Questions for non-burgers.
How aware are you of the hatred half burgerland has for the other half?
Do you think the US is close to civil war from your foreign POV?
Would a US Civil War spark WW3?
Foreign views, second US Civil War
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I didn't used to think so, but I'm starting to. The rich are just pushing too much evil shit. Usually their totalitarian pushes are more measured. This past year it has just been insane. They've seen their opportunity to get back their precious gilded era and they've struck like the serpents they are. If they keep this up, there really will be a revolution in this country. What's more likely is that protests and riots will become more fervent and common due to automation destroying American jobs, since capitalism can't survive automation.
>First reply
>Burger commie
>Causing the divide in the first place
KYS, save us the ammunition.
im thinking after we destroy north korea china nad russia to a curtain extent their might be a civil war since commies love commies
>Causing the divide
That would be your false gods.
>Constantly vote to hurt the majority of citizens
Non-burgers, this is an example of someone that needs to die.
Views on potential civil war?
all the nuclear missle bases and military bases and food supplies and gun and ammo and tank manufacturing plants are in red counties
all the fat ugly feminists and illegal tacos who do not speak english are in blue counties
red counties produse food
blue counties consume food
blue counties produce negro rap cds and gender studies books
blue counties consume negro rap cds and gender studies books
if a civil war kicks off, all the white truck drivers will stop delivering food from red to blue
all fat ugly feminazicunts will shred 200 pounds in the first month, eat pigeons gender studies books and rap cds in the second month as a primary source of food and die of starvation in the 3rd month
I advise leftists to start a civil war in november, right before winter
guess where all the oil and electricity production is located
You'll lose again, fag.
>all fat ugly feminazicunts will shred 200 pounds in the first month, eat pigeons gender studies books and rap cds in the second month as a primary source of food and die of starvation in the 3rd month
>Repukelickans are so stupid they think hyperbole is accurate fact
That user is objectively correct, automation and extreme income inequality are going to kill this country. Every company is trying to automate all their processes.
Rightists won't see it coming even though we've been telling them literally for generations. Then they'll blame "democrats", a party that itself is dying because it went too far right.
How's those gun control laws working for you Issac?
Right-wingers: M16s, Shotguns, Revolvers, pistols, AR-15s, and M60s
Left-Wingers: Dildos, rocks, Knifes, and fists
Who will win?
I’m not worried, once we begin to systematically execute everyone with conservative beliefs. Looking forward to that day.
name one source of food production in a city
all food cities have that does not come from red counties are rats and pigeons
whatafuck you make besides negro rap cds and gender studies books?
whatafuck you gonna eat besides what white farmer produces and white truck driver and white train driver deliver ?
let me guess negroes from southside chicago and feminists in new york will start driving tractors?
no you retards will eat each other in an event of a civil war
>once we begin to systematically execute everyone with conservative beliefs
Then why did you put gun control laws in democrat?
I don't think full blown communism is the solution.
I don't know what the solution is honestly. Tax the extremely rich more? These same rich have pitted Left and Right against each other. The Left opposes corporate cock sucking but wants to import millions of brown people for cheap labor. The Right loves corporate cock sucking but doesn't want to import millions of brown people for cheap labor. Left or Right, (((they))) win, and it was designed that way on purpose.
Fun and hilarious infographic but any type of 'privilege fallacy' still boils down to argumentum ad hominem.
What gun control laws? Gun production and ownership in this country is still off the fucking charts.
Oh simple rural retard. When the shit hits the fan, the cities will organize and take over the rural areas. They'll starve you out, then make the remaining individuals slaves. You are entitled as shit. You have it so good right now, but have to whinge because you saw a black person in a tv ad. If a civil war ever does break out in this nation, you'd better believe Washington and the MIC will cover its ass first. And they're not going to be siding with sisterfuckers in the sticks.
Who said anything about communism? The solution in and of itself is war. War is the best population reducer.
>Rich people don't enjoy literal privilege
What did the mongoloid mean when he slurred this?
God bless America
>t. nigger lover
why can't you guys just ever get it right? if you weren't such nigger diversity loving faggots you would get so many more supporters. please kys
>Questions for non-burgers.
>How aware are you of the hatred half burgerland has for the other half?
