Brit/pol/: Frack my shit up edition

>Macron: pay 2 play with EU

>NHS swallows up £18 'transformation fund' in crisis

>Bojo floats idea of new France link

>May vs. Lords on Brexit Bill

>Bolton blames left wing media for death threats to gf

>Quiet Labour turmoil continues

UKColumn 18/01/18 :

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Peter Hitchens' 30 minute concentrated black pill.

Get the keys to my brand new Deanobox tomorrow.

A remarkably pube free night. I wonder why...


Shut the fuck up you superior cuckhold wanker. It's not a big dramatic announcement that you're leaving no-one gives a fuck. Just leave.

ive grown cute round tits lads

my hormone regiment was spot on

year abroad this year
thank fuck

where you off?

Wake up and smell the coffee.

There is no political solution. Civilisation is being artificially kept alive by Jewish life support. Get ready while you still can, stockpile literature and educate yourself. Abandon technology and live the ways of your ancestors.

japan for uni and part-time work

sweet. good luck. japanese women are for japanese men.


Holy shit massive de ja vu

absolutely varg pilled

You're going to find it pretty hard lad. They don't fuck around with work and study there, if you miss more than one class you could fail the whole thing.

>japanese women are for japanese men.
not in my experience

While the message of self-sufficiency Varg spreads is good, I feel as if he's only Pagan to spite Christianity.

Either Ballot or Gun

Our Day Will Come

>tfw a guy wants to put his cock in you

You can miss a couple. I think it's around 3 or something at the one I'm going to, but yeah break any crime or even a minor thing and you can be deported. Our teacher told us about people from our university who got sent home because they weren't assimilating enough lol, I won't have that problem though. I know it's going to be hard, but it'll be good for me and worth it.

It's a meme. I've already been all over Japan and everybody was incredible

I feel compelled to buy a bunch of UP THE RA stickers off the internet, stick them on public transport and see what happens.




>that smell of fresh carpet
>that fine dust on all the surfaces
>that builders mcdonalds trash in the recycling box
>deano cracks open the door on his new empire, letting the waft of fresh house waft waftily over him, like cracking open that first can of the night
>his key clatters down and echoes on the table, he cracks open his first fosters of the night, 3 pint cans in the fridge. bosh. home sweet home
>the stench of carpets begins to dull his senses
>he can't tell if he's warm or cold, his house is so well insulated and it's completely silent.
>Deano hums chelsea dagger to himself. his own palace. he notices one of the brown letters that looks important
>sat in the middle of his "living room" floor (where the beanbag's going), Deano opens the letter
>'Congratulations on your new home. MR Dean Oswald, We hope that you are settling well. This is a note to notify you that we will commence taking payments of £4919 p/w/p.a/pp commencing as of the first of last month, not including the outstanding monthly and bimonthly interest inclusions at 299% APR per annum. Regards Conglomobank'.
>Deano's eyes see the words but none of it sinks in. he drops the letter and pulls a pizza menu towards him
>Fuck yeah! The local pizza place do donner meat on a pizza! The lads are gonna flip their shit!

whitu piggu go home
leave our women alone

>son, u got a panty on ur head...

I want to hate Deano, but he's so pathetic at the same time...

no sry
women here are cunts

The day will dawn when all the people of Ireland will have the desire for freedom to show. It is then we'll see the rising of the moon.


>muh dik
fuck you get out

>stockpile literature
Which would be the most beneficial in a post apocalyptic hellscape?

>by english teacher in Japan

it's a mixture of muh dick and not wanting my daughter to be raped or blown up by pakis tbhwhfamily

are you a nip?

10/10 Deano story, got my Sony 49" TV ready as well.

That would entirely depend on whether you want to entertain yourself or survive. Or both.

>brits out
>refugees welcome

go for indian girl then as it fits in with history

that just doesn't fit in with anything I'm doing. I mean if it ends up being a white woman in Japan then whatever

Both but I can't entertain myself when I'm dead so we'll stick to survival stuff first. Any recommendations?



>stockpile literature
get an ereader, few memory cards, those things could probably be charged by hand ffs

I don't think Bobby starved himself in order to hand Ireland over to a gay pajeet

>Bojo floats idea of new France link

Will this be like his cable car that had to be built half a km up in the air to let boats pass under it?

>dude weed lmao


this. chinese e-reader (& case!) and a few torrents of 'survvalist, bug-out bag, canning, prepper' torrents and you'll have more than you can learn in a lifetime

however, i'd recommend one of those little survivalist books, pocketish size, tells you how to do knots, basic surgery, and flag waving. especially in a post-apoc. scenario where electricity will be harder to find

I feel ill.

The best one is the 'Gem SAS survival pocket guide'

It's genuinely tiny but holds basically all the info you want to help you survive.

