I’m not familiar with black culture but sticking up for this guy using Lefty accounts is exactly how we can divide...

I’m not familiar with black culture but sticking up for this guy using Lefty accounts is exactly how we can divide the left

Shameless self bump. We could angle it like #CelebrateWomen

Fuck it, have a bump

Sup Forums never does anything that actually helps the cause


>is exactly how we can divide the left
They'll do it themselves

Yeah, they are.

If any of these white liberals think that blacks like this give two fucks about "homophobia" or gay rights or trannies, they haven't spent a minute around black people.

Blacks and mexicans hate gays as much if not more than anyone else. I don't think they understand, white people are the most tolerant race.

>"I cannot vibe with queers"
>"These bitches ain't shit, it's in the Bible"
>Proposing to gf for religious reasons
>Cross face tat

He already gave a half-assed apology, saying that he used "queer" to mean "strange." Then, said he was offended that other people felt offended

Also said that he has many faggot friends

It annoys me that I'm not a miniority and I can't use the the "I'm offended you're offended" get out of jail free card

Jew shill detected

Then we should take accounts with black faces and let him know he’s a pussy boi for apologizing. He ain’t no real nigga, aiiight ?

Pussy bwoy

Lol wanna know how I know you’ve never spent a day on black twitter?

Just claim to be trans-whatever-minority-you-feel-would-give-you-the-most-oppression-points

It's 2018

Why don't we all just identify as women

Divide and Conquer.


Please try it. Watching you snowflakes try to weaponize ideas you don't understand is always a good laugh. It's like watching a child swear, he's just repeating words without understanding how context works

off SET

Go back to Twitter and its millions of fake accounts you absolute faggot

Lol, good luck with that brilliant and not at all blatantly transparent troll plan of yours