>Do you think the US is close to civil war from your foreign POV?
I am.
>Would a US Civil War spark WW3?
No but it would be the best way n chance to legitimately kill all leftists and thus make america a land of freedom again, desu.
so here's the real problem.
how do we depopulate liberal cities/make them more conservative as well as make some conservative cities of which there seem to be none (even Texas cities are drastically more liberal than their surrounding areas)
if the future will be more, and more heavily populated, cities doesn't that tend to reason the future will eventually be liberal?
I ask for foreign opinion and I get a communist burger shitshow.
>Gun production and ownership in this country is still off the fucking charts.
Most people who own guns are Republicans.
>the cities will organize and take over the rural areas
If they even know where they are, most City people ignore the rural areas.
>War is the best population reducer.
The Strong survive and the Weak Die, and the Leftists are the weak ones
I cannot wait for full blown war to break out
The US pulling itself apart would leave a power vacuum the EU, Russia, China, India, and Japan would try to fill, probably leading to proxy wars and skirmishes between ascendant powers.
A bunch of incredibly dangerous military technology would also end up on the black market like what happened with the Soviet Union.
Sister fuckers in the sticks have rifles with scopes. They know the woods and can protect their territory.
I've been warning of a 3rd US Civil War since 2013, but Sup Forums thought I was full of shit. I'm in NYC so I've seen cultural trends before they go nationwide. It's the kikes, it's always been the fucking kikes
>Would a US Civil War spark WW3?
Yes 100%
3rd???? am i missing something?
Enforce immigration, remove birthright citizenship (so one parent must be a citizen for the offspring to be a citizen), make bailing on child support a felon with long sentences, and remove all welfare cucks/social parasites in:
San Francisco
Los Angeles
Northern Virginia/D.C.
New York
Civil War: averted
I know the woods better and they hate you.
Liberals and more extreme leftists consistently call for defending the working class, only to berate them and call them idiots. Hypothetically, most of the producing class, if they ever would revolt, would end up laying seige to most of cut off cities and murdering those people so outspoken about the "proletariat". Best case scenario is balkanization while the rest of the world is more worried about fighting for our old spot. Also hopefully no UN blue helmets ending up here.
A civil war will never happen in the US unless a sizeable portion of the army sides with a rebel group. Anything else is just absurd mental masturbation.
They are hopelessly out classed and outgunned. I almost welcome the inner city tards to "organize and take over"....................................bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I can't...... I just can't..........not with a straight face! Oh my sides! Just imagining a group of le56% faces with purple hair and various beta cucks and nu-males trying to storm the outskirts and rural regions... FUCKING LOL!! and here's and additional ROFL for your troubles!!
The Revolution was a Civil War; Whigish Americans against Tory Americans. It's just not the angle from which it's taught in the US. The tories ended up fleeing to Canada
You dont know my 30 acres and i can pop your ass 300 yrds out and farther. chit my son can pop your ass at 300yrd. City boy comes round our cameras catch them first. Not to mention that my community around me is the same way. They may get one but the community will defend itself against invading hordes of lefties. We are not lefties.
I wondered if that was what you meant but it is technically inaccurate as the US did not exist.
Unlikely. If the USA breaks out into civil war, they'll try to ship in UN and possibly NATO troops, but other than China and Russia there are no countries with standing armies that can really do anything. They've already shipped a lot of UN gear into the USA during obama's last years in office.
The other big factor to consider is what % of the current US military will follow orders to attack US civilians, even if it's under the guise of a false flag used to invoke martial law, vs true patriots who will correctly refuse to follow such orders and will turn on those who give such orders.
What I think should be happening now is a full adherence of the 2A, specifically the part about a "well regulated militia". This is where vets can really help out by forming and organizing civilian militias trained and ready to respond to a variety of potential scenarios. Not just about fighting, but actually making weapons and ammo, survival, food, etc.
>all the nuclear missle bases and military bases
These do not exist. Please do some research on the topic of "nuclear hoax" and do some objective assessment. The idea of nukes is perpetuated in an effort to scare people into believing human govts have the power to wipe out civilization. They don't, but God does. Humans are not gods.
