How do we fix Bleach after the soul society arc?

How do we fix Bleach after the soul society arc?

Focus on the main characters.
Mainly Ishida, Rukia and Renji. Have Orihime and Chad on the side and remove the overwhelming presence the other shinigami had after SS.

Remove the Aizen heelturn and end at SS arc

Make it end after Aizen's defeat.

>Mainly Ishida, Rukia and Renji. Have Orihime and Chad on the side

Unohana assassin arc. Where a secret society in SS tasks Unohana to hunt down Ichigo.

His chakra gets depleted and he's on the run. Eventually after a harrowing chase, he's trying to hide and she kills him. Show ends.

What do you mean?

End Bleach.
Start a SCIENCE spinoff

Shit idea. If anything Ishida, Orihime, and Chad should be getting more focus than Renji and Rukia since those two are basically done developing after the first two arcs; Rukia was done with after her fight with Aaroniero, all that was left was her Bankai reveal. Same with Renji.

Chad was uninteresting even when he was getting some focus early on in the series. He should just be removed.

Kubo should've done these two main things differently.

>Lessen the size of the cast. It already got too big during the first arc with all the new Captains and Vice-captains.

>Get a writer to help him out. Kubo had some great ideas, but it's like he doesn't really see them all the way through which leads them to be underwhelming.

>Chad was uninteresting
Speak for yourself. I enjoyed him, and I enjoyed his friendship with Ichigo especially since Ichigo usually bickers with so many of his nakama.


Ulquiorra and Gin never dies
End it after Aizen.

>Delete fullbringer arc
>Re-write Hueco mundo so fights are shorter and the plot moves in a more fluid way
>Focus more on Ichigo and co. rather than on other side characters
>Make it so that the last arc doesnt looks like a rushed piece of shit

Nah nigga Chad was interesting we just never got a payoff. He had cool dynamics with most of the cast and unique powers even among the Fullbringers. But in the end the Soul Reapers sell copies so the humans always got shafted. At least Orihime had a solid presence in the fight against Yhwach even if she didn't do much.

Introduce more characters.

the ss arc killed it

give tatsuki powers so that she can take up more of the plot,hell give keigo powers too while you're at it

>But in the end the Soul Reapers sell copies so the humans always got shafted.
Basically this. The Shinigami got way too popular that the only human characters that could go up against them were Ichigo, Uryu, and at times Orihime; even the Arrancar had nothing on them since Grimmjow and Ulquiorra were the only popular ones, while no one cared much for the Fullbringers or Quincies.

Have Ichigo agree with Aizen's plans and goals.

But not until after Aizen is already defeated

The Sternritters that got some cool development but as per Kubo the problem was there were too many to develop. We didn't even learn anything about Glasses and Guns and he was the one who shot the eye out of the future captain-commander. The ones who got decent screentime like Mask, Gremmy, and Askin felt like good villains.

And did anybody dislike the Bambi and her bitches? Giselle was one of the most fun parts of the war arc.

The problem is that the series had already blown its load after Ichigo had defeated or had a draw with renji, kenpachi and vbyukaga. Where could it go? Ichigo should have never gotten so powerful so quickly and so early on in the first place. It should have spent much more time with ichigo and mini rukia having cute adventures with their friends whilst slowly adding new members to the cast and allowing the grand story to steadily unfold.

Don't add 1000 characters that go nowhere. Stick with unraveling the plot about Soul Society having layers of secrets and Aizen being right. In other words, get Kubo a writer to turn his ideas into a coherent storyline.

We don't, arrancar arc is more popular than SS.
Fullbring arc is underrated, the retards who like pre SS bleach somehow hate this arc that's the exact same.
Bloodwar arc is good except the last 10 chapters.

The EXACT issue Bleach went to shit is when Chad got bodied in Mexico. That right there proved Kubo had no idea what the fuck he was doing. You mean to tell me that Cahd, who was eating up screen time training with Renji, who discovered his powers came from his grandfather's? hollow inside of him, which fed on other hollows, gets sent to the hollow world and NOTHING comes of it. Instead, he gets taken out almost immediately and is absent for the rest of the 3+ year arc.

