On Java man and Homo sinanthropus. Gooks the worst race after niggers and other colored shitskins. Idiotic sloppy eyes, closed mind, robot consciousness, flat monkey face, slavish flirting with white people, hive mind and
lack of personality, intelligence without real creativity (they still steal western and european patents).
My country full of half mongoloid hybrids, it's like living on cemetery. 40% of east slavs are mongrels with admixture of paleoasiatic subhumans, pathetic and passive inbreds with low androgens. Gooks already takes your colonial place in Africa:
Betas which mating with gook garbage girls BTFO. We know that white dumb roasties and coal burners need to be tortured and killed in the most horrible way, but euro losers must be ashamed by white society castrated and killed by their hapa sons.
Kikes want you to spoil your heritage with GOOK AND NIGGER DNA
The weakling? Freak? Fatty? Is your penis very small? This is not an excuse to give your fucking genes an exit in the form of an ugly hapa. Do you want to find a submissive slave wife? You're an idiot! You're a complete and naive idiot! All females are the same, the function and behavior are the same. If you can not find a worthy female among your community, you are just a weakling and a loser and will stay. Completely disabled? Super freak? Blast the wealthy Jews on Wall Street or shoot niggers in the ghetto and do an hero for endless Valhalla and peace

Other urls found in this thread:



That's a mexican, idiot. I know because of the medals

Holy shit.
I can not believe that you are so brainless



Make me.

Disgusting. You should be punished loser
It's your only exit to fuck ugly incest because you too shitty and sick for european woman


European women are too shitty and sick for me.



All women are shitty, even the flat-faced, buck teeth, slant-eyed, jaundice skin gooks.


its obvious bait

No, all women are women. If you think all women are shitty, you've been dating too many arrogant white bitches.

I cant wait for all the rice burns to post asian models acting like they will ever get a gf that looks like that.


My wife looks about like this.

sure thing bud

gd luck

That's pretty average over there actually. It's about what they all look like.

welcome your offspring

The similarity is uncanny

Welcome your offspring.

you look like that anyway don't you mongrel boy

Wow, this is the third time I've seen this thread. Nice to know all of that, OP! I'll totally never ever taint my purest white genes, I promise.

tfw 10/10 azn gf


You got it.

Weaklings. Wait for Elliots


If only you had seen her naked breasts
Then you'd fully understand (^:


the gay pride flag of the gene pool am i wrong

burn the gook coal pay the toll

>burn the gook coal pay the toll

>shitty parenting
No worries, slavnigger user. I'm as good as they come.

Is their any proven studies that race mixing with Chinese heighten the risk of genetic disorders or diseases?

You got it, furry.


Nothing Elliot said was wrong.


Normal Asians hate hapas
Whites think hapas are ugly and consider them Asian before white
Asian women who like whites hate hapas for not actually being Asian
even hapas hate being hapas
hell even yellow fever fags hate hapas for some reason

now tell me, why are yellow fever fags so obsessed with wanting to have half asian kids again?


no one wants to admit they're a shit parent or will be one
even if they're ill prepared, delusional, never want to admit being wrong in any case, and even if they don't even have a plan for their kids


Looks like I'll have to take the shit parent test to find out.

ask yourself
in what way can you make your child's life better than your own?

Mate with a gook and your children will look nothing like you

Discipline. As a person raised by softie parents of squalid moral temperament I recognize how awful of a lifestyle that lacks this would be.

I almost threw up in my mouth. Why are chinks so fucking disgusting!

It's "burn the rice, pay the price"

or they'll end up going full Dead Poets Society

Caption that with this image

fuck you, you fucking Russian mongoloid, speak for yourself you impure fuck, id chose an asian over your kind any day you putrid vodka smashing FUCK

Hi Chin Chen Chong

Whiteness will be deconstructed in a century.

but seriously if you actually think "lol discipline" will make someone better you're a fucking idiot
what does that even mean?
also i said a better life than your own. are you saying you have no discipline? what's it going to be when they see you for what you really are when they grow up. probably just grow into a hateful mess like all hapas

Hi Mongaloid

Even though I would have no qualms about a son being an actor, I'd be really surprised to see man from a traditional house act like such a fruitcake. Don't forget that fiction is fiction.

It's a common birth defect.

Because of their flat robot faces, you can pretend they aren't really people.

>Even though I would have no qualms about a son being an actor, I'd be really surprised to see man from a traditional house act like such a fruitcake. Don't forget that fiction is fiction.
i meant in the sense that they'll crack and do something heinous

That looks Japanese. She seems to say 'oishi'.

Kids should be responsible, respectful, should have organization and structure in their life, should have the capacity to control themselves, their actions, and their reactions. Someone is going to have to teach and cultivate discipline, don't you think the parents should?

On one hand this effect discourages race-mixing
On the other hand it will make it very easy for the jews to play the (((fellow asians))) game

i don't think you're capable at all
especially when there's a lot of "should" and not any "how" in your explanation
you're just giving me pleasantries
you and your chink wife are gonna be real monsters when your kids go through a rebellious faze or act out of line in anyway

I can't offer solutions to every last hypothetical you can dream up. But
>rebellious faze

Might as well everyone stop having children. Such a nice relaxing life with no kids.

