How many people secretly hate nigs?

How many people secretly hate nigs?

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90% of white people do, and I'm not memeing.

when lefties say all white people are racist they're sort of right

This. But we've been programmed against saying those thoughts out loud.

I secretly think that blacks are based af, but I can't fucking have a real conversation because of liberal bullshit.

99% of the entire world hates blacks. Asians are probably the most honest about it.

So many, wonder what they will do once the jews get full power and control of the planet and stop funding their chimp outs. Mass suicide I hope.


nobody likes niggers

Most people really hate niggers and beaners, but most people are just too pussy to say it aloud

way more than that

Only white cucks like blacks everyone else on earth including niggers hate them.

lefties always project

thats means they are all racist

blacks trying to better themselves are great. niggers are like animals and therefore all races, not just whites loathe their existence.

>How many people secretly hate nigs?

Google "Population of planet earth"

There is your answer

And 100% of niggers hate us. So let the mass chimpout/extermination begin.


Even animals hate the blacks.

EVERYONE is racist since "racism" is just pattern recognition. The difference is that "racist" whites see the patterns among people outside their own, which is natural and healthy, while "anti-racist" whites just hate their own kind, which is unnatural and suicidal.

Maybe some of the men. Occasionally you'll find a black women that can pretend enough to trap a beta.

For for the most part Is correct.

I hate anybody that acts a fool putting labels around people is stupid that's what liberals do

Don't really know my neighbours that well, but the other day one of them casually strikes up a convo "so you heard #57 they are moving out, I really hope niggers don't move in". I was shocked, but smiling.

i wish you could get hired for posting such funny tweets

user the humans in the middle east and North Africa hate niggers because they are just niggers they dont even give reasons why they hate them they just find them disgusting.

Almost 100 percent

Leftists hate them the most, despite fronting all the time.

Ask any leftist about the idea of racism and when they bring up how its POWER/Superiority + prejudice, they usually explain or at the least imply that whites are the supreme race currently. Which is obscenely, irredeemably racist.

>the humans in the middle east and North Africa
awww so cute

That's exactly my point. You won't find many "anti-racists" or "anti-arab supremacy" activists in these parts because they haven't been ((((subverted as much)))).

Is bwilson /ourqueen/?

95% of Hispanics too

I want to be her husband and protect her and let her hatred for niggers bloom and flourish into our beautiful children we make together

How would society change if everyone took the Black IQ red pill. I wonder if anything would change at all.

most average white people are very insecure about their stupidity to the point that they are in an anxious state of fitting in with a herd so no one finds out how stupid they are and they react impulsively and violently whenever people are identified by their IQ.

One of the most glaring issues I have with the American left is that they seem to willfully ignore that every race of people in the world is more racist, especially toward blacks, than whites are. Especially Asians. God damn. They just don't give a fuck about appearing racist.

t. Professor Tyrone Nigglesworth, III from the esteemed Grambling School of Medicine.

I'm white too but I see my fellow whites as traitors to their race when they openly are discussing trump's hands and penis a year later still and then gushing how amazing mexicans are at drywalling and painting and how clever they are for having a better business model than their competitors, which of course is illegal if you realize that. These idiots are corrupted, especially the boomers.

Waifu material

These fucking idiots should be ashamed at their lack of intelligence, but you know, California...

Fucking anti semetic scum bag. Fuck you ya fuckin piece of shit. I'm a 57 year old truck driver with more life experience than all you lousy fucking youngins combined. You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about! You are evil, miserable, maniacal scum bag pieces of fucking shit. The Jews didn't do 9/11 that was al quada and terrorists you fucking scum bag bozo fuck. I married a woman who happens to be Jewish and she is the most real woman I have ever met. According to you fucking scum bags the world would be a better place if she was dead. Fuck you scum bags and your wild conspiracy bull shit theories. Fuckers.

Niggers trying to corner the market on hangings without realizing whites were hanging whites in the Wild West for decades. And injuns too.

