mexifags, can you give me a rundown on the PAN party? what do they stand for and are they the answer to mejicos problems?
Mexifags, can you give me a rundown on the PAN party...
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A quick, crude rundown:
>Most of them are old money politicians and their families, some of them worked with the PRI at some point or another
>Most of them are catholic/christian or pretends to be
>Vincente Fox was the first PAN President
A little note: all the Presidents so far had been members of the PRI, even when the party had other name back in the ol' days. Shit sucked so everyone voted PAN and Fox won, shit sucked even more.
>Fox was supposed to be a conservative man but he liked to smoke marijuana (at some point mentioned maybe legalizing but no luck) and married an old hag with lots of kids, I believe said family runs some big bussiness (grocery stores and whatnot)
>Fox was stupid. But in a funny way so people were ok with the man, I guess.
>Also, back when Fox was there, people could start using mainstream media to critise the gov.
(Back in the day of the PRI you would "misteriously dissapear")
>Fox time ended and he made sure Calderón was next
>Shit went wild
Generic neoliberal party 2.
> are they the answer to mejicos problems?
Fuck no, in fact there's no party that can fix Mexico.
A bunch of religious cocksucking fags, lol they even have they're own sekrit club called "El Yunque".
>Calderón's family is related to some old money, big name family dealing with electricity or some shit, so he and his wife (Margarita Zavala) are fucking loaded
>Dude became President and didn't want to compromise "mah authoritaah" to the narcos, so he decided it was a good idea to "declare war on 'em"
>The narcos are part of the fucking gov. and control the military, also are being paid/armed by US (see: "Operación Rápido y Furioso") so he failed
>He failed so much people decided they would rather vote PRI again
>Enter Calderón (PRI)
>Everything gets even worse.
You know, the usual.
And now Margarita Zavala (Calderón wife) wants to be President but that won't happen because she's a woman so the PAN will get cucked for another six years.
Also, it's "Mexico", not "Mejico".
Is there no true conservative party or political figure in Mexico then?
Shit, sorry, meant to say "enter Peña" at the end
Nah, It's México what did you expect?
Both PRI and PAN are conservative, but the PAN members are waaay more vocal about it, also real fucking religious.
Nope, not a single one. And even, we don't need any conservatives, there's nothing to conserve here, we need RADICALS to fix this mess.
The only thing these parties conserve is the corrupt status quo of the people in charge. Democracy was a mistake.
But isn't that what Mexico needs? Religion and an ethical structure to set the country in the right course of history?
I wouldn't say so but other mexicant's would probably disagree, I'd much rather have a 2nd amendment.
>The only thing these parties conserve is the corrupt status quo of the people in charge.
Mi nigga, como en todas partes.
It depends on who you ask, to be honest. I think we need some economic security first. Religion over here is a silent agreement (basically everyone is catholic or christian) and the Church has a lot of influence on the gov., there's not much they could get when they already have everything.
Then again, new generations tend to be atheists or agnostics so...who knows?
Right now people want money and security, there's a ridiculous amount of deaths over here thanks to poverty and narcos.
Parties don't really "stand" for anything, but you could say it's the most capitalist of all.
>mexifags, can you give me a rundown on the PAN party?
Until ten years ago they were mostly religious males with a business background.
Then they became just a bunch of corrupt assholes like any other mexican politician.
>what do they stand for and are they the answer to mejicos problems?
There's no answer to Mexico's problem unless they get a Duterte in there. The cartel and the government are basically one and the same and the people in general are corrupt.
Before some mexican gives me some #notallmexicans shit I'll tell you why ALL mexicans are corrupt.
In Mx you grow up hearing how the entire government is corrupt and how they always get away with it. Their corruption actually makes it to the news and you can see them in pics with cartel members, shopping in Rodeo Drive, wearing $10k watches and hanging out in their multiple properties in the US. It all goes away though and no one goes to jail.
So the average mexican grows up and lives with that so the mentality becomes "it's ok to steal since the government does it". It's a cultural thing that can't be avoided. Theft or corruption are seen as something you just need to do and if you don't then you're the idiot.