I totally agree, my dude.

This mine does too.

>I can't offer solutions to every last hypothetical you can dream up. But
endless hypotheticals? what are you talking about? though being a good parent requires being mentally prepared for anything your kid brings you
>Might as well everyone stop having children. Such a nice relaxing life with no kids.
you might as well never have kids yourself since they'll be mongrels you see more as tools

Momo-chan daisuki!

Woah look at the nose on that one

>lol at your inability to respond to the endless hypotheticals that being a parent ecompasses
But since you said it yourself in less words than me, so expertly,
>being a good parent requires being mentally prepared for anything your kid brings you

So you answered your own question more or less.

>since they'll be mongrels you see more as tools
Oh, absolutely, children are tools that I employ in the salt mines. How could I have forgot?

>children are tools
You're good at pissing people off

No she is pure, fuck the subhuman snub nosed flat faces, am I right?

did you even read any of that right?
i should have realized you aren't reading when you completely ignored any question i've brought up

>durr what are hypotheticals
What else could I be referring to other than the endless amount of situations children bring about that require discipline and edification from the people responsible for the child?

I'm not even bringing up hypothetical
I literally just asked
"in what way can you make your child's life better than your own?"
to your response "discipline"
to my response, that's not really an answer because all you present are pleasantries of "shoulds" and not any "hows"

So lets ask this again

How is your half asian son or daughter going to have a better life than you?



>not having a black gf
and you call yourself "redpilled"

Shut up shill.

Its not a matter of want, its a matter of circumstance. It is whatever they can get. Who ever will take them.

Rejection from Asian women is one of the largest motivations behind their rape and murders at the hands of white men in western countries.

Asian females are the only group of women in the west who are more likely to be murdered by white men than by Asian men.

>Asian females are the only group of women in the west who are more likely to be murdered by white men than by Asian men.
uh can you rephrase that?

I wouldnt use the terminology used or refer to them as subhumans (although morrissey did) but typically even a very large (but thin) nose will be more attractive than a flat nose.

Women in the west, be it black, latino, white are most likely to be assaulted, raped and murdered by men of their same ethnic group.


Of black women raped, assaulted and murdered by males, the percentage of the perpetrator being black is far more likely that the probability of the perpetrator being white, latino, asian or otherwise.

Of White women raped, assaulted and murdered by males, the percentage of the perpetrator being white is far more likely that the probability of the perpetrator being black, latino, asian or otherwise.

Of Latino women raped, assaulted and murdered by males, the percentage of the perpetrator being latino is far more likely that the probability of the perpetrator being white, black, asian or otherwise.

Except for asian women, who make up for 3% of the population yet are more likely to be assaulted, raped and murdered by White men. Not Asian Men.

The only demographic that has a higher percentage of being assaulted, raped and killed by Males outside of their own ethnic group.

>discipline isn't an answer
I can change a few words of what you deem to be a puddle of platitude vomit and you'll have an answer with a "how". As if how I phrase my answer on what values I hold and teach will affect this.

As I child I was irresponsible, disrespectful, disorganized, and a mess of impulse. Only until my late teens did I fix my shit. In short, my children will have better character then I had. I stress character so much because I consider my parents "upper middle class" and, alone, "rich". Housing and education will not be a problem for me to provide. I am going to be present in the life of my offspring and teach what I know.

Besides, I'm not married, and I refuse to have children until I am. When I am, I might not even be married to my current girlfriend and I'd face the same dilemma but with white children instead. Your question is basically what all parents will have to answer.

Do you think there are groups of black folks sitting around pulling bullshit out of their ass about white people?
It is proper and the natural order that you look up to your betters and scheme in their perceived absence.
You'll get further if you stop fooling yourselves; or at least, you'll notice me pulling your girl with low effort.

okay thats what i thought you meant

>same dilemma but with white children instead
then comes the next fact. hapas aren't white children. there have been studies that have proved that race matters. if you get a black kid raised by white parents, he's still gonna have different results than a white kid raised by white parents.
things are going to be different for hapas. think about how much less they will have than they'd have if they were pure
think about society as it is now
think about how race relations are, especially important in any interracial relationship to think about
>Your question is basically what all parents will have to answer.
well duh, that's kind of the point, but there is also more to it
since half asian kids are gonna be less like you if they were pure white

my point being is, you first need to think about what it means to be a responsible parent, and then what your kid will need

most hapa parents don't even think about the former since their relationship is almost always based off a fetish

>think about how much less they will have than they'd have if they were pure

Beats me, I guess they'll have black tier IQ.

Yeah and when I have children with a 100% pure aryan they might inherit the serbocroatian crap from my father's side and end up crap. I shall now dump my gf and shoot myself in the fucking face for being a mutt. Gday.


Guys, I fell for the asian womyn r superrior. I made a mistake. How do I break up with her and send her back to China?

First you have to date women and not men

Jesus. There are about 700,000,000 Chinese women in the world. If you don't like your chink send her back and get another one.

She is nothing compare to normal white girl