So that's what we do, we keep everything up until the Hueco Mundo arc, and to fix that shitshow we need to just throw it all away and start it over from scratch
>Ichigo and co run riot right through Mexico, flexing on any and everyone until the Espada show up
>Pick up Nell along the way, she's teachign Ichigo how to keep his mask out longer
>Rukia and Chad barely overcome 10, Chad consumes him and gets a powah uppu
>Ichigo gets slapped by Ulquiorra, Orihime saves him
>Ichigo now fucks off with Orihime and Nell, who's now an adult, to complete his training while Rukia, Ishida, Renji, and Chad are getting fucked by Espada
>Captains show up to support them, they begin shit slapping en masse. 5, 7, 8, and 9 get ran through like whores in a trap house
>Ichigo, now with his mastered mask sets off to enter the fray
>Grimmjow has been stalking and waiting for him
>They scrap, Ichigo does his main character thing
>Enters the fray, only espada left in Mexico is Ulquiorra
>Aizen does his bullshit Aizen thing and suddenly all the shinigami are warped back to soul society, so its only Ichigo, Chad, Ishidia, and Orihime vs Ulquiorra
>They actually team up and overcome him, till Ulq turns it up and transforms
>blabla kurosaki-kun blablah WRYYYYY blah zangetsu
With all the espada defeated, Ichigo now plot devices himself to the real world to help the captains, and the rest of the events play out the same

>And did anybody dislike the Bambi and her bitches? Giselle was one of the most fun parts of the war arc.
It's not about dislike or anything like that, it's that none of the Sternritters became popular enough like past enemies such as Ulquiorra and Gin.

Did we get details about the last LN?

Don't just inexplicably skip 2 years of high school.

Too many Shinigami got screen time. Shit was already limited with Ichigo/Chad/Orihime/Ishida/Rukia. Keep it to a smaller core.

Soul King is a tangible being, instead of a force.

No one gives 2 shits about the Quincy.

Ichigo isn't half everything.

Shopkeeper final boss.

The prologue is translated user. The second part was released Friday, but no proper translation yet.

Get rid of the fullbring arc

Have the stern ritters kill more named characters

Do a better fight with aizen.

>Shopkeeper final boss.

This not happening was Kubo's ultimate twist. It felt like everything was building up to it, since Urahara was just as much behind the scenes as Aizen was (if anything he was even higher up). He was manipulating events. How was Urahara not the FV?

Bring the focus back onto shit happening in the real world. Make all the rockin' future seven relevant and keep them relevant. Hold back on introducing a bazillion useless characters that do nothing but clutter the manga. Never do fullbring shit.

Ideally you'd want to have an arc in Karakura about shit Aizen is doing affecting the living world, then go full supernatural war drama between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo. Make Aizen sympathetic a little earlier on so it whether Ichigo and the Karakura residence should side with SS isn't a given. Give the characters we already have, and the important arrancar, a little more attention at this stage, even if this means shifting out of the usual Ichigo/our heroes POV at times, so that we're invested in all of them when they get to fighting their equivalents and their battles don't feel like formulaic filler. Make the battles actually interesting rather than just stupid asspull shit.

Either find away to do the Orihime romance in a way that doesn't make her boring, or drop it completely. If you do go with it, try to make Ichigo seem more involved with it. In fact, try to keep Ichigo in a place where he has more personality than generic protectbot, because after SS he took a sharp turn for the incredibly boring.

>We don't, arrancar arc is more popular than SS.

It's complete dogshit, though. Jap taste is irrelevant to this discussion. OP didn't ask how to make it popular, he asked how to make it good.

I just want the bios of Kazui and Ichika.

more Rukia

Make it end there.

>more Rukia

Why not? She was a good character especially early on.

>early on.
then she became boring

So did everyone else.

Not science man

I stopped watching it there and that worked pretty well.

Just delete the Sternritter arc entirely, Make Jewzen the final villain and recon the manga to remove any foreshadowing of Kikeha Bach.

Yeah he did. He became the same boring lolScience asspull shit after the Ishida fight.

so you agree that she became boring?

Yeah, even a good character can't make it with Kubo's downward spiral of ass writing.

Literally everyone and everything in Bleach became boring about halfway though Hueco Mundo.

If you were to rewrite the series, you wouldn't just throw out all the central characters. You'd take them in an interesting direction. Bleach started with great characters, then its cast became so bloated that it could never give any of them any focus, and all the best ones were forgotten by Kubo and left in the dust, or relegated to minor cheerleading roles.

And then they have sex.

so you both agree that she became boring. glad to know we're on the same page.

Make Hueco Mondo and Fake Karakura Town shorter, then end it with the Aizen fight.
Here how I would have done it
>less Vizards
>Ichigo, his friends and some Captains discover that Aizen is in Hueco Mondo and go there to scout what he is doing
>only 5 Espada( Stark, Barragan, Halibel, Ulquiorra and Grimmjow), but they are buffed
>no minor fights in Hueco Mondo, the group discover that the desert is full of corpses of inferior arrancar that have been defeated by the current Espada
>since we are not wasting time with useless fights, let's develop our main cast a bit
>while Grimmjow and Ulquiorra keep the main group busy, Aizen and the rest seal Hueco Mondo and go to Karakura
>the fights with the Espada happen there but since they are more powerful than in the original some Captains die
>Aizen solos everyone
>Ichigo comes back from HM having mastered the Hollow form and fight Aizen with it( so no Final Getsuga Tensho or Butterfly Aizen)

Do the Quincy arc earlier.

