Posting again because last thread Talking about Clinton murders on MSNBC
Elijah Bell
Julian Edwards
Robert Murphy
>Leland not even trying >only brought in to defeat Bream before another blonde goes on a winning streak This is going to turn out to be like the 1950s quiz show scandals
Joseph Gray
>Leland not answering so we can get weekly Carley
Evan Jones
Wyatt Scott
you keep posting that. what are you some kind of katy perry?
Henry Garcia
I didn't hesitate to come here say something nice about me
Aiden Powell
Something I've noticed is that Britfags largely keep to their own threads but when they emerge they tend to shitpost 100 times worse than Australians or Canadians can possibly manage and are 100 times more annoying and stupid
Also they get assblasted and start posting memes when you point out that this is an American website, it's amazingly annoying
>defeats a champion with 9 title fights >choking like a dog against a fighter on her Tucker debut
The state of Leland.
Camden Bell
Christopher Scott
David Lopez
Nathan Thompson
I'll wait for this to show up elsewhere
Jaxson Thomas
so I guess the left was right about being healthy at any size. Trump proves it.
Charles Jones
>reverse poo >Ajit is a poo ????????????????
Jaxon White
I bet they were trying to do a story on "tsa being weak because drumpf" and were testing the TSA and they caught them
Anthony Walker
Luis Foster
Colton Cook
Good morning my fellow hardcore maga fans. Well what can I say... I’ve got a lot of shit on my mind lately so I’ll just give you the clipfnotes version... basically:
-i supported drumpf since the escalator ride -i feel betrayed -i’m deeply concerned -i fear the movement is over -i sincerely regret voting for donald drumpf -i’m typing this why overlooking a bonfire of 1,000$ bucks worth of maga hats
As you might expect this is all a result of drumpf‘s support for the DACA. Anyone else feeling similar? And if so would you like to share you experience...?
Samuel Morales
hes letting carley make herself look dumb so he doesnt look like a misogynist
Lucas Ortiz
Matthew Sullivan
GREAT my vault needs a water filter!
Owen Hill
Drumpf won't be a nigger like the nigger though
Oliver Clark
Oh no! Burn the constitution!
Zachary Richardson
Obvious partisan appeal to emotion.
They're not real news, folks.
Christian Edwards
What’s this app called, I wanna try
James Myers
there's no reason to admire her while she doesn't stop making nigger tier music and degenerate videos. she hasn't been the cute family girl for some years now. her only redemption is if she's preggo with a white children. and still, she'd better stop making that degenerate shit, that affects way too many young girls yeah yeah i know not as bad as ariana grande, but far from old school taytay
Levi White
I want that mug
Jordan Bell
thats a pretty good choppa, but do you have some dakka?
Gavin Jones
Jace Fisher
Brayden Nelson
no wonder i couldnt find that water filter, i avoided talking to alex and kept losing the game
Christopher Foster
Leland didn't even have his hand on the buzzer. He came to remove Shannon and install Carley.
Leland is the hero we need but not the hero we deserve.
Isaac Lewis
So on Fox they're saying Rosenstein is implicated in the FISA memo
>Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said he believed people could lose their jobs after the memo is released.
>“I believe the consequence of its release will be major changes in people currently working at the FBI and the Department of Justice,” he said, referencing DOJ officials Rod Rosenstein and Bruce Ohr.
Rosenstein getting the boot probably means Mueller goes too, what do you guys think?
Matthew Lee
Leo Gutierrez
I bet it was a CIAnigger op because they totally don't have assets in the media.
Elijah Davis
>did I get that right? Leland threw this fucking fight. This is a corrupt organization. People out there made millions on this shit.
Dylan Lopez
Google Art and Culture. Works pretty good.
Jaxson Murphy
William Nelson
We could have had a breamxcarley where they might have hugged or made physical contact and lealand feels terrible about it
Lucas Miller
A country's posting quality is directly related to the condition of their country. Things haven't been too hot for the Brits since their civil war, and it's only now that they're acting like Bomber Harris. This is what has set them off.
Mason Foster
Wheres the fag who thought bible studies are for someone to read the words to you and not to discuss content. I want to fight you
Xavier Ward
Me too user
Evan Anderson
do you think anybody ever showed him this one
Joseph Flores
it was prob for some shitty 'undercover' report.
Ian Harris
I'm having very degenerate thoughts about Carley Shimkus rn... I hope she not jewish.
Easton Russell
He'll forget about all it when a democrat is in power.
>implying Bream won't have a comeback fight against this girl
Within the next 4 weeks, book it.
Jeremiah Wright
I didnt catch the mug what was it like
Liam Moore
The entire senior structure of the FBI is going to be vacated Hopefully some jailtime too And it'll all fall on the nigger because he allowed and approved it
Oliver Williams
That would explain rosenstein apparently begging paul ryan not to push him for documents lol
Chase Carter
Why does he always look so confused?
Austin Myers
Mueller would have a new boss, and this one might reign him in
Evan Gray
Tuck's face with his mouth open
Caleb Ross
this needs to be a mod
Dominic Baker
I think meuller better hurry the FUCK up!!!!
Jace Cook
Prolly ex-cia leftist allies
Michael Thomas
Luke Stewart
you're mistaking confusion for absolute bewilderment that a person could be so retarded
Jason Baker
>mfw Trump wheels a TV in so the panda can watch 'shark week' reruns on camera.
Tyler Cook
Which one you want?
Hunter Gonzalez
You could make a good argument he’s seen it. Even if he hasn’t been here, he’s into dank memes and his staffers probably showed him.
Luke Thompson
Somebody hide this nigger's bong already.
Leo Miller
My cox does have a nice legacy
Logan Powell
the constitution is kind of cucked when you think about it. Free speech, right to peacably assemble, seperation of powers, it's a liberals wet dream.
Wyatt Taylor
every once in a while you catch him when hes really, truly happy.
Brayden Harris
all of them
Christopher Thomas
you did and i responded with; "outside of cities it's rare to see non-white ones".