Four fucking times in the past week I've had fucking American immigrant cunts causing me trouble and being loud. Utterly fucking sick of the cunts. Poles tend to know the rules and work hard, muslims are on the down low these days to avoid shit, but fucking sharts? They've not got a fucking clue. They legitimately think they own every cunt around yet they can't handle the slightest bit of banter. They're just loud and obnoxious cunts and they should fuck off home.
Four fucking times in the past week I've had fucking American immigrant cunts causing me trouble and being loud...
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are they tearing down that pole with the rope?
Bant the fuck out of them. American culture is bullyism. Treat them like a bully should be, by treating them like shit. And then they'll reveal themselves for the unhinged pussies they are.
The majority of faggots that leave are ultra sensitive. Please keep or kill them
a brit intimidating an american..............schoolgirl.
sounds about right seeing how mohammeds dick has reached englands stomach now.
fuck yo tea
Honestly mate, it's getting fucking bad. Was in the pub the other day, bar was a bit busy so I waited my turn. Barman comes to me and I'm in the middle of ordering my drink when some twat in beige shorts and shades (in fucking winter?!?!) comes up and talks over me loud as fuck trying to order his drink. Both me and the barman just gave him this fucking deathglare telling him to wait his fucking turn. Fucker didn't even apologise. Really fucking sick of your kinds shit to be honest.
Blow it out your ass
im sick of leftist faggots trying to bend narratives.
get fucked rest of the world
Explain. Or do you honestly think that yanks are treated like fucking gods wherever they are abroad? They're loud annoyances, nothing more.
>walking through war torn Britain
>suddenly see 4 lolis playing
>no ones around
would you?
They're building up my pole with those skirts.
>war torn
That pictures from the 80s mate. Cheeky cunt.
what is the point of this LARP, OP? no one cares.
Because in America your national past time appeals mainly to scum.
I expected an Aussie post, Tfw your a good American and you feel ashamed of your people
The quite Bong virgin vs the loud American chad
Leftards are human scum. They may be from America but they're not Americans.
Most defensive fuckers on the planet as well. I'm not even slightly surprised.
Wow Americans really do piss you off. I'm so sorry, sweetie :)
Unfortunately the only Americans that actually get to travel are the loud liberal faggot dude Bros and 20-30's roasties with daddy's money. I'm an introverted and reserved conservative and would love to travel but I'm a California poorfag and can't do it
we do own you
Mate, your proud military's gonna be Dave Chins personal bodyguard in the next twenty years. Keep Yourself Safe.
Tommy Robinson says the same things about Muslims. Did the Americans try to cut off anybody's heads?
I know what you mean m8. I was on a train with a bunch of yanks and they started CLAPPING once the train reached their destination.
Not yet, I think the next shart that hears "ye've got a bit of weight on ya pal, eh?" in a jokey manner I might add, I reckon they'll start a fucking jihad.
i hope jesus comes in the clouds by then, im done with this world
American = Chad
Britbong = KEK
Doubt it. Fat people here get called worse than that. Actually most fat people (men) don't even care when you joke about their weight. The only Americans who can't handle jokes are the liberals.
You're a catty twink fag like the rest of your country"men" and around here your passive aggressive fag shtick can sometimes end in murder. So yeah, we don't like banter, because we're men. You're an indirect, castrated,big gov cuck
You have to leave polak, nau!
They're just there for the upskirts.
I'm American and I give you permission to execute them. I hate hearing of Americans who become a nuisance in other countries.
Sounds like someone needs to talk to their new Minister of Loneliness
>passive aggressive
Nah mate, we tell it like it fucking is.You've just gotta learn to have respect for the country you're in. Practice what you fucking preach.
t. american who lives at constant risk of being shot by the police for no reason
Come get sum feggit
Americans are nowhere near as bad as British tourists these days. This isnt the 90's anymore, you guys are THE WORST by far, from Spain to Southeast Asia absolutely everybody hates British tourists.
Nah mate, they hate English tourists. Don't drag the rest of us into it, Welsh tourists are quiet, Scottish and Northern Irish tourists are great fun.