Just make it about SS and gut the human cast.

by letting the arrancar arc pan out the way it was actually set up

>Bleach now
Ichigo, Ishida, and Orihime
300 side characters

>How Bleach should be
Ichigo, Ishida, Orihime, Rukia, Chad
30 side characters

dont focus so many fucking chapters on fights that are meaningless in the end. byakuya/toshiro/kenpachi vs that hercules quincy is the number one example of this since he just got absorbed by yhwach in the end which made the entire fight meaningless. in the few final chapters before the final fight, we had THREE different fights going on and paneltime was split between them.

>uryu vs hashbrowns
>ichigo/orihime vs yhwach
>the overrated trio vs that quincy

it would have been cool if the espadas weren't the only ones ruling hueco mundo and there were stronger hollows. Instead of fullbring shit we could've had that after Aizen

This is wrong, he was one of the most interesting characters in the beginning. The idea of him having some strange and unique hollow power was awesome before everyone and their mother was a fucking hollow hybrid of some kind.

Did we ever get an actual vastro lord hollow?
Or are we just stuck with the whole "yeah the top 4 espadas are all vastro lords.. maybe"?

Ulquiorra used to be one, it's shown in his flashback chapter. The one where he's bullied for being white or something like that.

>how can i make my point?
>i know, i'll pretend to be retarded!
>that'll show em!

Ulquiorra's stupid databook flashback chapter shows him as a hollow. Also back when he first showed up it was implicit that Wonderweiss was supposed to be a Vastolorde, but that fact got tossed along with Wonderweiss' relevance

im glad we both agree that rukia became boring.
-she became way too prideful and confident like her brother(difference is that he has a reason to be whereas she doesnt) after the first arc despite having grimmjow literally impale her
-had a habit of becoming a completely different character around byakuya
-she didnt really does anything in the fb arc beside give ichigo back his powers and had the lamest fight
-same face as toshiro
-last arc she got a nice bankai but thats it. kubo was done with her after that and gave her more spotlight when she became captain

ill never understand her huge popularity

Don't make the next major story arc also about rescuing someone from a mysterious and foreign society.

Make the Hollow hierarchy interesting and give them powers that put them at odds with the Shinigami rather than making them Shinigami: Spanish Edition.

Either end it after Aizen is dealt with or change the pacing of the story so that Aizen is a small part of a larger story rather than the big bad.

Get rid of the Fullbringer arc or change basically everything about it in order to make it relevant.

Make the Quincy War arc interesting and not full of totally pointless battles with side characters that have no consequence. GIVE ICHIGO SOMETHING TO DO.

There is nothing to fix, Bleach is beautiful the way it turned out

>ill never understand her huge popularity

Is it not obvious?

She was a good character before Bleach turned into a dumpster fire. Like most characters in Bleach.

>She was

How about giving Ichigo a goal?

Naruto has becoming Hokage and Luffy has One Piece and becoming Pirate King. Ichigo has... what? It's hard to even tell whether he likes being a Shinigami or wants a normal life sometimes. The entire series is him reacting to things that happen around him. He never does anything proactively to further his personal goals because he doesn't seem to have any. This is a flaw in Bleach that's basically present from the very beginning, from day one he has the Shinigami thing thrust onto him and from that point all the way to the end he basically doesn't do anything of his own volition. It's boring.

Your point is stupid, because every character became shit during the HM arc.

This is why everything you say sounds retarded.

All flaws with the writing, not the character.

Characters are not good or bad. The writing around them defines how likable and interesting they are. Rukia, Orihime, Chad, Ichigo, etc, were all victims of Kubo losing the plot.

ok but we weren't talking about the other characters. the conversation was about rukia and solely rukia. so many people on here claim shes a great character but the moment someone claims she isnt, you hit back with "b-but all the characters became boring" statement. its like you know deep down she isn't but can't or dont like to handle criticism of her character so you quickly change the subject

dont be retarded half the characters got their only redeeming moments in the HM arc, independent of the stupid plot crawling along in the overall

>during the HM arc.
That's when Rukia got her shining moment though. Her fight with Aaroniero where she finally avenged Kaien in her own way.

SS invades Mexico to find Aizen. Turns out it's bad idea and the balance between worlds goes out of whack. Ichigo shows up and tells everyone to shut the fuck up and sort themselves out. Aizen bails and seeks refuge with Nazi Quincies, who then invade the weakened Soul Society. Everyone teams the fuck up and kicks all the ass. Cue climactic final battle.