I don't conflate nations with states. The idea of an American identity existed well before the Revolution, so I count it since it pit American against American.
no there's not going to be a civil war for the next 40 years at least, people are very well controlled and the media just hypes it up; by hyping it up they almost satisfy the urge vicariously for the citizens
"“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution” seems to explain it well
Ah well we are never going to agree on this.
As a fellow in the sticks! I know that feel!!! Victory is all but assured!
burger stating if you think a us civil war is happening anytime soon you have downs
obviously if one were to happen it would spark ww3 because of the complex web of international ties. how the fuck WOULDNT a civil war cause ww3
how fucking stupid are you anons?
this is my last post on Sup Forums
You do you; ultimately we're just arguing semantics
How many city boys practice shooting? How many can field load high power ammo? How many can kill and butcher deer or game? How many will it take to storm my place while im perched through my scope undercover?
Fuck yehhh Sierra Nevada range masterrace, Trump signs every few acres, every house. Election time recollection :3
Exactly. Many of us are vets, some, myself included, have also trained with local militias employing small unit tactics, guerilla warfare skills, and CQB. We had specialists train the women in food prep, canning, first aid, etc.
What exactly do these liberal fucks think they are going to do? Hold rallies? Wear pussy hats? Nudist protests? Fag Marches? What? You don't rise to become revolution leaders, you fall to your base level of training.
They are finished before they begin, but they are so used to getting everything they want by rioting, protesting, and crying that they have zero clue what they would do against a true opponent. If they ever figure out how to form battalions and start acquiring hard targets, maybe we'll start to feel some concern, but even then, it just gives the rest of us something to aim at.
If there wasn't a civil war under obongo there won't be one under Trump.
If White senator Pocahontas wins in 2024 that's another matter.
Made several threads talking about the US Spring plans.
[ARCHIVE OF KB THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
Red America has one trillion bullets.
Blue America is confused about which bathroom to use.
There will be no civil war. Please plan accordingly.
I hope it's huge hatred so that I can see the US fall in my lifetime.
Nothing personal guys, just a huge historical moment I wouldn't mind spectating, like the fall of rome or the rennaissance.
Okay maybe it's a bit personal because you're a bunch of nosy fuckers and you've had it coming for a while.
>Thinking he's innocent and won't get buttfucked by China when we have our Civil War
You're country has no reason to be poor by the way
I wish the commies would try to revolt
Right wing America
>all the guns
>all the cops
>all the army
>all the vets
>all the guns
>most of the wealthy
>all of the food production
>all of the mineral production
>all of the power generation
>all of the communication and lower lines
>all of the interstates
>90% of the territory
>Russian support
The left has
>urban centers
>disparate racial groups with massive animosity
>euro support (so nothing)
They are islands of violent groups cut off and surrounded with no power, water, food or ability to fight back
A civil war would be a cleansing of marxists and other subversives from the nation
I predict the U.S. will fall into civil war in the next 25 years.
No way there won't be a happening before 2050 at the very least.
Canada will soon follow. Cuckdeau is shipping in shitskins because they vote Liberal, and he's shipping them into the major cities. In Canada, in order for the Conservative Party to win, they'll need to win over cities like Toronto and Vancouver. But once there's enough shitskins, Conservatives won't even be able to win elections, and in comes decades of Liberal/NDP rule before right wingers get sick of it and revolt. I predict by 2050 as well.
Such a retarded frame of logic. Where I live in Vermont there is a local national guard armory, I’ve been in there a couple times with my dad and there’s about 1k guns in those small buildings all stacked in crates. I assume they have the bullets to go with em. Depots like that are all over blue states I’m sure militias would be formed overnight.
>Canada will soon follow.
Really? Are you guys on the verge of a civil war? I can see the US but I can't see Canada. Canada at the very least has some form of national uniting principles, the US not so much. Literally the only things they say unite us are
>muh immigration
>muh flag
>muh declaration of independence (even though it has nothing to do with men being equal and Jefferson never thought that)
>muh Statue of Liberty (that doesn't even mean immigration)
>muh diversity
We're not on the verge so to speak, but we will be if enough shitskins are imported in that they elect a Liberal/NDP majority and there's no way to defeat them.
Will you help in the US' fight for the ideals of the Founding Fathers in the future user?
Many in the military come from Rural areas.
They will side with the farmers and country folk.