>be me
>in university helping out with student exchange program
>throw a party for the foreigners let them feel at home
>mostly Arabs and yellows are few white mostly organizers and people who come from surrounding countries
>go in see a negro trying his best pick up lines on my gf she tries to send him away
>go to guy tell him that he should stop immediately understands and seas he is sorry like five times and he didn't know she has a bf than goes away
>a half hour later I go out front for a smoke negro is there he seas sorry one more time and asks me if I like weed
>we share a joint and 15 minutes later we walk in together
>see gf with some skinny American dude with the typical metrosexual outfit trying to pick her up
>go to him and tell him to get lost I want to talk to her
>"who the hell are you anyways, what makes you think you can order" me and her around
>im her bf
>"it doesn't bother me you can watch while I do her"
>gf is visibly disgusted by him
>grab him by the shoulder throw him out and tell him if he doesn't learn to behave I m gonna feed him his teeth
>he gets the message
>2 hours latter party is over walk out see him beaten up completely
>aperantly he tried to fuck with some Arabs girl and they beat him up. why are Americans so stupid?even fucking 3rd world niggers able to behave more normaly then them
Most Thai's dont know the difference.
Youre all the same sweaty, fat, sunburnt drunken, assholes with singlets, swim trunks, flip flops and trashy tribal tattoos. You even enter nice establishments with strict dress codes looking this way. Its pretty much a well known meme these days. Absolutely abhorrent.
Damn I feel bad for you Europeans, you've been totally cucked by our alpha American nature.
We literally dominate you in every aspect. Keep whining or do something about it, you have no power.
And 99.999999% of these twats are English cunts. Learn your British Isles, it can save your life.
I've been thinking that a smart move would be for subs to launch nukes at a deepwater level at your actual landmass. Overland nukes will just be met by your dead hand system. Underwater? Don't think you guys are smart enough to accept that. Take the feet from underneath you, literally.
I know you're joking, but that's a bit too far.
I thought we were 56% white, not 0% white?
I call that girl on the swing.
This. I work at a resort in Florida, we get overseas tourists all the time. By far the worst are Brits, followed by Chinks. I don't know what it is with Brit tourists, every single one has been a completely shitty nuisance, every single one and I see maybe 300 of them a year.
>always littering, even when a garbage bin is literally fucking 3 ft away, they will just throw out shit to the wind, even on the beach
>spitting indoors, outdoors, on the walls, 3 ft away from people, in the elevator, on the stairwell, on people's cars sometimes
>drunk bongs cannot handle their liquor at all, they always end up vomiting everywhere, on their shoes especially (must be a cultural tradition or something)
>completely rude and entitled, they will stop mid-conversation with someone and turn to their friends and just talk shit about the person they were just talking to in 3rd person
>they expect free towels for everything, even for washing their cars (!!!), they do not understand the policy of returning towels and they steal them all the time
>for some reason they feel they have to TALK REAL SLOW LUV LOIK DIS when they are communicating with Americans, despite the fact they are literally 70 IQ slags and chavs
>and for god's sake, they piss everywhere except the toilet, what the fuck is it with brits and pissing on the shower curtain? why? why even do this?
Chink tourists are bad too, they are basically insects, but Brits are on a whole nother level.
>Insults entire country
>wow lmao you responded to my insults
>they can't handle the slightest bit of banter
pic related
alpha American vs. virgin snagletooth brit
>because we're men.
Get on the ground...
Meh 3/10
The only muricans that would willingly move to Limeyland are the most nu-beta commie faggots of them all. I'm sorry, but they are your problem now.
In Taiwan, Brits are the muttiest westerner. Half of "Brits" I meet are poos, chinks, and muzzies.
You cunts deserve Piers Morgan and that fat cunt that used to do panel shows. James something or other. They fit your culture so well.
It's pretty great mang. Unfuck your rainy little island big brother.
Taiwan belongs to China. Learn your fucking place.
knock them out mate they are American they can't fight unless there's a keyboard infront of them then they are top gun general of the fleet combat hardened Rambo big boys
I'm going to shart in your mart and there's nothing you can do about it, nigel. We declared independence from you SPECIALLY to be afforded this freedom, and you're not about to take it away from us.
>We declared independence from you
no british British people declared independence from Britain remember that thick greasy black hair on your arms and balding head