Ichigo then makes lots of babbies with best girl.

Lots and lots of babbies.

Titcow is allowed to watch, sometimes.

>Titcow is allowed to watch, sometimes.
Stay salty.


Not insist on having every single character fight. There are way too many characters. That shit drags things down way too much.

Dont waste many chapters on fights, more time to handle better the plot and dont kill the best characters.

>le strawman, actually you're saying what I say you're saying!

Please nigga, don't debase yourself like this.

The fact is, Bleach's writing went down the shitter during Hueco Mundo. Most of its characters were pretty well executed prior to this. Pointing out that Rukia became boring is redundant, because the entire manga became redundant.

The quality of writing or of characters isn't dictated by how many successes the character has. Aaroniero was one of the better fights in HM, as something relatable to the readers was at stake, but it was still a bit of clumsily implemented plot point in an overall poor story.

im glad you agree that rukia became boring.

There is no need to fix it when Bleach2.0 is running right now in Jump gaia.
It even has the version of Ichigo that had a personality form the early chapters

>but it was still a bit of clumsily implemented plot point
I don't agree since much of Rukia's character revolved around her guilt for Kaien's death.

He's too happy and energetic, ruins the bleach feel.
Discount uryu is shit too.

no vizard bullshit, why even make the fit shopkeeper guy relevant in any way.

focus on the arrancars rather than the shinigamis... like, exactly what they did on the soul society arc, make me care about the villians.

give chad four arms and make him the friendship fag of the team, the one there to remind everyone why are they even fighting for.

no one fucking needs renji, drop him completelly, and make rukia a coprotagonist,

i always liked to think he was just trying to understand who he was.

he just keep fighting because he wants to understand, and because his friends needs it.

he is the one that can make shit happen, and so he does it, gladly, but he also does it to know "who is him".

Ragu is 500% old Ichigo, back when he was fun and didn't give a fuck before Bijakuya blasted his as into serious MC mode.
Look even Yoruichi is here.

I'm not saying it was a bad plot point.

It was just handled pretty clumsily. The entire excuse for Kaien's face even being on Aaroniero was pretty tenuous. Technically Rukia had already avenged him when she killed Metastacia, the reveal that actually Metastacia had been absorbed upon death by Aaroniero was kinda weak.

More focus on developing Ichigo's core friends and less on the Shinigami, yet important characters from the Shinigami and Vizards get development.

Edit the Fake Karakura arc so that the fights are quicker and less dragged out.

Leave the Fullbring arc as is. It's fine.

Edit the fights in the Thousand Year Blood War arc.

Provide more info on the Soul King's background. We barely know anything about it.

Find a better way to defeat Yhwach aside from a special Quincy Deus ex machina.

After Yhwach's defeat, have one final fist fight between Ichigo and Aizen over control of the Soul King's power.

Nnoitra to Starrk were confirmed to be Vasto Lorde. Grimmjow probably too. Szayel, Zommari and Yammy are unknown, but according to novels, Szayel was an Adjuchas when he died.

This entire thread is missing the point, SS arc is what killed bleach and was where it underwent the "it's time to become a generic battle manga" transformation that ruins so many initially strong shonen series.

Everything beforehand was a lot more interesting than vaugely japanese afterlife with 10 quadtrillion throwaway characters fighting eachother and ichigo constantly powering up for no reason. Arcs after were "worse" but all the actual flaws happened with SS

That'd be fine if it actually happened but if anything he seems to understand himself less as time moves on.

In the beginning he seems pretty sure of himself as a person. Skip forward to the aftermath of the Ulquiorra fight and he's whining about not winning the way he wanted.

He doesn't really discover anything on his own, the events happening around him just happen to fall into place in such a way that he's at the center.

no it wasn't the middle of the HM arc was, when the established plot got derailed by unending fights that Kubo couldn't decide how to end, useless side characters, and completely ditching the reasonable not endless battle chain plot that he'd set up.

>Leave the Fullbring arc as is. It's fine.
Chad should've gotten a fight.

Worked for One Piece

>Don't just inexplicably skip 2 years of high school.
Honestly the fucking potential lost in the Fullbringer arc still makes me five out of the seven cycles of depression.

Ichigo is more like western superheroes. Batman and Superman don't really have any long-term goals beyond fighting crime and protecting the innocent.

The Fullbringer plot should've just been the Visored instead. A rag tag bunch of rejects with hollow powers try train Ichigo when the shinigami can't, only to steal the source of Ichigo's powers to further their own goals totally independent of both SS and Aizen.

Give Kubo more freedom to write and less control from his editor.

protecting his namaka

Fucking kill Hitsugaya

rukia looks very lewd here