Dragon Ball Super

Are you ready for the U10 Ginyu Force to wreck shit?

Use the catalog retard

Why does a fight between gohan and normal goku/normal gold ss goku have more power and weight behind each strike than every other blue ss fight in the series?

When will the character in the intro be revealed? The bald one with the black eyes.

He wasn't holding back

>Episode 99 : Goku's driver license is revoked?! Go, Arale!


I want to fuck her

I want to ____ Cus.

They look terrible, Zamasu was right

Best scene of the whole episode, they should've shown more of them.

dude has been training endlessly throughout DBZ and Super.

We know he is at least from when he was on King Kai's planet, stronger than the Ginyu force. And using the Shin Kikoho he held down someone who was essentially SSJ 1.3.

Do you think he never really got stronger from constantly training over the course of 15 years?

If him being the only person to not get purged by the Human extinction technique and him taking on semi-perfect cell don't show he has growth, than I don't know what you expect.

Krillin was already shown to have some massive gains just from a little training, but Tien NEVER STOPPED.

He is no piccolo and never got the powerlevel multipliers like nail and kami, but he should at least have caught up to Piccolo when he was Kami fused.

What a fucking manlet

How to win the tournament:
>revive Ginyu
>have him hide/escape until there's one left
>change body when he's falling off

We should be so lucky.

What? Tien is the biggest jobber i've ever seen. Roshi showed him up in his own episode and today in the training match he was so scared he was like hey calm down guys. He just failed completely. His training has apparently been traditional karate bullshit and not legit training like Goku and everyone else does.

Would've ruined it, should've just shown more of the other universes, instead of goku and gohan going atatatatatata and also atatatatatatatatatatatt

>h-hey guys
>m-maybe we shouldn't fight so seriously

>Power of muscles
>In a Dragon Ball that already retconned the idea that physical strength is worth a damn

It's all about ki now. By the show's own internal logic, they'd be fucked, but she shows' internal logic turns on a dime these days.

U10 is fucked

h-he was holding back.

>Hey, Tien. I've decided who's going to be the leader of our team

wtf was that? Tien got cucked 2 episodes in a row

>Gowasu is too incompetent to help pick a team
>The elephant is retarded enough to think bodybuilders are the answer

U10 is fucked.

Also wow, based on the previews, next episode will literally be the first time we'll ever see Gohan doing something intelligent or strategic. Isn't it kind of sad?

It was hilarious.

>Tien, you know as the master of a dojo you must have some good leadership skills. Don't you think Gohan will be a great leader?

>Leave U10 to me, guys!

Tien should do 1v1 with Yamcha to earn his spot after last two episodes

So, is that guy from U10's earth, he's a monk like Krilin.

Lets just assume Tien is holding back because he thought the tournament was just about money and not life and death.

>Vegeta still doesn't know about the universes being destroyed

wtf are they waiting for


Zamasu was right about his universe.

without Black U10 gonna lose

Not really.

It's missing him dodging Human Extinction Attack

the fuck? roshi becomes relevant in DBS again?

this is gold!
fucking super!


>Universe 10 will get it's shit kicked in within minutes

Well on the bright side at least they aren't going to kill off the angels.

This. Cus is too pure to be erased

Don't forget he 1 shot Jeice and Burter by himself while on King Kai's planet.

Think about that, he got that strong, equal to Goku when he landed on Namek without the ability to Zenkai



Chad force imported from U10 /fit/ board

updated version with gohan when?

How would you guys feel if there's a semi-filler episodes of these guys, the Pride Troopers and the Great Saiyanman fighting against a resurrected Ginyu Force?