Take down the memeflag queer

Even the leftists in my normie group chat hate niggers.

I actually can't think of any group of people who DO like them.

They don't even like each other.

Fuck whites and blacks. They are both animals. Monkeys and barn animals constantly fighting each other. The white thinks its supreme, but it is just mediocre. The black is slow, and reacts violently randomly. Both are fucking shit, and fuck the left for agitating racial tensions.

Part of my complaint is the victim complex. Irish people where sold into slavery just like niggers as well as starved out of towns in Ireland by the British. They don't give a fuck though. They carry on.

Niggers will look for anything to take a victim status and than yell at everyone about it. At this point in the world that we live in, victimhood is self created. Only you can control it. You have so many ways to succeed in life. Niggers have endless crutches.

Nah. If you're from the Pacific Northwest you have no reason to hate black people.

What race are you user?

Ignorance. Race. Ignorance. Race.
Racist are ignorant because they ignore details (too much thinking) and hate based on the easiest difference they can see. Race.
But what most people hate about blacks
Is actually the product of poor education and desperation. Not race. And it's that way all around the world.
They(poor people) lie, cheat, steal, and lack the social etiquette of the upper CLASS.
How's that for pattern recognition?
White males tend to hate black males because...well....since we're being honest, the average black cock is so much bigger than the average white penis.
Can't believe no-one ITT has mentioned that as a reason they are intimidated.
Cuckked fo' life

I lold at your post. Very good larp. However, you slipped when you wrote “i am a truck driver, and my wife is Jewish” really? A jewish woman marrying a truck driver?! That would never happen


Your mom.

The poorest white and east asian rural communities have less crime than the richest, most developed majority black cities.

>White males tend to hate black males because...well....since we're being honest, the average black cock is so much bigger than the average white penis.

By that fucking stupid leftist "logic", I guess whites also hate horses and whales for having bigger dicks eh?

Maybe he owns a trucking company. She needs dem shekels.


Because your so busy hating Samoans and “islanders” and Mexicans.

>They(poor people) lie, cheat, steal, and lack the social etiquette of the upper CLASS.

Except most poor people don't do that. There are plenty of poor white neighborhoods up north made up of Eastern European immigrants and their ilk and they're as safe as can be.

Or you can go to any poor city inhabited mainly by Natives, they're among the poorest in the country and there's barely any crime.

Or you can go to a poor white town here in my state of Texas, those fuckers don't even have street lights and it's crime free.

This obviously isn't a class/poverty issue.

Literally “Muh Dick”

I’m betting Asian or spic

The entire black race would be exterminated if people realized the truth about them.

(((Three))) is plenty.

Don’t have a race you tv watchin monkey pig nigger faggot


The only way he would be able to hold that argument without grouping himself with shit would be asian. Asians are the only ones post Y2K that don't have random chimp outs and stupid tantrums.

Poverty only increases crimes like thief and armed robbery, you cant explain why niggers rape and kill so much with poverty retard. Another thing their high violent crime rate is a constant wherever they exist.

Those poor SAT numbers.

90% of niggers hate niggers, the statistics dont lie


It's really closer to 100%.

100% of whites may not explicitly hate blacks, but they implicitly do, whether they know it or not. The majority of typical conservative talking points, for instance, are genuinely just shorthand for a finer, racially-oriented point (see below). Even the most STALWART anti-racist will have implicit racist tendencies. The SJWs actually aren't entirely wrong on this point--their folly, however, is thinking they can (and should) work against what are natural, biological human tendencies, and also that these tendencies are only present in whites.

"I don't want to live in that neighborhood, it's full of thugs" is really just shorthand for "I don't want to live around niggers". "I don't want my kid to go to that rough school" is shorthand for "I don't want my kid to be around a bunch of niggers". Whites have been either brainwashed or shamed into framing things this way, but the end actions are about the same either way. In just about every instance where the option is available, whites opt to be around fellow whites.


