what can Sup Forums tell me about Japan? don't really know much about the country.
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They don't have much crime. I can't imagine why.
I think Sup Forums would better help you, you stupid faggot
Dependent on China for manufacturing, on the Arabs/Persians for oil, on the United States for defense, on immigrants for labor, and on their rapidly aging population to hold the line against a failing debt-fueled economy.
They are closer to collapse than anyone realizes and have always been a hair's breath from anarchy, hidden by the thinnest of veneers of social order.
You wish Chang.
Dont care they have anime
All you need to know, is that we're fucking full.
I know animu comes from there... and ramen... and gozilla,,, and that's that.
The most juxtaposed country on earth.
I'm stationed there now, anything specific you'd like to know?
The people are overall pleasant and notably well dressed. It was a shock to go back home to the states and see people walking around in pajama bottoms and cursing.
This is true, crime rates are very low. The people here seem to have a tacit understanding to "keep the peace".
This is also true, the population seems very densely concentrated around the shores. I think a lot of inland terrain is mountainous and difficult to develop.
You never been to low income osaka then.
kys welfare queen
read up, you lazy faggot
But that's New Zealand.
what is?
lol i thought i was just retarded for a minute
I was sitting here waiting in this thread for someone to explain why japan was shaped funny
t. burger
Quite a few Japanese people live there.
That's a picture of New Zeeland
They export anime and sushi.
They have experience with atomic weapons.
Daily Reminder that Chinks control most of the economy of Japan. China is Japan's biggest trading partner.
Japan's situation is very good now.
Thanks Abe. I'll vote for his party again.
I was there for like a week to buy a R32 GTR and prep it for import. I like the country. People are friendly and there is always something to do.
Anime and sushi
find a better map of Japan
lol yup
What's the price of living there, and how are taxes? I'm thinking about living in Japan temporarily working as a translator
both are pretty high
kawaii kiwis as big as a house roam the streets
This is all you need to know.
Except for all that quantitative easing