How come best girls never win?

How come best girls never win?


Capibaras are stupid

Maybe you should stop reading manga that keep making the same mistakes.

Because they aren't really best.

Why is this girl so popular lately? I mean I get it, she's a beauty but still.

Because you make this shit thread daily.

>she's a beauty
It's a boy.



Eve > Trap > Ebino

Trap was worst but she's grown on me

Because Sup Forums is full of tomboyfags who will delude yourself to the point of making shit up and mental gymnastics. Ebino is liked due to fit, sexy and nice, that's all, she is just a fanservice character with zero relevance to the plot, she also does nothing despite having no rivals from her perspective. That's why she won't win.

>despite having no rivals from her perspective.
The second she thought there might be some she jumped right into action.

It isn't a big deal if she doesn't win. She doesn't like the MC to begin with so as a non-romance character her future trajectory is probably good.

Is this ever getting an anime?

How is hiding and observing a jumping right into action?
Why would it?


Why is the MC so based?

Is this the manga were the MC's tupla is winning?
Because in all honesty that sounds funny as hell

Can I have the source please?

Think JJBA stands but the stands are ghosts of hot bitches and Jotaro has sexual tension with Star Platinum.

Nevermind, found it with reverse image search.

That sounds even better.
Picked up

Honestly, as long as Trap doesn't win I'm also okay with Ebino not winning.

Trap and Eve will merge into one schizo being.

Big THICC bushy eyebrows on a THICC breasted beauty is sinful.