I tried, I really did...
Other urls found in this thread:
but now i'm back on my shit.
hahahahaha anime xd
I don't know about you guys but some Otaku are really crazy.
Like, If I was Miki I wouldn't have the balls to go to the fall fest without anything to announce
Baiting of that kind will drive anyone crazy especially since Miki still has time to correct himself.
The Demonkkkrats are the real racists
Mikoto will win the Toumabowl!
Is it a shitposting thread?
>NT18's average rating on Amazon is now only 4.5
>Mobile-chan thread
She already has Misaki, she can fuck right off.
I love Misaki Mikoto Touma threesome doujinshi.
The only reason Aleister is so obsessed with his plan is because he just needs to get laid. I honestly can't see him ending up with any of the Railguns even if he had a choice but since he's a girl now he can probably get plowed by Kamijou and I guarantee he'd enjoy it. He seems like he's into that kinda thing not because he's gay bit because it's taboo.
If he had to choose a Railgun I'm thinking he would probably choose Uiharu for some reason. She seems like a good fit.
Are nips about as anxious are we are about this?
If its a bunch of weebs, I'm not sure if he'd care.
Actually, I wonder where various Raildex characters fall on this chart?
yeah how othinus and index
Doesn't Mikito pretty much hate Misaki? She doesn't make it obvious but she's always very annoyed with her.
>the only reason Misaki listened to Mikoto's bullshit is because it involves Touma
I'm pretty sure Misaki takes over the bodies of others while the worst thing Mikoto's ever done is kill a robot. Don't word it in a way that Mikoto is the crazy person. What Misaki does is pretty much global rape.
Can anyone make another thread? This one seems to be infested by mobileshitter.
There was one made earlier than this
Read the fucking chapter.
This isn't my thread.
No, he is a gift to the universe
To be honest the only thing I'm reading is Astral Buddy. Misaki isn't even that important.
Mikoto x Nuit please.
Probably a lot on the right because of the religious/statist attitude of the show right?
You forgot psychologically torturing and threatening poor innocent women,indecent assault, regular assault, hijacking, terrorism, hacking ( A crime which has a life sentence in a gulag without parole in AC),vandalization of private and public property,breaking and entering,multiple counts of attempted manslaughter and attempting to bully a fetus among other things.
It's all fun and games joking about these Mikoto parings because at the end of the day no matter who she decides to give her heart to it's going to cause a commotion but as much as we all pretend Kamijou or Misaki would cause the biggest response we all know the truth. We all know deep down who would come out of left field and make everybody's heart explode.
Should fuck off.
Othinus x Touma
Doll house ending incoming
Yea she's a bad egg. She's honestly probably very lonely but that's not an excuse to be the way she is. I wish Kamachi would do a better job with her.
I've heard that libertarians are some of the smartest people in the world on a podcast. In all reality most people in AC are probably libertarians.
I think Mikoto would be for sure. She seams like she'd be especially libertarian from what you can tel about her in the anime.
Actual thread
Aleister is ancap (which is ironic, since he rules AC as a totalitarian), Touma is center, Mikoto leans towards conservatism, the whole church is traditionalist, the Kiharas are Neoreactionary, most of AC are libertarians, praise memes.
I'm actually going somewhere right now. I just wanted to post a little bit before I left for the day.
Only people who'd call libertarians smart are other libertarians, though.
Actually, I take back what I said about most of AC, they're running on so much state funding for science they're probably mostly neoreactionary.
They've been friends since the end of daihasei. Don't be fooled by the fact that they still bully each other.
Acceptable pairings for Mikoto:
Unacceptable pairings for Mikoto:
Very expensive. No
So does Misaka have a slight crush on Touma, likes him a lot, or follow him until the ends of the earth with every interaction with him precious and addicting?
All three
Except for precious interaction.
It starts out with her just wanting to beat him in a fight, then gets a crush on him then realizes she's actually inlove with him and then gets obsessed with him to the point that she'd risk her own life to save him.
People are in here
Aleister ain't the only one who can be in two or more places at once.
Now that thread is infested by people unable to speak proper english.
Why does magic gods look like sluts?
That's a good one.
The basic problem with libertarianism is that there exists thousands of years of proof that higher government structures have big competitive advantages over lower ones. Not only does that mean that libertarianism is sub-optimal, it means that if you do have some sort of broadly anarchic situation, whoever defects first will wind up owning everyone else. Quite possibly literally.
It is said the less clothes you have on the more powerful your magic becomes.
Naked FemAleister when
I still reading NT 17.
I don't get the meaning of the last sentence.
"Well, when you’ve been closed up in your shell and deceiving the world while trying to take revenge against the Magic Gods, I guess it’s a sensible evolution. Although it’s a twisted one like the small crabs that get inside of clams."
I'll read 18 when it is fully translated but please tell me how has it been so far, without spoilers please.
god tier, nips are comparing it to the WW3 arc and NT9