ITT: Anime characters you can defeat in a fistfight

ITT: Anime characters you can defeat in a fistfight








not exactly anime



any normal female?


He said fistfight not gunfight.

I want to punch her so fucking bad.

A more interesting scenario would be "which character you could beat if only you had a gun".
Like would naruto die if you just shot him etc.



I'd beat him like a red headed step child.



Yasuna is too hardcore.

With pleasure

I'm not implying anything, she's so dumb it's a wonder shes not a roadkill somewhere.

He's survived getting hit by motorcycles multiple times

If a vehicle collided with Yasuna it would probably be in worse shape than her. If you're dumb you gotta be tough, and Yasuna is very dumb.

That was just a Vespa.



do i get banned if i post futaba


I guess he means the 202 girl.


That face gets me everytime.



Literally me.





What is her destructive capacity?


I'll just call her a cypocrite or a bitch or one of her other many trigger phrases and kick her knees in while she's crying


Not if I find you and murder you first, user.

Who does Sup Forums always pick up little girl?

You just had to do it nigger.



But he got hit by it multiple times as well as guitars, user

We really need more baby/toddlercon, don't we.

>tfw you miss the toddler guro spammer

It was a simpler time.

fucking baffled no one posted this one

I bet no one from here would have the balls to get in the robot.

I'd get in the robot and step on Shinji.

>tfw if you beat him up you're basically proving him right that everybody hates him

>select the vehicles captcha
>no vehicles, signs only
>select the sign
>it takes it
sausage captcha

>wants vehicles
>9 squares have vehicles
>press skip
>it takes it

>not using legacy captcha

Sometimes it just doesn't work properly or you get one of those blotches of gibberish.

I'm unironically faster at doing picture captcha

I am become death

suprised nobody post the most obvious

Am I the only one who's made to do like fucking four of them per post?

pretty much every anime character that doesnt have magical bullshit powers

so you could fistfight guts?

>sneak up behind him
>pat his ass
>he cries

ah shit of course not srry but that nigga isnt even what you can call human anymore

Because I can't beat anyone else

Just gently and lovingly touch his face and you win instantly

but that's not a fist fight, user.


Well, I did win using my hands

What's up with the people posting characters they couldn't actually beat in a fistfight?

but it wasn't a fist fight, user



what is her destructive capability?


Fistfights only cause pain.

Self destructive

post doujin link





i cant but my son will

those some pretty fucking delicious thighs

You should read the doujin, it has some of the best vanilla sex on it.




what does a punch from her feel like?