This totally won't be biased.
This totally won't be biased
what if it's so obtuse and mean that it actually endears their targets to the audiences?
(((Theroux))) is completely even-handed in everything he does.
I see no reason to doubt anything he'll be showing the world.
You could literally say kill all white men in this over and over and liberals wouldn't think it's mean enough.
>have a girlfriend
>went to cville
>just nutted 30mins ago
>still alt right
>cant wait for cville 2.0
>alt right roots
he's already fucking wrong
This is the film maker that is considering making a documentary film on street-shitting.
>alt right
first I've heard of it. what the fuck is he talking about? does he mean nazi larpers or something?
Kantbot already tore the book a new hole.
Is this Angela Naegle keeping the "kill all normies" gravy train rolling? lmao she's so bad, is there really no one else trying to honestly document the """alt-right"""
Michael Malice is writing a book on the alt right. No idea when it comes out though.
So is it just rehashing the shitty "kill all normies" book by low IQ retard Angela Nagle?
>Trumpland:kill all normies
sounds more like a Sup Forums documentary
>Remember that one time a single guy waved a nazi flag at a rally? They must all be nazis!
>Lets show the same photo of a guy yelling to make them look SUPER angry
>Remember that poor obese communist girl who died of a heart attack in the hospital because she was too fat? Let's say nazis murdered her
Why did Theroux stop being humorous? I miss his comedic documentaries. Now they're all serious.
Fucking larpers, amiright guys?
no seriously, what's the alt right?
>Poor obese girl
A tear fell with every jiggle.
>be fat beta kike professional tattle tale
>think anyone should respect what he has to say
Louis theroux is not fucking biased you dumbass fuck have you not watched a single one of his docs?
I love how they literally blame Trump on Sup Forums and the internet. Not because that won it for him, but because they have replaced real investigative journalism with 24/7 twitter shitposting. Nevermind the daily refugee terror attacks, or the state of the open borders economy.
People will eat this psy op up..
>Hardly any "Nazi" "White Supremacist" news or groups you ever hear of
>So Soros uses his Jew bucks to create his own
>Slaps Spencer as the leader
>Do fake ass march with Tiki Torches(just like Kiev)
>OMG See? Nazi's are reeeeall!!
>Have your pals in Jew media do a report on it
When are we purging the kikes already?
They fucking loooove twitter. That's that is is niggers and virtue signalling
Thee altright is a broad defininition. It is composed of people who believe in anything from nattysocks to lolbertarianism and with many things like monarchists and nazbols in between. Despite their seemingly massive conflicts on everything else they come together with a single shared belief and that is the right of ethnic determinism and sovereignty.
Some people claim to be leaders of the alt right like dicky "traps are the spice of life" Spencer and Jared "pappy" Taylor but in reality they don't lead it as it's not actually a full political position rather it is in actuality a singular viewpoint which they desire to convince others of, it is primarily based online on sites like 4cent and others. You shouldn take any ones views too seriously as most people are either trolling, joking, shilling or positing possible solutions and ideas.
If you need further clarification I would be glad to help.
there were larpers on both sides Both Sides
KILL ALL NORMIES the r9k meme that made it mainstream because r_donald faggots sperged out and went full autist in the real world with the shittiest memes
The name of this one seems quite humorous. But it is likely he will strawman the positions of the altright. Take the people antifa send to make the already right look bad and make it seem like they and the handful of wehraboos are the norm. Will probably take a handful of statements from altright "leaders" misinterpret them. And he'll end it by saying he altright is just a bunch of sad white men who don't have a life rather thab approaching the serious issues the "movement" desires to fix.
They are going to repeat exactly what Peterson said.
Maybe mention something from the deconstructivist, I can't remember the name of any of those fuckers, like a million of them.
If only, sadly(?) the antifa seem to appeal the literal bottom of the barrel.
Your right, it's the reason I can't take Peterson seriously. I used to know guys in anthropology or some shit who work their whole lives making sure cultures and ethnicities survive, so when I see this happening and the supposedly genius Peterson ignores it in favor of fighting pronounce usage, I can't take him seriously.
the alt right is not even real lol
A fellow namefag I see. Good but you have yet to accept the memeflag into your heart, return when you have. Bye Rito
>A single guy who unwrapped his flag on the spot (or just had, for the occasion - it had creases on it).
Though I suppose that doesn't prove he wasn't sincere.
Also my dude don't use your real name, it might be okay here on Sup Forums but really don't even try that shit on Sup Forums
shhh youre ruining the troll
>don't use your real name
not my real name . rito is not even from the country flag and the other name is from a friend of mine . lol
they arent troling any thing. its like trying to piss in a ocean of piss.
Theroux's handlers are too scared to allow him to do a documentary on the alt-right as he would normalise them. They only let him interview skinhead Nazi-larping fags
Is it going to have ETSUBATSU?
its an alternative book store
I wouldn't be able to sit through it even though I never identified as alt-right. Especially with shill spencer, black cock sucking milo, and coal burning lauren southern being the primary voices of it.
The "alt-right" is a lefty meme given to anyone who doesn't agree with them.
At any opportunity the name should be rebuked
Oh boy! Yet another hour-long (((documentary))) about the evil right-wing Nazis which will contain zero actual facts and will instead be a series of barely-veiled hit pieces attacking their masculinity, their sex life, their career prospects, their education, where they live, who they know, how religious they are, and all the other Talmudic-levels of individual scrutiny never ever applied to anyone on the Left at any time, ever. Especially never to Jewish supremacists, such as the entire press corps, who repeatedly declare all white people need to die, or actual Jewish terrorists, who kill more people per year in America than white nationalists.
Yeah I remember his Nazi documentary when he didn't tell the guy he was Jewish and he found out.
Just like "Nazi"? I should always play their label games? I should attack the things they attack so I can get into their good graces? Is that what you want, shitcunt?
Nope! I'm a racist Nazi anti-Semitic Alt-Right white supremacist bigot homophobe Islamophobe phobephobe (insert term, here) and I don't give the slightest whiff of a fuck.
Whos trolling? not me.