5 minutes into bath and chill when she gives you this look

5 minutes into bath and chill when she gives you this look

Oh don't worry I'll help you find your tits.

Epi c...., let me rt this lol

>Sigh... you overdid it again, didn't you?
>Just relax, I'll take care of everything for you.
>Anything in particular you want, just say so.
If this is western style bath, proceed to wash her
If that's already done and this is Japan, then time for gentle headpats.
I'd like helping people relax if they didn't mind it...

Also, comfy bath thread?

I want to give a scalp massage to Mako while she is snoozing in a bath.

>implying you can "chill" in a bath in the GuP universe

Face it, someone will loudly talk about tanks, volleyball, history, give "english proverbs", play kantele, or pic related will TOTSUGEKI into the water.

Mako is honestly the worst garupan. At least she's good at driving her panzer

Worst garupans do not exist.

If there are best garupans, there can be worst ones!


>and chill
So you were smoking weed? Is that legal?

Erika should be bullied

I want to drink that bathwater!



>Mako is honestly the wors
Your taste is honestly shit

And this is it

But thats Erikas bathwater!

>those eyes

Is that dog on drugs?

He's high on Maho

Is anti-yuri ntr the best?





Is Katyusha the saddest and most pitiful garupan?

I kinda liked how she got completely crushed by Maho and nevertheless immediately asked for a rematch.
Say what you want about Erika, but she sure has figthing spirit.

>commander of Pravda
>best friends with Nonna
>her team obviously really like her

I don't think she is sad, really.

British butt

I see London
I see France

I like to imagine Nonna and Katyusha are in the same year


I want to date Katyusha!

She'll call me an idiot and a pervert lolicon but she'll still be happy.




Very cute! Alice was the best thing about the movie

I want to make Alice a little sister


Very much better



Cutest school


I want to have unprotected sex with Erica if you know what I mean.

Really gonna shove my dick into her vagina, wink wink.

Fill her womb up with my semen

Just rape her already

Same, then she wouldn't know who the father was.

Do we have any information/speculation on what the new series is going to be like?

They mentioned theatrical releases but I kind of doubt its going to be 6 full films



>no wani print
>no "MAHO" print

>sunbathing on a tank


What did he mean by this?

Are they about to play some prank on Erika or what?


Dumb Erika

No bullying.

That's lewd Yukari.


I want to run off with their bikini tops!

Could be difficult on Saemonza, thats merely a rope.

I want to talk to them with their real names, never using their chuuni weirdo names!

I don't know

>mfw delaware doujin ft maho






Basically each chapter is planned to be around 40 minutes but they might get extended according to how much material they have

I wish we got a season 2

Look at Miho's panties


It also says in the text that the total runtime (240 minutes+) will be more than the runtime of a full season

When is Miho going to start her own school of Senshado?

Feeding Erika!


>Theatrical release
Are you guys ready to wait for each film's release, ignore shitty camrips, wait for BDs, wait for it to be uploaded, then wait for subs?

new ribbon warrior when

Milfs und Panzer! But Chiyo is missing


Do any of the special extra episodes focus on on the minor characters? Just got done watching the tv series and movie and I want more.

Why did this literally who appear in the movie, she felt kind of shoehorned in


She's going to be an integral character in the upcoming season

who /momo/ here?

December is so far away.

I want to see more of Miho's purity

Miho is for gentle teasing

Nice shirt Maho!

So we're getting 6 films, starting in December, yes?

Has anything been hinted yet?

Will this be the complete-and-utter finale of GuP?

Is she for bullying too?

Bullying a girl with a tank and violent PTSD seems like a very bad idea.
Not to mention her sister that also has a tank.

The name for the films translates to "Girls und Panzer: The Final Chapter" I'm assuming this is the end.

St Gloriana best.

I hope not. GuP love is too strong for the series to end

So these threads truly have degenerated into waifufagging

I see

They call themselves britaboos but they don't even have a cromwell, how can they possibly be the best?

And if a tank's too obvious, well, her #1 fangirl probably knows the CIA improvised munitions handbook by hearth.

They've probably got them in storage along with Comets and a Black Prince.

But why use a Churchill over a Black Prince when the Black Prince is a Churchill with a gun that doesn't suck all kinds of ass?