
Did she save the show?

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I don't know, but she is certainly the best girl and my wife.

Best girl for sure.
Pretty much the only fun character since the sword dude.

Reminder that Alice did nothing wrong

The show was always good, people should stop being contrarian and learn to appreciate what little anime you can get.

Would you let her in Sup Forums?

Too late for that.

Why are there so many edgelords in this show?

It's almost as if they are portraying typical Japanese media characters.

so the final twist of this anime will be that this world is a creation too?


Her creator made her that way so yeah

i unironically like Alice

so what's the deal with sharkteeth's power?

That whole lie-of-a-lie business was just confusing

>The only one who recognized that Shark is the most dangerous person around and is up to no good
>The only one who realized that Shark shouldn't escape or she'll cause all sorts of trouble
>Meanwhile Red and Memeteora decide to challenge Alice and Mamika instead of restraining Shark ASAP
Her only mistake probably was to not go for Shark after gauntletblasting Red and Meme


Programming Paradigms?
Nice taste in books


I never got the meaning of "best girl" in my 9 years of anime watching.
But damn she is the Best Girl unironically.

Wait,If her abilty is turning a lie into a reality...could it mean that she can turn fictional world into reality?In a sense that all fictional worlds this show's characters came from are all lies?


We have no idea what are restrictions of her power. So far she has only used it to kill the person who refuted her lie. Maybe that's it.


See kind of makes me think of a fem!Kumagawa with reverse All Fiction

>Genderbent evil Kumagawa
Now that's a character I could get behind

Sharkteeth says a lie, person 2 says she's full of shit and the lie becomes real.


Whích team would Kumagawa join?

Healthy kek.


>The creators can't change the worlds they made whenever they feel like it.
>Despite my creator failing to make my world a better place on a whim, I still think he's holding out on me because the first person i met when I came here told me so.
>They're not actually gods
>They created our worlds so they have to be
>Do they act like gods?
What a retard

She's the equivalent to Minato reappearing in Tryon 3 in Build Fighters Try.

Can the show just be about Shark girl and sword yakuza guy? The rest of the cast is uninteresting

So she's going to die after two episodes to plot armor faggotry?

>Shark girl and sword yakuza guy
Same seiyuu BTW

no wonder her world is shit if they try to kill each others because they can't stand the bullshit they tell and completely fail to reason

He would just do his own thing, much like sharkteeth except with less killing and more sexual harassment

If Guts from Berserk was summoned instead of Alice would he have done the same as Alice?

She's more of a Saki though, I think

Team Sharktits. But after beating her up (totally possible) and becoming the boss.

Would Murder Ougi be friends with Spooky Ougi?

So basically she is Miss Ougi Kumagawa?

Guts from what era? Golden Era world wasn't too bad, just mostly medieval Europe warring. Post-Eclipse, his beef wasn't with the world, just Griffith.

Magane: "You will be attacked by this"
Kumagawa: 「But this doesn't exist」
Magane: "Kikiki, A lie about a lie. It turns inside-out on itself"
*nothing happens

Kumagawa: 「Was your power a lie?」

Ojisan probably had a family. His kids and wife never expected to receive a call from the police that day ;_;

>The only one

Literally the only reason Shark got away is because Alice decided to go full retard and not listen to reason.

Shit, I can see it play out in my mind's eye.

On a related note, sharktits really could use someone witty to interact with. I wonder what her story's MC was like.

>sharktits really could use someone witty to interact with

She could be team neutral along with Yuuya.

she'd probably pair well with the other jojo's reject

Gaen is shit. Worst monogatari by far.

Would he approve of Alice's methods?

I want to go urban camping with Alice-chan

I believe she can have a lengthy tit for tat conversation with Makagami, though

Makagami's seiyuu also did Shinobu in the Monogatari Series

I dropped this after third episode, should i pick it up for shark girl?

>You will spend all your money on my BDs and merchandise, user.

Wait for the next ep and skip eps 3/4

Maybe in a week.

Sharkteeth's voice gives me a throbbing hard-on.


Maaya Sakamoto is a good seiyuu, yes.

I have no idea why you nerds are angry at her for not singing Shinobu character songs for the Monogatari Series.

>eh, nandatte?

Yes. It gets better at episode 6.

It's Magane.

This is what happens when you dump INT.

Who needs INT when you have max ATK?

>there are people who think this is cute

What a convoluted power. What if someone just kills her without talking or acknowledging her shit?

She's cute in her own twisted way, what's your problem?

Of course there are.

Me right here, buddy,

>has all kinds of cliche characters
>has no traditional japanese theme character for weebs
srsly,I expected something baiken-like character from the premises

what if you don't talk to her at all and just punch her in the face

You have to go back

She'll probably get killed by Blitz who doesn't care for her shit or someone too retarded to argue, so Rui.

why is this edgelord so fucking cute.

What if you answer "Maybe" to her lie?

Sharkteeth looks like she's wearing Senketsu.

Well, Makagami has torii earrings and shimenawa as her ribbon.

>teenage mecha protagonist
>doesn't want understanding

I think she can force people to answer with her power. Before the old man said she was lying and summoned the dog there was an effect.

Dumb KLK poster

Rui is busy emulating niggers to care about understanding.


>I want to be a hobo

Sharkteeth's introduction was good but her character is already tired and annoying by the time she finishes with Alice. What a waste.

infodumpchan had her role stolen

I like it better than those infodump eps

more like MAGAne
(Make Anime Great Again)

The episode was way better but instead of Meteora infodumping you have Sharkteeth and Alice being retards.

Both married IRL as well.

>Implying you don't like Sharkteeth sneaking off to the corner while the muscleheads fight.

Red and Memeteora suck at fighting

>watch as I clearly and obviously sneak away in the middle of your argument while no one does anything




But she wasn't sneaking away at all


No, you're fucking retarded. Authors CAN change the worlds, they do it all the time by writing and publishing their works. They just can't do it instantly, it must be accepted by fans. It may take some time, but persuading author is the easiest way to fix her world.