Any leftists that deny the influence of Jews are going to be a huge trigger for a civil war.
If you want support for socialism, you need to eject or exterminate these kikes and their chink minions.
Rednecks also need to stop deep-throating Capitalism and worshipping the rich like sub-human class cucked vermin.
>Rednecks also need to stop deep-throating Capitalism
This isn't a free market system, user. This is an Oligarchy where the government is sold to the highest bidder
atleast post an accurate map u fgt
2024 is when shit's going to hit the fan, the debt will probably be hitting a breaking point and the candidates will be more radical than even Trump and Bernie on both sides. Whoever wins is going to wish his problems were as easy as Lincoln's.
It is a free market system you dolt. It's an oligarchy where a few rich corporate monopolies control all the wealth and resources and force everyone to work for them for increasingly shitty wages. They also stomp out any competition, thus destroying the "free market" (which never existed anyways because capitalism is built on slavery).
Capitalism eats it's self and becomes corporate feudalism. Every retard on both the right and the left who doesn't see this gets forced fed boiling water and beaten to death on the day of the rope for being degenerates with defective survival instincts.
If things get as bad as pic related in 1930, civil war seems likely.
>25-30% unemployment
>regular riots
>constant political violence on the streets
>there are people on Sup Forums legitimately advocating for a second U.S civil war
>historically, the only full-scale civil war in America remains the deadliest war in the nations history, claiming more American blood even than World War I
This is why we can't have nice things.
If Canada becomes too shitted up and no one fights back, yes.
I already can't take it seeing everybody eat up the blue pills and the open anti white rhetoric.
Thinking about moving to the Midwest.
But when the race war sparks in Europe I will be there.
Do urban leftist retards think they can really win when half of their side would consist of niggers and spics who would rather loot the mansions of the rich white liberals?
Holy double double 07.
>How aware are you of the hatred half burgerland has for the other half?
I'm here on Sup Forums... I'm very aware
>Do you think the US is close to civil war from your foreign POV?
100% sure. I think the shit will go down in the next 3-8 years. liberals will lose their minds and will promote even more retarded ideas like pedophilia and the Media will do the rest. (Green Party in Germany is unironically promoting pedophilia, necrophilia and incest. Age of Consent in germany is already really low. They actually want to fuck 5 y/o.)
>Would a US Civil War spark WW3?
fuck that would be amazing
I wouldn't define monopolies snuffing out competition as free, but technically you're right
>capitalism is built on slavery
Capitalism is an advanced, standardized quid-pro-quo; both parties are supposed to benefit from the transaction
>Capitalism eats it's self and becomes corporate feudalism
Only if you let it, and user our great-grandparents dropped the ball on this one
>the cities will organize and take over the rural areas.
have you ever walked on a country road in the literal middle of nowhere, or through woods, real woods not some shitty park or northeast backyard? oh god the stupidity of the left. there are no buses, subways or taxis in the country cityboy. there are no convenience stores or cafes selling avacado toast and vegan tofu with soymilk every half block either if you get thirsty. you try to walk in half dead and then threaten some countryfolk with WE ARE THE CITY AND YOU WILL DO AS WE SAY, you will get shot dead where you stand.
you wont make it to the country before being eaten by your cultural diversity allies
Voluntary groups would form to fight against mobs to take away their property is most likely how it will play out.
Wars are about strength, not food and supplies.
Diversity = strength. You racist fucks are severely lacking in that department.
Spider man thread
An army moves on its stomach - Napoleon.
you aint doing shit without logistics.
>ID: 56
And you aren't doing shit without fuel for the farming equipment, retard.
Quit queuing them in nigger.
>Diversity = strength.
Your mother was a coal burner
Holy shit, YES this
Just imagine how fucking delightful it would be to watch the tiny splintered ideoligies on the left eat each other. The right isn't exactly united but the left DEFINITELY isn't fucking united.
you mean diesel? we have most of the refineries outside of los angeles and north jersey.
have fun buying foreign oil when a civil war destroys the petrodollar. we will still have 90% of the oil in the country, and the knowledge base to build the most modern refineries. most farmers use WMO or biodiesel for their equipment since its cheap or free.
get rekt leftypol faggot
Triple 077, hello sir.