In short, the problem with Mexico is it's full of mexicans.
>The only thing these parties conserve is the corrupt status quo of the people in charge.
>of the people in charge
>of all mexicans
FTFY mijo
Oh yeah btw wasn't the founder of the party assasinated or something?
Don't vote for Morena, Lopez Obrador say that if he wins, he is going to cancel the new airport project...
There's nothing conservative about regulating a bunch of industries, opening endless institutions and gibsmedat programs. To be fair neither PAN is conservative.
That's why I also said democracy was a mistake.
>Don't vote for Morena, Lopez Obrador say that if he wins, he is going to cancel the new airport project...
>implying that's a bad thing
We need either some kind of Porfiriato back or
The Mexican National Synarchist Union
>"So the average mexican grows up and lives with that so the mentality becomes "it's ok to steal since the government does it". It's a cultural thing that can't be avoided. Theft or corruption are seen as something you just need to do and if you don't then you're the idiot."
That is what uneducated people think, mijo, the same uneducated people that think stabbing you on the bus is justified. The middle class just shrugs and jokes about the whole deal.
Fuck that airport, to be honest.
Other Papá Porfi, yes, please
>Answer to Mexico's problems
Kek no, well at least not the current one... if somehow they return to their origins as a real conservative and right wing party, then probably. Right now they are a bunch of awful neocons.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha, what?
>That is what uneducated people think, mijo, the same uneducated people that think stabbing you on the bus is justified.
News flash Pepe, 70% of mexico can be considered uneducated.
>The middle class just shrugs and jokes about the whole deal.
Another news flash, the middle class in mexico is less than 30% of the population and a big percentage of them are also crooks.
I grew up upper middle class in Mexico and 80% of the middle class at the very least cheats on their taxes.
Hell, the mexican motto is still "el que no tranza no avanza" or "if you don't cheat you don't get ahead".
Nice try though. Just admit mexicans are shit.
Es Méjico chavo, que el chaparro prieto haya cambiado la j por una x es otro cuento
>Buys into the Tranza meme
>Upper middle class
Checks out, people like you are scum.
>are they the answer to mejicos problems?
Like some people have mentioned there's no party meant that will fix Mexico's problem. Since overall if you study history Mexico wasn't created in the same basis that the USA was.
If you look at history Mexico was forced to be Mexico because of the Spanish conquered the Aztec. As well as the reason why a part of Mexico succeeded to become a part of the US.
Also you need to read the Mexican constitution and how Mexico and Mexicans already violate their own laws. They don't uphold their values because their "independence" wasn't gained the same way the US got theirs.
Just so you can grasp how dire things are. This is the 1st part of the Mexican constitution.
Article 1
This article states that every individual in Mexico (official name, Estados Unidos Mexicanos or United Mexican States) has the rights that the Constitution gives.
>These rights cannot be denied and they cannot be suspended.
>Slavery is illegal in Mexico; any slaves from abroad who enter national territory will, by this mere act, be freed and given the full protection of the law.
>All types of discrimination whether it be for ethnic origin, national origin, gender, age, different capacities, social condition, health condition, religion, opinions, sexual preferences, or civil state or any other which attacks human dignity and has as an objective to destroy the rights and liberties of the people are forbidden.
Mexico doesn't have free speech?
"México" el "xi" viene de "xictli" que es "ombligo". Aunque, si, el kilometraje varía.
>"News flash Pepe, 70% of mexico can be considered uneducated"
55~% give or take, considering that "only 45% finish high school" and you think finishing HS is being uneducated.
>"el que no tranza no avanza"
Y por eso no avanzamos. If you think that, then that says some serious stuff about you as a person, not the country.
Si, y luego le quieren cargar el muertito a uno.
You can talk shit about the president, but good luck talking shit about any cartel bosses.
Lol estos pinches niños tetos que segun saben que piensan los mexicanos y ni viven en mexico me dan risa.
That's Article 6, is talking about the real deal, tho
and yet, PAN was way better than PRI, who cares about criminals who died in calderon goverement?
and yes. im gonna vote for PAN again.
