Does he deserve the death penalty?
Does he deserve the death penalty?
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Well he did kill all those people...
Fry him.
>implying niggers are people
Yes you moron. But I don't believe in the death penalty. But who cares he's white
Do you want to join his prison? Be my guest
No, he was a good kid who wouldn't take the destruction of his country lying down.
He could have had any haircut to make himself look serious and dangerous, and he chooses that one.
Could not agree more, user. He did absolutely nothing wrong. Most experts agree on this.
>not respecting the tactical bowl cut
He thought hispanic was a race and blamed mestizo crimes on the spanish
fuck him
Yes, murderers deserve to die
Fucking hell what is wrong with you
Who is behind posts like these?
But he accomplished n9othing. There will be no white ethno state nor will there be a race war. In fact he set any movement backwards.
If he had driven up to Baltimore or Chicago and went out guns blazing in the dead center of the ghetto wasteland, that would have been one thing. Instead, he chose to go to a church group of unarmed, elderly black folks and massacre them.
He definitely deserves to die. He's a fucking loser - all hat, no cattle.
No, he was an American hero.
kek. learn to take a joke faggots
>There will be no white ethnostate
Perhaps not as a result of his actions, but there will be an ethnostate in time, and by ethnostate I mean the mass deportation of non-whites from the United States and Genocide if they choose not to leave. As nationalism and racial awareness surges this is an inevitability. And he did accomplish something, he removed some niggers, and niggers need removing.
>fucking hell
Take off my flag bitch
Come on m8, no one deserves to die like that.
He killed a democrat senator
He was about halfway to being redpilled, but he lost his shit halfway.
He a good boi he dindu nuffin
>Guns blazing
Niggers aren't that organised, he'd basically just be walking around a poor black neighborhood and shooting people, nobody but police would likely have fought back and he probably would have killed less people as there would be more areas to escape to. You're just stupid.
No. I'm black, but I know nobody deserves the death penalty. Not even Hitler. People born to learn from their mistakes. They need to be kept alive in order to do so. Away from society, but alive. The ones who applies death penalty are criminals.
if you are a nazi skinhead and you want to kill blacks; make sure you kill hood niggers instead of old church parishioners
No, but I'll join him in Valhalla.
>a church group of unarmed, elderly black folks
Please, please. The civic cuckery is too much!
That was such a blatant false flag. Guy was wearing body armor in the church. Who the fuck would see this weird looking white kid go into an all black church with visible body armor and not do anything for an HOUR?
I doubt he has the wherewithall to make a to make it funny like a true white leader. like Uncle Ted or Timmy McViegh.
>"After Matsch pronounced the death sentence, the marshals got McVeigh one last nonprison meal - two tacos and a soda [...] McVeigh downed the tacos. Then, as he finished his drink, he scratched off a game tag from the paper cup. He laughed ruefully; he may have been sentenced to death, but he'd also won a free order of nachos and cheese. He handed the winning game tag to one of the marshals. "Have some nachos on Tim McVeigh," he said."
he failed his mission, so he's a murderer and not a martyr
>does the day of the rope by himself
He deserves the death penalty for being a fucking idiot
as a aussie not my place to say its amerimutts who cast the judgment
The only difference here is that cows are innocent creatures.
>Setting sun can't shine, now you're gone
>Inside sleeping, my heart beating
>You know that you tried to hide it
>Shouldn't you have said what you meant?
I understand where his frustration must of stemmed from, but I don't agree with the action he took, though I genuinely don't care that much either way, he killed people not of my group so it's hard for me to pretend I actually do care, because I don't really. Seems like he was pretty blackpilled and desperate and ended up lashing out because of that, I feel like if he was going to do something like this he could of picked better targets than some random niggers in a church but oh well.
>a true white leader. like Uncle Ted or Timmy McViegh
Reach for the stars - you're goin far boi. I guess trump is the next best thing as far as white supremacist sociopaths go.
>hates niggers
>kills churchgoing blacks instead
autism this rare has to be eradicated from the face of the earf
They were black men and women. Roof is white trash.
uh, ya.
Gang banging niggers always loiter on street corners or outside shops slinging dope, so no, you retarded fuck, he could have killer gang bangers easily, but he's a coward soyboy and chose to kill grandmothers.
And therefore he killed a bunch of old people at Bible study?
He murdered a LIBRARIAN. Who does that?
no he deserves a medal and a haircut.
He murdered black people. He didn't have the courage to kill niggers.
Stop referring to them like they are people, you retarded meme flagger.
they're the same thing.
Fuck off civic cuck. There are only niggers.
we need more blacks in church not less
What kind of pussy takes out a church?
