This is a “Swedish” politician
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mutt, you literary had a nigger as president
>tfw the brown muslim refugee candidates are more right wing than the actual swedes
what a shithole
go to bed achmed
>quintessentially swedish
he was 56% white, this is a literal MUSLIM
Pic from official government info site on Sweden.
Yeah that’s the point. It didn’t do shit.
This guy trying to tell everyone the "refugees" are 28 year olds pretending to be 16 and raping kids .
Dudes pretty based pro secular Iranian who grew up in the Swedish system , says his dad is still Islam cultist and only talks to him once a year
Listen to his talk with Gad Sadd
He's ironically the only guy in parliament who isn't SD who's very openly against Sweden's current immigration policy. However, chances are quite high he's just a guy planted as someone to draw votes from SD to M, which he represents.
Sharia will save the swede race from themselves.
Seems swedish to me.
Where's his harem composed exclusively of underage blondies?
Sounds like a good man
And Obama wasn't?
>half white
>half descended from nigger slaves we brought here
Stay butthurt, Sven
>half descended from nigger slaves we brought here
Nope, he wasn't.
take your civnat cuckhold homo fantasies back to redit you fucking faggot
he made solid points.
mass immigration will hurt people more than it will help them when the support system becomes overwhelmed/flooded beyond the capacity it can handle.
it has devastating short term repercussions.
(1-20 years)
if the civilization can't keep up, it collapses into the ground, like all other failed civilizations.
that sounds great right?
no, it is hell.
Maybe he could breed your wife huh? At least he isn't a fucking Muslimast amIrite? Europe just wants the non white migrants but without that backward patriarchal religion of Islam.
That talk just happened like 10 minutes ago. That guy sounded like someone off of here pointing out everything wrong with mass immigration and no vetting, plus the growth of domestic terrorism and violent gangs popping up. Then he said how the Sweden born actual political cucks just came back calling him a domestic nigger and other retarded comments ignoring the problems with mass immigration
And you're on your way to become a black country by the looks of it.
based Tucker-San
His taqiyya game is impressive
just check the Yurothreads here, the immigrants are right-wing/conservative, the natives leftists.
The biggest critic of Islamization in Germany is a Jesidi girl, driving the leftists nuts
Bruh, I talk with a ton of Iranians (we got a lot here in Montreal) and they're not muzzies at all. They drink and eat pork and don't give a shit about anything. And the women are amazing. They're hot, make for great girlfriends and are usually quite educated.
Even the refugees are becoming anti-refugee because even they realize that if the borders are kept open, there won't be enought gibsmedats to go around.
Mass immigration is flooding europe with sunnis. shia don't like that. The shia that get to europe and america are usually more skilled workers, so a controlled immigration policy benefits them more.
>american education
his dad was kenyan
Top kek
guys, its too late for me, i only see sweden as a arabic country with white imigrants
>tfw mark steyn said "your swedish guest"
>hey man you're racist for not letting us flood into your country and take over
These people have balls but not in a good way, more of a stupid "why do they insist on antagonizing us" way.
And because of that now we have a guy who wants to deport them all
>and they're not muzzies at all. They drink and eat pork
except for the part where they call themselves muslime. the "religion of peace" isis niggers kill people and fuck children, they call themselves muslimes too.
right now muslime just means "a faggot who lies to you about who they are, saying one thing and doing another"
Does he sing in System of a Down?
no, he's just a political opportunist larping as a hardliner to rise to power. tucker wasn't kidding, that could be sweden's future PM
He looks like a muslim PewDiePie.
pick one
It's what they do that is important, not what they say. You people easily fall for fake politicians. Migrants can't make your country native as much as eating strawberry can put apple in your stomach.
>pick one
no, since I didn't say "nationalists", I said right wing/conservative.
Nationalism pretty much is dead here.
>chances are quite high he's just a guy planted as someone to draw votes from SD to M, which he represents.
thats exactly what he is. i dont trust him nor his party at all.
Lol europoors
At least it's not a white and a black.