OK that makes sense. It's just the reality there I guess but it's not like the country lives in a bubble. It is fairly rich in resources and it's economic standing internationally is above mediocre. So what are some things that the enlightened folk there can do to at least try to get back on track? or is it forever lost? btw, starting latin american studies in college.
>implying that's a bad thing
he's a Soros puppet.
>Mexico doesn't have free speech?
Yes and no. While it's literally specified in Article 6. If you look at the Mexican Constitution it's suppose to fall under the whole aspect of "...other which attacks human dignity and has as an objective to destroy the rights and liberties of the people are forbidden." at the end of Article 1.
Also in Article 3
II. The educational services shall be based on scientific progress and shall fight against ignorance, ignorance's effects, servitudes, fanaticism and prejudice
The issue with Mexico is that in the course of the 100 years they don't uphold their own values. Which is why their own government is screwing them over because aside from being uneducated in their own laws there's no one there to properly uphold them.
The primary issue with Mexico stems from its history. It will take a lot to reform Mexico and have it work properly.
Neta? Legit curious about your reasons. I can't bring myself to trust Zavala or Anaya
Si, si una de las tantas teorías, igual que proviene del dios Mexi. Lo cierto es que la designación de Méjico como Mexico (Meksico) fue durante los tiempos de Juárez
We need the airport, for the first time in years we have the opportunity to surpass Brazil...
Is there any political party that does stand against the cartels? Like how the fuck much longer can it go on for? It lasted like 10-15 years in colombia.
PAN helped to pay public debt more like PRI, commies made dirty campain against PAN saying its equal to PRI and thats not true at all. dont fall to the jew tricks. fuck MORENAZIS, fuck COMMIES, and fuck PRI.
>Is there any political party that does stand against the cartels? Like how the fuck much longer can it go on for? It lasted like 10-15 years in colombia.
You are making the error of comparing apples to oranges. It will take longer to get rid of the cartles in Mexico because of what it means to their economy.
Go learn how to speak english properly you retard, you're making us look bad.
Denuevo, el kilometraje varía. En lo personal creo que es "más correcto" el uso actual pero tienes un buen punto y lo admito.
And make traffic on the "DFtuoso" even worse? hell to the no.
U mad pejeindio?
Yeah but the start of the downfall of the cartels in colombia was when they started assassinating presidential candidates. I mean that might have coincided with the weakening of their power, but still, that's a good way to lose all support from the public.
There is nothing to do, when the spanish came they ruined the country, just look at spain today, its a shithole
So apparently I'm a leftist now? Not my fault you're a fucking idiot who can't speak english properly Juan.
Well, you can blame free shit policies and subsidies for that, fucking chilango socialist...
A presidential candidate it's a literal nobody in a real democracy.
He wasn't a presidential candidate actually, he was the minister of justice. So there.
>naming your party after bread in a country with starving beaners
>Chilango socialist
Hey, calma, I'm just pointing one of the many, many problems around that. The airport may be a good in theory but I, personally, don't think it's a good idea and making traffic even worse is the first inconvenience I can think of -I admit it wasn't an elaborate argument but, come on.
>Yeah but the start of the downfall of the cartels in colombia was when they started assassinating presidential candidates. I mean that might have coincided with the weakening of their power, but still, that's a good way to lose all support from the public.
Wont have the same effect in Mexico because how far reaching corruption is. You have to question what patriotism means to the Mexican Military. Also with how politically rivalry and their news network behaves it wont have as much of a big impact. From there you gotta question what a president means to its people.
With how Mexico currently runs itself you wont see much of anything rallying people to act. Since not even bitching about the USA does much of anything to rally its people. From what I recall I've seen people rally more from gasoline prices getting higher more than anything else against its own government than literal rape.
>Pri/pan are conservative
>T. Chairo
>AMLO 2018
Thanks to retards like you this place will be worse
He's a chilango. Nuff said.
Atomic fire can make us free.
I love how Meados said the Russians would affect the election with fake news. Anaya or Peje, i need a drink...
tequila? which tequila do you recommend?
>are they the answer to mejicos problems?
They don't want to build a wall South of the border and make Central America pay for it, so no.