af and don't have problems with islanders either probably because i grew up with them.
What a munter
Literally what the fuck, kiwis? The one time sheep get a day off and THIS is what you fuck?
dont post this backstabbing traitor
>get elected as the leader of your nation
>immediately get pregnant, which makes a woman moody, horny, depressed, ecstatic, sleep deprived, impulsive, sick...
I mean apart from the obvious fact that shell be a lunatic for 9 months (yes, despite what women like to believe, pregnant woman are fucking insane), she will then have to care for a NEWBORN FUCKING CHILD. No amount of equality will remove the mother's 100% attention on her offspring. Sure, they'll parade her husband around like some beta-cuck rolemodel of "stay-at-home-dad", but then shell turn around and say "SEE, I RAISED MY CHILD AND RAN A COUNTRy, I DONT NEED NO MAN", while in reality the child will probably get fed formula and raised by the grandmother or nanny.
Repeat after me:
I like to look at them milky mams
TIL that NZ elected a woman to run their entire country. No wonder everyone is fucked.
Poor little bastard
Congratulations on taking a load of jizz in your snatch, it's quite an accomplishment.
Congratulations Jacinda!
Clark Gayford? More like Clark Straightford!
Also look forward to Winnie taking an increased role in government, that's a plus.
Would you rather fuck our PM or yours?