Post cool stuff you're reading.
Cool manga pages
Other urls found in this thread:
Was it rape?
What the difference of this with the usual OPT?
OP said to post cool stuff this time.
I heard D-Frag the manga dives super deep into typical painful and boring haremshit, should I remain in blissful ignorance with just the anime?
>super deep into typical painful and boring haremshit
No, it's mainly a gag manga, not a romance, so the harem doesn't take itself seriously just like Fujimura-kun Mates.
I will never not hate that fucking Mangastream logo in the bottom left. It taunts me. Some day, I shall rescanlate that spread/chapter, in better quality, if only to spite the people at MS.
Excellent, I was told otherwise but a conflicting opinion means I should just see for myself. Thanks bud.
Well... one of them entered inside her...
how you'd like to take this is up to you.
nigga that's kawaii
I really should catch up to Keyman.
You ever heard of raws, you loser?
Flying Witch
This is the visual definition of comfy
I am a scanlator/translator, so yes. The last time I checked, there was not an acceptable raw of that page. But, there is now. Regardless - do not propose to insult me for no reason.
why is noone talking about this one, this looks fuckin nice
what is it from
Dude, better resolution and/or souce.
the source is right there...
>do not propose to insult me for no reason.
jesus fuck interact with normal people outside of vietnamese sewing forums please
That's the definition of "Envy"
You can basically use any page of this fight
Crippling depression is cool too.
The action scenes is good, but it's a shame the artist changed the design of MC latter.
god damn
As usual, scanlators are whiny attention seeking bitches. Fuck off, faggot.
>lolirape in the first issue
I don't think this manga is for me.
You just reminded me to read this and apparently you can't fucking search on the archive anymore. Are there no links to download this?
What are the sources for these two? I found everything else using image search but these two elude me.
Try harder.
Damn. Guess it's cause I'm on mobile. Time to check on my computer then. Thanks user
Phone posters should be sterilized.
Addendum, lobotomized.
Let's be honest here, nobody here is going to have children.
But its not a phone
From the thumbnail I thought this would be SK from Berserk.
Read the thread
This one is quite nice, the whole thing is simplistic but pretty.
Since it's a good manga and I don't see any thread on Sup Forums, I will say it:
Dolly Kill Kill.
It's edgy, but the kinda fun edgy, you know.
Thanks user, I always appreciate some good edge.
And now for the "I can't believe somebody thought publishing this was a good idea" tier
There's a ton of great pages in this manga, but this one has the best message. Definitely a cool page.
Found out it finished last year; so now I'm starting from the beginning again. This is cool pages: the manga.
Claymore is stupid on the back-half, but damn if it doesn't look good.
Is that a grown-up Rosine?
>if it's empty, we just have to fill it with something
Sengoku Youko was brilliant
Sort of.
Fucking Nisio
this looks amazing, what am i looking at?
It's called, "spend more time lurking on Sup Forums."
To be fair, it has only really just started to gain popularity here
The first half of this manga was so good that I still can't believe they managed to fuck up the later half.
created in rift
why is manga always better than the show?
Because texture, line weight, and lighting.
produced in chasm
Are they usually like that?
>made in abyss
Search archive since its translated by Sup Forums. There is an anime adaption next season.
Meant to post this.
i made an account and it still says that i cant download a file so big
what the fuck
Trips of luck. Its getting an anime.
>No burgerland translations
>can't speak nip
>new chapters take several months to be scanned
At least it's pretty fun
Claymore was great up until the timeskip
Then the train went off the tracks
Towards the end id read the new issue and be like wtf... did i miss last months? So id go back and check and no, i didnt miss one. I did that for months before i was just like fuck it none of this matters wheres clair
Then clair came back and suddenly she was theresa and i was like WT- and i passed out. When i woke up i had dried blood coming from my ear
>a manga where a T-Rex detective fights Satan
I love it.
Blame editors. They had him stretch out the story more than he wanted, and then he got tired and rushed through the ending.
And Clair turning into Theresa made perfect sense to me. I dunno.
fuck yeah.
I was not prepared for a showdown of this caliber.
That was just a shitty adaptation, it totally fucked what the manga conveyed
here. Thank you for sharing this.
It is, but it's still a good example for the differences and limitations that average anime studios will impose on a manga adaptation.
Even a good adaptation wouldn't have had as much feel to it as the manga did.
This scene was sick