Why aren't there more centrists? How can you align perfectly with one side?

Why aren't there more centrists? How can you align perfectly with one side?

Fucking anti semetic scum bag. Fuck you ya fuckin piece of shit. I'm a 57 year old truck driver with more life experience than all you lousy fucking youngins combined. You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about! You are evil, miserable, maniacal scum bag pieces of fucking shit. The Jews didn't do 9/11 that was al quada and terrorists you fucking scum bag bozo fuck. I married a woman who happens to be Jewish and she is the most real woman I have ever met. According to you fucking scum bags the world would be a better place if she was dead. Fuck you scum bags and your wild conspiracy bull shit theories. Fuckers.

One side's right and one's wrong, you fence sitting prick.

You either value self-righteousness over realism or vice versa.

The material, social, and political conditions that the status quo is based upon begins to collapse and degenerate into turmoil and strife. We are seeing that post-2008 and with Trump. The reasons for staying in the middle are dwindling and the political climate is forcing people to take sides

Macron-style Bonapartism is the true answer.

The absolute fact of the matter is that both major parties are not only wrong - they're on the same side. They rig elections and just trade the presidency and house and senate back and forth, using the state-controlled media to create the illusion that 50% of the country falls into each side of their basket, so everyone always has an enemy other than the Jews.

Only racially-aware Libertarianism, as we had at our founding, is moral and effective.

They are just anti radical

Centrism is cancer. It is a half assed ideology that doesn't meet the needs of literally any demographic except for the political and elite classes.

There are a lot of centrists. I'd even guess we're the majority. But a huge proportion of centrists are also apathetic.

You can also be, for example, to the right on economic policy and to the left on social policy.

It's less a matter of aligning perfectly with one side so much as one side being bad enough to push you to the other. Remember, centrists are the people who think communists, with literally no political support in America, are equally as scary as Nazis, who had a rally just a few months ago(that didn't go well, in case you forgot). Centrists arne't reasonable, they're just either too stupid or too scared to take a stand on anything

my goal over the next year is to become le cool centrist capitalist man to hide the bitter despair I feel due to the reality of the world

align yourself with muh dick, faggot

Centrists don't conform to the western 2 party left vs right dialectic because they know both sides of the isle have been manipulated to say the same thing about the policies that actually matter.

Is this a new copypasta

unfortunate but pretty much true

>Why aren't there more centrists?
There are tons of centrists.
They just don't post here.
Well, I do, but that is because this will always be my home no matter how shit it becomes.

There is a distinction to be made however, between a centrist and someone who holds views which the two main political parties think are part of the other.
So for example I think gun control is pointless in a nation where there are roughly 2 guns per person.
That being said, I am also in favor of strict background checks, because selling a person who used to be in an asylum is probably not a good move.
I am also in favor of police reform, while still believing that the majority of police are good people.
And on and on.

Centrist doesn't really mean anything.

This. It's the radicals who are defined. Everyone else is just "normal".

Why tf is your old ass on Sup Forums nigga?

"Centrism" isn't a belief. "Centrist" just means you reject everyone else's solutions without coming up with a solution of your own


Ya ok lol. You sound like a liberal that's afraid of being called a liberal. Your views are "centrist" only if you take the most extreme right wing caricatures of leftist positions, and then compare lol

that's a reactionary, bud

Yeah I don't really give a shit what you think of my political positions sperg.
You could try to contribute something to the thread if you like, instead of pretending to know why someone you have never met believes what they do.

I'm just sayin man, I'm lefty as fuck and our views don't really differ much.You basically just described liberal positions and then said you werne't a liberal lol.

So it's like atheism?

Because my side speaks truth and the other side is filled with fallacy and lies.

This has to be copypasta. Either that, or Grandpa forgot to take his meds again.

>You basically just described liberal positions and then said you werne't a liberal lol.
Depends on what you qualify as a liberal position.
Most people think that gun confiscation is a liberal position.
Most people also think that police reform is a liberal position.
I didn't create the labels.

I don’t, I’m a pretty big advocate of the military, I just realize republican policies fuck md over and there’s good economic reasoning behind social safety nets.
Also climate change is a serious problem

I mean, that's kind of my point. The labels are clearly retarded, people keep comparing mainline GOP positions to the shit only kids on Tumblr and celebrities say.

OP is a fag
(((meme flag))) cucktalonian

This is why I am a Libertarian

Because this weeks centrist is next week's center-right. The center keeps moving left and not everybody can keep up/

It's because most people are brainlets, even moreso on degenerate websites like Sup Forums. This results in polarized thinking and a tribal mentality which is amplified in this echo chamber

Ideally everyone would look at issues individually, but instead they tend to fit on one side. And it doesn't even make sense because a lot of these issues aren't even really related. What the fuck does abortion have to do with immigration of refugees? Nothing, but somehow one side is generally unanimously ethically correct, and one side is unanimously ethically wrong.

No, the center keeps moving right. Nowadays Democrats in the US are the equivalent of moderate conservatives in much of Europe. The GOP has been playing a long con of propaganda to make it seem like this isn't the case.

>We're the majority

This desu.

I'll stop being anti semitic when I get that studio apartment desu.