If he had any balls he would have crashed a gangbangers house and took out some garbage.
Don't act like librarians haven't had this coming for awhile now, faggot. One does not simply 'shush' people.
>death penalty
he deserves to be shot in the head.
A state senator, not a US Senator, and a minister to boot.
Oh, and a husband and a father who helped raise his kids. Dylan Roof increased the number of fatherless black children. Think about that.
i wonder if anyone whos ever said this on pol actually believed it
i guess white pedos are the same thing as white doctors too
you're pathetic.
Mate, fuck off with this retarded edginess.
What does You Lied have to do with this?
You're retarded. He killed church members because blacks kill innocent whites by the thousands. He was trying to make a statement, but he's an edgy retard.
enjoy your viking LARPing session, loser.
if you've ever lived among blacks you'd know that every single one has the ability to chimp out at any time. and it doesn't take much to set them off. They aren't people.
>not finding humor in a man condemned to die winning a free order of nachos during his last meal
You do not belong here. Go look at cat pictures on reddit you fucking fag.
the statement was
look at me I can be a nigger too
we're supposed to be better than those animals
Why don't you remove your meme flag?
Put a red hot poker up his ass.
Why does everyone keep saying that? Are you encouraging vigilantism?
>Be Dy Ro
>Just tryin to get ya life together and start going to church n shitt
>Racis blacks corner you in the church and attempt to lynch you
>Blast them in self defense
>Racis media tryin to lock a poor cracka up
Dindu nuffin.
He deserves a medal
I don't support death penalty, so no i don't think he deserves it.
Some gang nigger and a old grandma going to church aren't the same thing. If he wasn't a faggot he would've gone to a ghetto and shot at gang niggers, drug dealers or other trash, but he knew that they could shoot back so he killed a bunch of old people instead.
White trash detected. Y'all're the only bastards who can't or won't see the difference.
Sorry amerimutts arnt allowed
Fuck off.
What about black men like Bill Cosby, rich successful men who offer us a lot and other blacks can look up to? You cannot honestly say that people like him and Obama are niggers.
Literally every black person is a criminal nigger, If you think there is a good nigger it is only because his crimes have not been found out. Do some detective work and you will find they they murder/do drugs/rape/steal literal no exception amongst the black race.
Bin your spoon and then tell me that, fagnut.
Yes he does. This bowl cut hick isn't what we need to advance a cause. Acting like a mad mindless dog isn't going to make others join a cause.
By all means go out and shoot people. Take a gun and go nuts. It sounds like what you're implying.
Cows exist solely to provide us Amerifats with literal burgers.
If they live one moment beyond the perfect age to get maximally juicy and delicious burgers and steaks, their continued living is a heinous crime.
"Innocent" indeed.
What's it like shitting up the board with your obvious shilling?
I've never seen Sup Forums so cucked before in my life.
yes, he should be put to death, not yet though.
Maybe when you lose your home country to niggers you'll understand. they can put on a suit and act proper but the moment they smell blood they'll kill you. It doesn't matter if you support black lives matter or are a malcom x scholar. your pets will eat you just the same.
Why don't you bend over so I can fuck you in the arse and make you my bitch.
how can anyone even think of excusing someone opening fire IN A CHURCH?
you would have to be downright evil to make exceptions to something of this magnitude.
and what kind of person would ask such a question anyway? sounds to me like the fbi compiling lists of anyone who answers ironically in case you're ever arrested for a different reason. you people are idiots
Why not show us you're not cucked and go out and mindlessly murder people like a retard than. Put your big boy pants on son and prove to us you're somehow different.
Why were you using a meme flag mate? Also why are you cucking out?
nah we let spics walk for less
>but there will be an ethnostate in time, and by ethnostate I mean the mass deportation of non-whites from the United States
>Unironically believing this LARP fantasy
Just kys already, day of the rope fag.
Great, so when was the last time the old lady, the librarian, or the minister chimped out?
Goddamn white trash are a disgrace. Your mother should've had her tattoo artist sterilize her.
Must be shopped.
It wont all be in one day, but it will be in one push.
I think he deserves freedom so he can go out and shoot some more people :)
By the way, when Wyatt Mann made this comic over 20 years ago, he was specifically talking about people like you.
Pretty much this.
>confederate meme flag calling someone white trash
please. go virtue signal somewhere else jamal.
I remember my first time on pol, my first ever post was of Blair white and I asked what pol’s opinion of her was and people were sending her death threats and gas chamber memes for being a tranny. Wonder what happened to all the edgelords.
The difference between Whites and Niggers is that when a Nigger commits a heinous crime, Niggers will make excuses and minimize the severity of their actions.
Whites do the exact opposite in this position, and condemn this sick demon.