However it's generic; to really survive you'll need to look up your local area's fauna and flora and know where to get the edible or useful shit from.

most of this stuff is good though

This is why we need autonomy for Aberdeen and the North East.

fucking hell.

has may capitulated again, i know its likely, on the "jungle"? And does it end after this round? Or will we have to help the frogs with unwanted migrants again?

Did they vote differently or something?

theresa the appeaser

Yes. Solidly tory.

Sturge is likely to lose next time around, as are most SNP seats. Hundreds of votes in it.

I'm 50/50 on independence, I fucking hate Sturgeon but anyone thats been down south knows the UK is finished, maybe if the SNP ever get non merkel leadership ill be ready

Complete U-turn on 2015.

sick. my families from arbroath originally

>tactical voting

It would entirely depend on which types of environments you would need to survive in. In any case, books are heavy and impractical. They can certainly help, but you'll need a lot of field work. Which books you need will then become far more apparent.

lmfao whats this balmaha boatyard 2.0?

at the moment it's all words
he's the spearhead of the EU's negotiation
so far they've given us nothing
lots of diplomatic chess going on but it's all a bit deckchairs on the titanic
we've barely been allowed to see/hear anything about the negotiations under the giuse of "not revealing our hand"
but basically the EU wants to end national armies, make an EU army separate from NATO, however they need the UK, so it looks like in return for trade, we'll be in the EU army, thereasonous May has to offer non financial things so it doesn't look like she's straight up paying the EU for membership

>lowland quasi-english scots vote tory
>gaelics vote snp and lib dem

>no evidence

Wasn't tactical voting, was a protest vote. Happened at the local elections preceding the snap GE too.

>gaelics vote libdem
>not viking rapebabies

>North of Dundee

Also voting SNP and Lib Dem is not based at all. Aberdonians only voted Tory as a protest vote due to there being no regional party putting North Eastern folk first.

Got my Polish girlfriend pregnant lads.



Yep, he did it again. Spent all day offering anons 5k to fight him at some park. user turns up, pube bottles.



Why did he have to cum tribute the paper?




Current opinion polls:

Westminster: CON 23%(nc), LAB 28%(-2), LD 6%(+1), SNP 36%(-4), GRN 3%(+2)

Holyrood Constituency: CON 26%(+1), LAB 23%(-2), LD 7%(+2), SNP 38%(-4), GRN 3%(+1)

Holyrood Regional: CON 25%(+2), LAB 22%(-2), LD 7%(+1), SNP 32%(-3), GRN 10%(+4)

Independence: 37% YES and 50% NO, with 36% support for holding a second indyref in the next five years


Pube is dead. Didn't it excite you?



Aye because Teressa May is totally inspiring isnt she.

Lib Dems used to be the working class party before Labour, rural working class never unionised so have traditionally kept voting Lib Dem. They died when they went into coalition with the Tories because every seat they contest is usually a workers v landowners deal in the rural constituencies, same story thats being played out forever, Clegg basically told all those people to go fuck themselves.


It did, I made two parts of the four images documenting the entire thing. I've done the third but still haven't gotten around to doing the fourth. Will do it in the afternoon.

My town in Yorkshire used to always vote Conservative before Labour and we're a rural working class mining town.

Liberals caused Socialism with their hardon for free trade.

feeling optimistic politically in 2018

I know that everyone else thinks the same, and fuck the sun, but i doubt the barber charged him. Just some useless london fag who overcharges.

If Aberdonians had a genuine alternative they'd take it in a heartbeat.

Pic related, local reaction to the anti-Trump protest in January 2017 which was organised by Glasgow Antifa as there is no Antifa branch here. Also attended mostly by outsiders and not locals.

fuck me my short back n sides costs me £5.60

Moving to Aberdeen

smdh senpai, the state of some of these niggas

I'm not denying Aberdeen and the area isnt ahead of the curve, I'm in the same position, feel like I've got nobody to vote for.
Used to be UKIP/Tory until I started working down in England, I know theres people doing what they can to stop the decline but fuck me do they have trouble ahead.

Anyone in Scotland who thinks the UK is worth saving I'll hire a train for before the next election and they can have a look themselves, if they go bust we go with them.
That said itll be a cold day in hell before I vote to hand Scotland over to Nic

Fuck off, English cunts swamped Aberdeen when the oil skyrocketed and Teeside and Geordie idiots treated locals like shit, saturated the jobs disadvantaging Aberdonians and moaned all the time about how Scotland was shit. You see unlike the SNP, we have a justified reason to hate English moving here. It's not a historical grudge, it's something that damaged us economically and socially.

If you want a city akin to the 'Deen on the racism scale, Hull is the place to go. I'll warn you though, the youths there are feral.

I'm from teesside ahahaha
Too late jock cunt i've packed my napsack. I'm on my way.

As an edinburger, would moving to Aberdeen be a good idea? I can't stand this fucking gay city anymore.