Prove that you’re white by posting your DNA test results ITT. People don’t realize that white Amerimutts are generally 100% white, just a mutt of different ethnicities, and there are a fuckton of niggers in our country
DNA test - Prove your whiteness
Other urls found in this thread:
gluten tag mein comrades
>97% Europe
>tfw FAG id
>97.8 % ashkenazi Jew
>97% Jewish
Get out of my 100% Bavarian phenotype ethnostate juden
What are the low confidence regions?
Low confidence regions?
I wanna see some """pure""" euros post theirs
Then we can find out who the real mutts are
>Huwhiter than you Mohammad
hello goys
you forgot
>wide hips
>a FAG kike
Every time
European jewish is like polish or slavs right?
jews living in and around poland who have their own unique DNA, theyre not slavs
>toilet scrubber detected
Am I white?
>0.8% african
>0.2% engine
>can trace both sides of my family back to the early 1700s
>have photos of all family members since mid 1800s
the 23&me jew is real folks.
>taking a picture of your screen
HPSCI = House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
>This is the committee that can #ReleaseThe Memo documenting Obama administration FISA abuse.
You have something to do with things with wings and buildings that are tall...?
am i white?
>Deniz yildirim
>0.8% West African
It's always fucking west african. And .8% doesn't even make sense given the timeline even if you couldn't trace your ancestry back to the 1800s. This has got to be some bullshit.
was your grandparent a fucking kike? that's truly disgusting
Why would you give your info to these jews? Also, they were caught adding a small percentage of nigger dna to people’s results to fuck with them, it’s completely unreliable.
Get out of here Jorge
>tfw my ancestor fucked a native
I have no shame in my hips or nips. I would not expect an animal to understand
well he wasnt religiously jewish but he was a communist
Everybody calls me white.
Occasionally I get asked if I'm Italian.
there's nothing good about that.
>pink puffy nipples
i know but ive got blue eyes atleast so im happy
>tfw mixed
>mum is Iraqi and always told me my dad was mixed Middle Eastern-Eastern European to explain why I got green eyes
>get jewed by 23andMe out of curiosity
>discover I'm near 50/50 middle eastern/asian and northern European
>confront her
>dad is actually 100% white
>turns out she left him, not the other way around
>she's known where he lives my whole life
>he had no idea I existed
>meet with him
>6'2, bright green eyes, classic handsome features
>invites me to a dinner
>meet his family
>his wife is an incredibly beautiful Norwegian
>kids are all light-haired, light-eyed ubermensch
>sons are 6'1+ and strong as hell with his jawline and cheek bones
>daughter looks exactly like her mother
>tfw I'm a brown stain on his family tree
Fuck this gay earth. Genetic testing is a homewrecker.
Mfw they don’t tell me what 1% sand nigger I am
lucky you, my great grandmother was from Spain, so i inherited brown eyes from her. i do however have blonde hair so i'm happy with that.
They're probably Jewing you. Probably 100% European
Wouldn't surprise, one of these DNA places would deliberately throw Africa in some people's results
>hand your DNA over to a DNA testing site that can be used by the police
lmao nice try DOJ
I got BARBOSA'D somehow
Sorry to hear that user. We don’t choose our genetics, but we have an obligation to do the best we can with what we’ve been given.
What's the best dna test?
i completely agree. My mom did a test too and got back 100% scandinavian/german (she is from sweden), my dad didn't do it but I literally can trace his family back to a small farm in ultster ireland in the 1600s. 23&me puts that shit into peoples dna tests so people think they are all related.
Dang user, that's gotta be rough. All I can advise you to do is marry and have children with an African women. You will be raising her children's genes while also not fucking up a real Europeans gene pool.
Hello family. North Sea boatniggers ftw
none, don't give your private DNA to these Jews
except it says iberian. spanish and arabs are more or less the same thing.
i'm thinking this as well. it would be interesting if another company matches with the same results.
100% black pajeet
Nope you're a fucking aryannigger. Get firebombed kraut
Am I white Sup Forums?
>spanish and arabs are more or less the same thing
It's Phoenician. Phoenicians and Carthaginians mined copper and tin in the British Isles in the first millennium.
I can’t afford a dna test, the jews are the reason I live in my moms trailer
I know I’m white though
Iberians are some of the oldest Europeans around, what're you on about?
What a sad existence.
how the fuk could u have native american?
maybe it is true and they are adding a littlebit of dna to white people
wew lad that's hard to look at
I'm so white I bleed mayonnaise.
>literally the opposite end of the world from everything else
Atleast I’m not a kike, shlomo
Fuck white people. They are just as bad as niggers.
t. 100% Appalachian
t. nigger
Hey Nick Fuentes
How do you know, poorfag?
They "changed their chip" and I got that bit of non-white added.
My great grandparents came from Germany
Dumb kike
no its actually possible, someone on my mums side came from america to australia in the 19th century
Whitey gotta go
I'm ok with 1% nigger. Probably why my dicks so big.
You have a Yakut allele. You fucking mong rape baby
Definitely no Jews in Germany! I bet you're at least 10 percent.
Yeah, massive after-thought to the possibility of that
I guess Genghis Khan raped my great(x8) grandmother.
my mum believed this before the DNA tests so im not doubting it
If you don't know your lineage and need a test to prove you're white, kys
If you gave your genetic code to the big data jew, kys
If you are a jew, get in the fucking oven
Heh you wish kikerino
>t. Poorfag
Jelly one at that
Maybe if you ask mommy for some NEET bucks, you can find out. Just be sure to gas yourself afterwards.
Lol we actually talk to our grandparents unlike you fags who need a kike dna test to tel you lies
Yeah I would wager it's probably like a single peculirly Yakut allele that was carried Westward by the Mongol invasions and made its way to (You).
>we actually talk to our grandparents
>I even pull out the ole Ouija board from time to time
This is the biggest "yeah, well, you were adopted!" response I've seen
I am wHUite!
rate me on a scale from 2.3 to 6.7 starfish
Very few families have their entire history mapped out. Grandma and grandpa probably don't want to tell you about how your great great great grandma was a coalburner anyways.
am i huwaito?
Try again kike. I know my lineage and I'm not handing over my genes to some kike that's gonna sell it for even more sheckels. You paid a corporation to make money off your genes. Retard.
We don't even really know the origin of our last name, hard as fuck to find anything regarding ancestry, and I'm pretty sure we're the only 4 people in the state that have that last name
>I'm self-righteously correct ;_;
Pants on head retarded
Serb here, i will do a DNA test soon but right now i want to know if im white, ofcourse i myself am 99% that i'm white but i want to ask for your professional opinion. I have no (((goldbergs))) in my family or abduls, my family and i myself are orthodox christian, but there's one problem, my skin colour. I don't have beaner skintone but my skin colour is definitely a bit darker than most whites. Do i look like a t*rk or am i still considered white by my skin color alone? Rate me Sup Forums
>North Carolina settlers
not white you fucking migrant
Mostly Purizo Castizo, nueve out of diez
says the italian haha