No social categories for me. It’s a set up ya dumb fucks. One day, I pretend to be asian, next day spic; sometimes I am white, mostly in winter, and other times I even pretend to be mulatoo. The muh four categories of race really piss me off because of how simple it is.

Heheh fucking dumb animals need a “team” in life, and true to my lord, I enjoy watching you pigs attack the monkeys and vice versa. The black fucks are cey baby hypocrites, they are just as racist but feel they are the only tribe entitled to public empathy. The whites were great. Past tense. But you are too judgmental on petty superficial things, when you should be focused on the more essential compents to life, such as family, money power; but instead, you lose sight on what’s important in life, too easily.

Definitely a spic. Thanks for the hint user.

They are. Leftist logic is overwhelmingly based on the bigotry of low expectations. Even the staunchest Sup Forumsak sees the potential of a place like Africa. It's an anger based in people not doing better for themselves, and for others.

Lefties don't see that potential. They don't recognize agency. They divide the world in a white ruling class, and all others who are just flotsam on the current. These are the people who will seriously argue that if a Western politician says a mean word, and then someone kills a bunch of people half the world away, the Western politician is at fault, because the terrorist is a creature of pure reflex who literally had no choice but to kill.

Part of me is convinced that Sup Forums style racism only exists today because the left just confirms it as a world view time and again. And of course, any non-white person who DOES show obvious agency, by saying right wing stuff, mostly, immediately earns honorary whiteness in the eyes of the left. Meaning that they become targets for the most vile crap they can sling at them. Just look at Ayaan Hirsi Ali. You'd think a Somali woman who suffered barbaric treatment, but still choose Western values and rose to the top of (inter)national politics would be the posterchild for the leftist cause. But no, she wasn't a good black lackey, so they fucking exiled her. My nation, which even takes back ISIS cunts, exiled her for being right wing.

You could staple a Klan hood to your head and still not be as racist as the virtue signalling fuck who thinks terrorists and criminals are poor darlings.

You don't find it awkward that white women don't feel the same as white males for the most part? White females are found at black life matters protest in droves!
Cuckked fo' life

Good points.

She’s stupid for using her real name. Now the niggers are going to ruin her life. She already was fired from her job.


The soft bigotry of low expectations is exactly right. I remember in the lead up to the Iraq War, the main Leftist argument against was that the Sunni and Shia would degenerate back to the tribal ways and reignite the historical hatred between them and fall into a state of civil war.

Which was correct, that did happen.

But these SAME MOTHERFUCKERS are the ones who won't shut the fuck up about how diversity builds strength and unity.

It builds strength and unity, huh? How'd that work out in Iraq? How'd that work out in Rwanda? How'd that work out in Yugoslavia? How'd that work out in Indonesia? How'd that work out in Liberia and Sierra Leone? How's that currently working, by the way?

They contradict themselves left and fucking right and don't even know they're doing it. They speak from both sides of their mouths and never seem to realize they're doing it.

I'm not the most conservative person, but I at least respect the fact that conservatives are at least normally consistent with their logic.

You can't tell me about poor places around the world. I lived on the poor side of a white town, I've voleentered in Mexico, I've traveled much.
When information contradicts your bias...congnitive dissonance duh duh nah nah.
Yes. Poverty =high crime rates.
Trailer park whites. Mexicans. Japanese yakuza. Asian sex workers.
Fact will get you just'd.

It's difficult I know...when your philosophy gets crushed.
Now who to blame for your misery?
I understand

This my Indian room mate and his poo family hate niggers

>muh dick

many more than secretly like them

Let's not forgot that the left wanted to get in on the "Arab Spring" for the exact same reason they called bullshit when Bush did it: Western democracy in the Middle East. With much of the same results, I might add. Except Iraq pales in comparison to the clusterfuck that is ISIS. Which leftists then also make excuses for.

But hey, couldn't leave that terrible Assad. He occasionally killed dissidents to keep the peace. What a bad man! Just like that Sadda... wait a minute!

It's not a philosophy, it's an objective reality: Most poor neighborhoods aren't plagued by crime unless they're poor and also black.

