Canon slut

Canon slut

She should've won.


I'm still mad

Love Mizutaka art.

Why do so many people held Ichigo 100% in so high regard?. It's just an standard romcom with a wishy washy MC. The only notewothy part was the somewhat unexpected ending.

Popular harem of the time. Now we got so many of these it's much harder to keep track of them.


Best girl won.
And really nice art.

They don't really, it was just the big harem/romance series of the early-mid 2000s. At the very least it was far better than today's equivalent Nisekoi.

Would you? Be honest.

>best girl

Really hot girls who are loyal but also a bit slutty

They were insanely loyal, even if he is always floating around with other girls, which is what I don't get. He got 3-4 years of loyalty from all of them.

The male lead is so fucking shitty. Why do japs always do this?

best girl won.
junpei is a little more acceptable than other harem MCs.
also you can almost read it like a romance since they got together so early.

The girls got decades of loyalty from self-inserting readers to make up for that.

Spotted the retard.

Manaka was a god tier MC by harem standards.

>best girl won.
Refer to >"im going to a different school, but not ending our relationship even though i know you like the other girl. sorry, too bad"

She's best girl, of course I would.

Satsuki looked completely different when first introduced.

because she didn't want to leave him?
and iirc he left it up to him to break up.

and honestly this is the kind of thing that makes her best girl.

>because she didn't want to leave him?
Yet she chose to go to another fucking school at the last second? She did that knowing he was madly in love with Aya and yet still wanted to continue their relationship.

>he was madly in love with Aya
>delusional ayafags in charge of remembering what happened.

I'm literally reading the manga right now you idiot, and that's exactly what was happening.

then you should know that he's also in love with nishino.
and that's not "exactly" what happened. you're missing a lot there. as expected of blind ayafags.

>then you should know that he's also in love with nishino.
You just proved you haven't read the manga, idiot. Regardless of what happens later on, right now, he is only madly thinking about Aya, and notes that he just doesn't feel the same way about Nishino and thinks of how to break up with her.

those Kuusou Zikken doujins were the first doujins I read.

i haven't recently, but i read it back to back 3 or more times already.
>he is only madly thinking about Aya
is this how ayafags see reality? he also thinks about satsuki when she's bothering him. it only takes a few scenes with nishino to set him straight again, and he always comes back to her.

>is this how ayafags see reality?
I don't even like her that much, but that's exactly how it is.

Thank you for further proving your idiocy though. Such is the nature of morons trying to talk about series they've never read.

>no real retort
you know i'm right. or you will soon enough. he always plays with the possibility of having aya, but he never once goes for it. again, he does love nishino too. he likes them both, such is the nature of harem manga.

well, to be honest it's mainly aya's fault, so i'll give you that. if she made advances the same way nishino did, she would have won because junpei does seem to love her a bit more.
BUT she never did, and nishino did do it, and keeps doing it. and this is exactly why nishino is best girl and aya is just kind of meek and annoying, i.e. worst girl.

it's also because of this consistency that people like me hold ichigo100 in a high regard.

>"no real retort"
>you know i'm right
You are stupid beyond belief.

I''s was better.

i wrote stuff besides "you know i'm right", you didn't. understand the difference you dimwit?

the only thing i remember about I"s is that the MC was shit. i don't even remember why.

Gotta bet in big to win big, mediocre little user.

>you didn't
I actually did, but thank you for further proving your stupidity.

I'm not bothering anymore though because it's abundantly clear you're a worthless moron.

>the third time saying absolutely nothing except "u-u-u-ur s-stupid"
cmon show me where you said something. prove how retarded you are.

I already told you, I have nothing left to say to you.

A worthless idiot like yourself will always be worthless.

>A worthless idiot like yourself will always be worthless.
fourth time. pathetic, and apparently underage to boot.

Spare me your tears. Not my fault you're an idiot (and a crossboarder too evidently).

>Aya literally does nothing in 3 years
>If she had confessed or done something in those 3 years she would have won
>Nishino keeps doing cute shit and showing him how much she loves him while building their relationship

Why do people think Aya is the best?

Rule 1: All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.

>i didn it again
haven't seen anyone be this butthurt about nothing in a while

they have low IQ.

Satsuki is better than Nishino though.

best girl

>greentexting yourself
You are mentally ill.

>so butthurt that he keeps insulting me
>STILL no retort
king of all jackasses, stop wasting my time.

I think it's because it was a love held for a long time, and she was pretty innocent about it, whereas I think Nishino was a portrayal of a more "real world" relationship

I liked Aya more because I felt like the manga gave her a lot of scenes that were pointing towards a more traditional harem end but I really can't fault the ending, and maybe if I re-read I would like Nishino more. Especially her re-confession scene on the pull-up bar, there really was no beating that.

You're the one wasting time by yourself, this is precisely why you're a mentally ill moron.

>keeps replying to me, posting absolutely nothing since 5-6 posts ago
>"n-no u are the one"
keep telling that to yourself.


What is it about this mangaka's art that's so faptacular?

post satsukis pls

Take your ritalin or something, mentally ill idiot.

Is this some retarded meme or are you posting this in every thread? You shot that at someone in the Re:Creators thread last night

Choose one.

Satsuki > Nishino