>Look at that snake on the ground, it looks like a Pit Viper, and they're dangerous venomous animals which I need to avoid and don't want to live around
This is perfectly acceptable
>Look at that hoodrat nigger in his hoodie walking down the street towards me. I'm going to put my hands in my coat pockets and start unfolding my pocket knife for when this fucking coon sneak attacks me for $4.00 in my wallet
This is unacceptable

>You can't judge a book by its cover user!
Literally the only purpose of a cover on a book is to signal to you which book appears to your liking and which book does not. I'm not going to buy a book on gay butt sex with a man sticking his penis in another man's asshole on the front cover and wonder "what's this book about???" and then start reading it and wondering if it's ever going to turn into a science fiction thriller.

All creatures have a natural affinity for their kind. This transcends culture and language. You put a monolingual Englishman and Frenchman in the same room together and place monolingual Chinese and Japanese on the other side of the room, the whites are going to stick together and the gooks are going to stick together as long as all things are equal and nobody can understand anybody else. White people are told daily to ignore this. To stop believing their own instincts and reality. Many whites deep down know they don't like niggers, but they're just too brainwashed to realize or admit it.

not many. i'm sure its not a secret for a lot of people

Hey brainlet what about crime like sex work? Drugs?
And blacks don't rape. Black murders usually happen over drugs/money. Poverty.
It's not like I'm taking up for the black race. Ignorance is the enemy. And to that fact...i hate niggers too but all races have niggers in them.

Even people who come off as leftist and work at turbo-leftist organisations actually hold beliefs very close to Sup Forums's. They're just too scared to say anything so they prefer to nod, grin, and lead a fake life. If you hint that you're not a turboleftist subtly enough so that they believe you would never reveal your or their thoughts on the topic, they tend to open up.

there's some quote by some muslim shiek or imam cant remember from 1100 describing niggers in detail. They've been in contact with niggers for a long time since they are the ones that sold them into slavery lol

I HATE niggers, black people are ok.

Okay retard. Believe whatever you want.

Im not black. Soooo
But yes penis envy is real, rather it's a meme or not.
But that all you got from that whole post?

Have you ever met a fucking nigger?


>Educated black man
>Tin foil hat black man
>Old black man with gray in his beard
>Athletic black woman
Which ones am I missing?

This is why I promote policies of blind meritocracy for school applications not based on gender and race. Also the same for job applications. I sound like I am being fair and honest, but secretly I know the statistics and the outcome.

They are mostly virtue signalling.

That's not objective. Check the statistics. Globally.
That might be your experience and then I'd advise you to travel more or expand your horizons.
Every been around methhead whites?

I have traveled the poor white communities are the least crime ridden of them all. I seriously feel safer in an Eastern European Shithole than the richest parts of Columbia or Nigeria. Mind you I blend into the Latino pops because I tan well and have brown hair.

You can not convince these idiots. The media knows this and that is why instead of reasoning with them, they just tell them what they want to hear. They will always think they are superior, even in the face of contrary evidence. They will always need a group because they are barn animals, whose instinct is group think/behavior; this is where the white is just as animalistic as the black

>That's not objective. Check the statistics. Globally.

Top 5 countries the lowest crime rates: All white and Asian. Top 5 countries with the highest crime rates: All black and brown.

Alright, we're not off to a good start here.

>That might be your experience and then I'd advise you to travel more or expand your horizons.

"Expand your horizons" is a meaningless, bullshit phrase. I have traveled. That didn't magically make nigger neighborhoods here in my own country any better.

>Every been around methhead whites?

Yes. They don't threaten to murder me or knock me unconscious out of nowhere. They do meth.

Spic here, definitely siding with our new supreme Asian overlords. It's time to overthrow the Caucasoid menace one and for all.

Ukraine is a warzone you dumb fuck. You should choose rich over poor everytime. The dumb slavs might mistake you for arab if you are tan, amd will def tey to attack you if you move on slav women.